120 search results for “external gerard” in the Organisational structure
Communications and Marketing
The team Communications and Marketing is responsible for the Faculty's communications in the broadest sense of the term, both internal as well as external. The team supervises the social media channels of the Faculty, composes newsletters to staff, students, and alumni, aims to let new students enroll…
Secretariat Board of Examiners
Secretariat Board of Examiners is responsible for handling student requests related to their studies, dealing with fraud cases and monitoring test quality.
ICT in Business and the Public Sector (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme ICT in Business. General contacts Director of education Dr. M. van Leeuwen Education coordinator E. Caubo Study advisor S.N. van der Valk
Natuurkunde (BSc)
Contacts for the bachelor's programme Natuurkunde. General contacts Director of education Dr. Michiel de Dood Education coordinator Marije Boonstra MPhil Study Adviser Dr. C. (Hara) Papathanasiou Board of Examiners Dr. A. Silvestri (chair) Dr. D.J. Kraft Dr. D.F.E. Samtleben…
Media Technology (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme Media Technology. General contacts Director of education Dr. M. van Leeuwen Education coordinator L.P.C. van Erp-van Genderen Study Adviser S.N. van der Valk
Casimir Prize
The Casimir Prize is an appreciation of teaching teams that achieve renewal and innovation in education. The Casimir Prize is awarded to teams of minimum 2 and maximum 10 people, all employed by FSW. The prize consists of €1500, to be spent on team building, knowledge sharing or exchange with interns…
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (BSc)
Contacts for the bachelor's programme Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. General contacts Director of education Dr. F.W. Takes Education coordinator Joyce Glerum Study Advisor I. van der Brandt
Responsibility The Audit department is responsible for performing audits of faculties and supporting units and assessing the efficiency and efficacy of the University’s administration. What does Audit do? Financial audits (assessing financial information) Operational audits (appraising operational…
Bioinformatica (BSc)
Contacts for the bachelor's programme Bioinformatica. General contacts Director of education Dr. F. Takes Education coordinator M. Derogee Study Adviser Dr. L. Cao Student Administration
Mathematics (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme Mathematics. General contacts Programme director Dr. M.J. Bright Education coordinator Laura van Kempen-Helmsing Study Advisor - Applied Mathematics Dr. Dalia Terhesiu Study Advisor - Algebra Dr. Marton Hablicsek Study Advisor - SBB, Communication, Education…
Infra & Workspace Services
DevOps teams The Infra team is responsible for the management and development of the technical infrastructure: network, telephony, servers and storage. The management and development of our private cloud LUCI also falls under the responsibility of this team. The Workspace team is responsible for the…
Informatica & Economie (BSc)
Contacts for the bachelor's programme Informatica & Economie. General contacts Director of education Dr. F.W. Takes Education coordinator R. Derogee Study Adviser I. van den Brandt
Informatica (BSc)
Contacts for the bachelor's programme Informatica. General contacts Director of education Dr F.W. Takes Education coordinator Riet Derogee Study Adviser Dr. Jeannette de Graaf
Life Science & Technology (BSc)
Contacts for the bachelor's programme Life Science & Technology (LST). General contacts Director of education Dr. M.C. van Eijk Education coordinator Z. Khorsand Study Adviser S.E. Caspers R.E. de Ruiter Board of Examiners Prof. dr. R.T. Dame - chair Prof. dr. S.A.…
Statistics and Data Science (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme Statistics and Data Science. General contacts Director of education Prof.dr. Saskia le Cessie Study Adviser dr. Garnet Akeyr Board of Examiners Dr. S.J.W. Willems (FSW) (chair) Dr. G. Gort (WUR) Dr. S.M. Kielbasa (LUMC) …
Physics (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme Physics. General contacts Director of education Prof.dr. Koenraad Schalm Education coordinator Marije Boonstra MPhil Study Adviser Dr. Chara Papathanasiou Board of Examiners Dr. A. Silvestri (chair) Dr. D. Kraft Dr. D.F.E. Samtleben Dr. M.…
Governance of Sustainability (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme Governance of Sustainability (MSc). General contacts Director of education Alexander van Oudenhoven Education coordinator Sammy Koning and Lieselotte van Dijk Study Adviser Sammy Koning and Lieselotte van Dijk Board of Examiners Dr.…
Research Committee
The Research Committee advises the Institute board on all subjects concerning research and helps with monitoring the research quality.
Faculty strategic plan
The Faculty Strategic Plan (FSP) 2022 – 2027, We are Humanities, sets out the faculty's ambitions for the coming years. The wealth of international academic knowledge about languages, cultures and societies worldwide, past and present, makes the Faculty of Humanities unique. The FSP describes how…
If, on the basis of the checklist, your research needs to be presented to the Ethics Committee, you are required to take the following steps: Contact a data steward from the faculty via researchsupport@hum.leidenuniv.nl at least six weeks before the deadline of the Ethics Committee (dates given below)…
Psychology Board of Examiners
In accordance with Article 7.12 of the Higher Education and Research Act (WHW), the Board of Examiners of the Psychology degree programme is the body that establishes whether a student meets the conditions necessary for obtaining a degree. It is responsible for the quality of assessments and monitors…
Sterrenkunde (BSc)
Contacts for the bachelor's programme Sterrenkunde. Education Office Astronomy Director of education BSc Dr. Michiel Hogerheijde Education Coordinator Dr. Anton Heemskerk Study Advisor Wouter Schrier, MSc Student Affairs Officer Bachelor Willemijn van Rijn, MA Student Affairs Officer Master Kim…
Wiskunde (BSc)
Main contacts for the bachelor's programme Wiskunde are: General contacts Director of Education Dr. Martin Bright Education Coordinator Laura van Kempen-Helmsing Study Advisors Dr. Onno van Gaans (year 1) Dr. Mark Roelands (year 2 and 3) Student Administration Tatjana Stojcheska…
Department of Education Policy
The Department of Education Policy is responsible for providing support to the Faculty Board, the Education Board, and the Department of Education in the development of the Faculty’s vision and strategy related to education, and the preparation, adoption, and implementation of policy related to education.…
Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences (BPS). General contacts Director of education Prof.dr. Daan van der Es Education coordinator R.M.A. de Vree, MA Study Adviser Drs. J.M. Mathijssen Study Adviser Stéphanie Kraakman Board of Examiners Dr. B.A. Slütter…
Computer Science (MSc)
Contacts for the Master's programme in Computer Science. General contact Director of Education Dr. M. van Leeuwen Education Coordinator M.A. Tijmensen Study Adviser S.N. van der Valk
Bio-Farmaceutische Wetenschappen (BSc)
Contacts for the bachelor's programme Bio-Farmaceutische Wetenschappen (BFW). General contacts Director of education Prof.dr. R. Ramautar Head of education office Dr. M. Huigsloot Education coordinator R.M.A. de Vree, MA Study Adviser Drs. G.H. Degenaars Dr. J.D. Kruijer Board of Examiners…
Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee promotes ethical research by providing advice on ethical issues and reviewing all new research conducted by staff in which ethical issues might occur. Are you starting a new research project? By using the checklist, you can determine whether your research needs to be presented to…
Strategic Communication and Marketing directorate
The Strategic Communication and Marketing (SC&M) directorate develops and executes marketing and communication policies for Leiden University. SC&M advises the Executive Board and assists faculties with their marketing and communication. What does the directorate do? It contributes to the realisation…
Astronomy (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme Astronomy. Education Office Astronomy Director of Education MSc Dr. R.J. van Weeren Education Coordinator Dr. A.A.M. Heemskerk Study Advisor W.C. Schrier, MSc Student Affairs Officer Master K. Nguyen, MSc Student…
Board of Examiners
The executive board of the Board of Examiners consists of the following members: Jan Jansen (chair) Jasmijn Rana Mark Westmoreland Sissy Hofmeester (secretary) Freek Colombijn (external member)
Molecular Science and Technology (BSc)
Contacts for the bachelor's programme Molecular Science and Technology (MST). General contacts Director of education Dr.ir. Volkert van Steijn (TU Delft) Education coordinator Dr. Michael Meijer Study Adviser Marjolijn Hinke-van Delft, MSc Drs. Marielle Nijsten Board of Examiners…
Chemistry (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme Chemistry. General contacts Programme director Prof. E. Bouwman Study coordinator M.J.M. Tjalma Study adviser H.E. Zwaan-van der Plas, MSc Student Administration ChemLST-admin@science.leidenuniv.nl Board of Examiners Prof. dr. S.I. van Kasteren (chair)…
Faculty Bureau
The services supporting research and education at the Faculty of Archaeology are grouped together in the Faculty Bureau. Management support and secretaries Supports the Faculty Board and the Faculty's Departments, with a focus on secretarial work, policy and procedures. Communications and Marketing…
Career Committee
The Faculty of Archaeology has a Faculty Career Committee. At the request of the Faculty Board or Department Chairs, this committee advises on promotion and appointment requests.
PhD Council
The PhD Council represents the interests of all LUCAS PhDs, internal, external, and otherwise contracted. It consists of five members who are appointed by the Academic Director for a period of two years. The Council meet every two months with the LUCAS Management Team to discuss matters concerning the…
The members of the Advisory Board are: Mw. mr. J.S.L.M. Overbosch, Associate General Counsel IP Downstream, Shell International BV; Mr. J.E.M. Kempeneers, Ambassador / National Coordinator international positions, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. W.A.J. Mijs, Chief Executive van de European…
Life Science & Technology (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme Life Science & Technology (LST) General contacts Programme director Lies Bouwman Study coordinator Margot Tjalma Study adviser Hilde Zwaan-van der Plas, MSc Student administration ChemLST-admin@science.leidenuniv.nl Board of Examiners Prof. dr. S.I.…
Department of Research
The department of research is responsible for organisational and policy support of research within Leiden Law School. The department manages the registration of faculty research and is responsible for (internal) evaluations for the purpose of research assessments. The department provides…
Jean-Pierre van der Rest
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
j.i.van.der.rest@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6135
Programme Directors
At the head of each programme is a Programme Director, usually a professor who is involved in education and reports to the Vice Dean and the member of the Faculty Board with the education portfolio. There is a consultative body of Programme Directors. The Vice Dean is the chairman. The Programme Directors…
Committee on Teaching
The standing Committee on Teaching advises the Faculty Board – on request or on its own initiative – about all aspects of the Faculty’s education policy. It also fulfils the role of Department Teaching Committee for the core curriculum courses: it analyses the student evaluations and provides the Faculty…
Ethics and Data Committee
The Committee’s main task is to review research proposals on criteria concerning ethically responsible scientific conduct. The conditions and principles applied by the Committee are set out in the Regulations that have been drawn up for this purpose. Ethical review can be relevant in cases concerning…
Committee on Whistleblowing
The national Committee on Whistleblowing investigates known or suspected malpractices, and issues recommendations to the Executive Board. Universities have chosen to cooperate in this appointment of committee members. They will appoint the same group of committee members for each university, enabling…
Executive Board
The Executive Board is responsible for the efficient and effective management of the whole University.
ICLON Research Ethics Committee
The IREC provides advice on matters relating to ethical conduct in research by ICLON staff. All research involving the collection, analysis, and/or storage of data from individuals must be submitted to IREC. IREC reviews research proposals against criteria for research ethics.
- Frequently Asked Questions
Faculty Board
The Faculty Board is responsible for the administration of the faculty as a whole and with its management. Its main tasks are to give direction to, coordinate and stimulate the faculty as a whole and the various (research) centres in particular.
Strategy 2023 - 2027
An institute that conducts leading research and education and that is able to make a difference in society That is the Institute of Psychology, and that is our mission. We operate in a societal context filled with opportunities, but also with challenges. Behavioural issues have never…
Student Charter
The student charter informs Leiden University student of what they can expect from the university and what the university expects from them. The charter is, in fact, a compilation of the rights and obligations of students. It also provides a summary of the facilities available to students. Most importantly,…