1,403 search results for “leiden teachers academic” in the Public website
Making educational innovations practical for teachers
How to make educational innovations practical for teachers
Teachers' teaching and learning motivation in China
The research project focuses on teachers’ learning motivation and learning performance in professional learning activities.
Differentiated instruction in practice: a teacher perspective
Many teachers in secondary education take differences between pupils into account . PhD research by Saskia Stollman (ICLON) shows that they need room to experiment and the support of the school management
Iris Broeckx
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
i.c.j.m.broeckx@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1798
Dineke Tigelaar
dtigelaar@iclon.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6552
Wilfried Admiraal
Contact us about initial teacher education, educational research and teacher professional development
Examining teachers’ development during a school innovation: stimulating differentiated student talent development
How do teachers’ knowledge, practices, perceptions, job satisfaction and workload in secondary education develop during a school innovation in the context of differentiated student development?
Bullying in India; the teachers’ role
First Steps for Teachers and Facilities
Getting started with active learning & teaching can be as simple as assessing on what is already accomplished. Here are some practical courses of action to begin experimenting with active learning, whether you are a teacher or responsible for the spaces.
Examining science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge in the context of a professional development program
This dissertation reports on the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of science teachers during a professional development program. This research intended to help us understand why and how teachers make their classroom decisions as they teach science.
Teachers’ practical knowledge and lesson design in the context of innovation
This project is situated within the context of an innovation of the biology curriculum in Dutch secondary schools. The main purposes are (1) to clarify the relation between teachers’ practical knowledge and the decisions they make when planning and implementing their lessons and (2) to develop a professional…
Mapping and Fostering Teachers’ Sense of Agency in Inclusive Education
How can we map and foster Dutch secondary teachers’ agency in inclusive education practices?
The development of an assessment procedure for beginning teachers of English as a foreign language
This dissertation reports on the requirements for the design and development of teacher assessments, and examines the possibility of developing an assessment procedure that complies with the formulated requirements.
Teacher professional learning and collaboration in secondary schools
This dissertation focuses on teacher professional learning and collaboration in secondary schools.
Science teachers' knowledge development in the context of educational innovation
The research reported in this thesis is concerned with the knowledge development of a small sample of experienced science teachers in the context of a broad innovation in Dutch secondary education, including the introduction of a new syllabus on Public Understanding of Science.
Bureaucratic Selection and Politics: Evidence from Teachers in Brazil
Does becoming a public sector employee change a person’s political beliefs, behaviors and interactions with the state? Do public teachers hold the same values as other professionals and the general Brazilian public?
Teachers, curriculum and purposes of education: Connecting theory and practice
How can we gain insights in the connection between teaching practices and theoretical elaborations of purposes of education?
conditions of reflective dialogue in the context of Dutch primary school teachers that collaborate and work together
Reflective dialogue is an effective instrument for professional learning of teachers. This research considers the characteristics, development, stimulating and limiting conditions for reflective dialogues in the context of Dutch primary school teachers who collaborate and learn together. The goal is…
Making educational reforms practical for teachers: using a modular, success-oriented approach to make a context-based educational reform practical
For a successful implementation of an educational reform, teachers need to regard the proposal as being practical. I used a modular, success-oriented approach to make a context-based reform practical for implemtentation in Duthc biology education. educational reform, modular, teachers, biology, success-oriented,…
learning in indonesian higher education: A case of preparing professional teachers
What is students’ engagement in problem-based learning (PBL) and case-based learning (CBL) in teacher certification programs?
Conceptualising and developing the practice of CLIL teachers
How do teachers conceptualise, develop and implement an effective CLIL practice?
For high school students
We organise various activities for high school students and their physics teachers to learn about Astronomy at Leiden University.
Nienke Wieringa
nwieringa@iclon.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6589
Gepco de Jong
Faculty of Humanities
g.j.de.jong@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Non-native EFL teachers’ intercultural identities: A comparison of China and the Netherlands
Students in EFL (English as a foreign language) classes may regard their non-native teachers as successful models of intercultural communication and mediators between the cultures of English-speaking countries (ES cultures) and their own cultures. Teachers who are aware of such roles may introduce and…
Maria Sherwood-Smith
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
m.c.sherwood-smith@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4892
Working with dashboards: the influence of teachers’ knowledge and skills on acting with dashboards in education
Which basic characteristics and skills and knowledge influence the use of and actions based on real-time student data presented on a teacher dashboard in primary education?
The Impact of Digital Educational Resources on Teachers and Teaching in Rural China
What are the impacts of digital educational resources on rural teachers and their teaching in China?
A Class of Their Own - Black Teachers in the Segregated South
In this book Adam Fairclough chronicles the odyssey of black teachers in the South from emancipation in 1865 to integration one hundred years later.
Technology integration in education: policy plans, teacher practices, and student outcomes
Despite the value of technology integration for educational equity and quality being emphasized by numerous studies, many gaps exist about how technology integration can be approached in policy plans, implemented in pedagogical practices, and embraced by teachers, students, and parents.
research in university teaching: a comparison of Chinese and Dutch teachers
This dissertation reports on the beliefs and perceptions of Chinese and Dutch university teachers regarding the role of research in university teaching and how these beliefs and perceptions can be explained by their cultural, institutional and individual background characteristics
Dimensions of student participation: participatory action research in a teacher education context
This thesis investigated the extent to which participation of school students in decision-making processes can be achieved, including through participatory action research (PAR) in teacher education.
research in university teaching: A comparison of Chinese and Dutch teachers
The main interest of this research concerns the beliefs and perceptions of Chinese and Dutch university teachers regarding the role of research in university teaching, and how these beliefs and perceptions can be explained by their cultural, institutional and individual background characteristics.
Teachers' use of progress data in planning and evaluating instruction for students with learning disabilities
Teachers' perspectives on self-regulated learning: an exploratory study in secondary and university education
The topic of this PhD thesis is teachers' perspectives on self-regulated learning.
Leiden teachers share experiences on new blog
On the brand-new Leiden Teachers Blog, Leiden teachers share their experiences with educational innovation. They show colleagues, students, and everyone else who is interested the different facets of creating university education.
Validity in teacher assessment. An exploration of the judgement processes of assessors
Assessment of teaching is currently becoming more and more common practice. As such assessment is generally based on complex, qualitative data from multiple sources (e.g., lesson plans, video-taped lessons, written reflections of the teacher on his or her performance), the overall quality of the assessment…
Professionalisation of teachers and supervisors in police education on inclusion and diverse professionalism
In what ways can the professionalisation of teachers and supervisors in police education around diversity, inclusion and diverse professionalism be increased?
Quantum Mechanics Course for Physics teachers
Leiden University organizes a course on quantum mechanics for high school Physics teachers. As the curriculum gains a new quantum component, the university enables teachers to give the best possible guidance to their students.
88 graduate teachers
On March 31, 2017, graduates of the teacher education programme received their diploma.
Simone Rijksen
s.rijksen@iclon.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5274059
Effects of interdependency between teachers in professional learning communities on differentiated teaching based on cognitive differences of
What relationships exist between different types of PLCs and cognitive differentiated teaching?
Knowledge development of secondary school L1 teachers on concept-context rich education in an action-research setting
This thesis reports on a study that examined the development of L1 teachers’ practical knowledge when they researched and implemented concept-context rich education in an action-research setting.
generalizability, and validity of an authentic performance assessment for teachers
The research study presented in this dissertation focuses on issues pertaining to the reliability, generalizability, and validity of authentic performance assessments of teachers.
Emilie Prast
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
e.j.prast@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Hinke Endedijk
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
h.m.endedijk@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1435
What stimulates teacher professional learning and collaboration?
In secondary education, teacher collaboration is used to further teachers’ professional development. In her dissertation, Loes de Jong (PhD candidate at ICLON) examines how various collaborative initiatives stimulate teacher learning. Her thesis defence is on 20 May 2021.
Status holders are preparing for teacher training
In November 2017, six status holders attended an introduction training course on Dutch education at ICLON.
Making mentoring match
This thesis focuses on the question: What is the content of mentor teachers’ practical knowledge of adaptive response to their mentee teachers’ learning?