10,000 search results for “leiden” in the Public website
The programme group Educational Sciences is one of the six programme groups within the Institute of Child and Education Studies at Leiden University.
Systematics and Biogeography of the Dissochaeta alliance (Melastomataceae)
Dissochaeta Blume (Melastomataceae, tribe Dissochaeteae) is well-known as a scrambling plant genus found in Southeast Asia, where it is an inhabitant of the tropical rainforests or evergreen forests.
PhD Guidelines and Regulations
What are the university's requirements for PhD candidates? How do you organise your PhD track? You read all about it in the regulations, guidelines and golden rules.
Advances in Survival Analysis and Optimal Scaling Methods
This thesis is based on five papers on several topics.
Individual guidance
Interaction with sound for participatory systems and data sonification
This thesis deals with the use of sound in interactions in the context of participatory systems and data sonification. We investigate an interactive environment where participants perceive information of the data through sound elements.
How do we address the pressing challenges posed by large-scale networks?
Publish your data
Why should you publish your data? ... and how?
Computer support group
The Computer Support group provides dedicated support for the computing infrastructure of Leiden Observatory
The Rationale of Publicity in the Law of Corporeal Movables and Claims
On 24 juni 2021, Jing Zhang defended his thesis 'The Rationale of Publicity in the Law of Corporeal Movables and Claims'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. H.J. Snijders and J.A. van der Weide.
Disruptive Conflicts in Computopic Space
Can you imagine a radically different world? In our times dominated by neoliberal capitalism, we seem to lack not only viable alternatives, but also the capacity to envision anything outside of the status quo.
High-throughput quantification and unambiguous identification for metabolomics
The challenge of achieving fast quantification in metabolomics is the presence of severe matrix effects during the MS analysis of complex samples.
Collaboration in groups during teacher education
Collaboration is increasingly common among teachers in schools. As such, teacher education should prepare prospective teachers to effectively interact with other teachers in different types of communities or groups.
Dutkiewicz, Casier & Scholte (eds.), Hegemony and World Order
Does hegemony—legitimated rule by dominant power—have a role in ordering world politics of the twenty-first century? If so, what form does that hegemony take: does it lie with a leading state or with some other force? How does contemporary world hegemony operate: what tools does it use and what outcomes…
Applications of quantum annealing in combinatorial optimization
Quantum annealing belongs to a family of quantum optimization algorithms designed to solve combinatorial optimization problems using programmable quantum hardware. In this thesis, various methods are developed and tested to understand how to formulate combinatorial optimization problems for quantum…
Criminal Law and Criminology
The Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology comprises two departments. One focuses on research and teaching in the field of criminal law and procedure and the other on criminology.
Quantifying material and carbon reduction in circular consumption: solving selected methodological and data challenges while accounting for rebound
To conclude, this thesis provides valuable methodological insights to address data gaps and improve environmental impact assessments within the circular economy, with a particular focus on product reuse and sharing practices. Through empirical analysis and innovative approaches, it aims to support informed…
Episcopal Networks and Authority in Late Antique Egypt: Bishops of the Theban region at work
Renate Dekker defended her thesis on 7 November 2017.
Assessing global regionalized impacts of eutrophication on freshwater fish biodiversity
Freshwater biodiversity has been threatened by eutrophication due to excessive nutrients in the environment. Releasing the freshwater species from such pressures requires efforts from industry and manufacturers to avoid emissions to vulnerable and high-risk regions.
CRISPR Cas-induced targeted mutagenesis with Agrobacterium mediated protein delivery
The RNA guided endonuclease based on the CRISPR/Cas system of Streptococcus pyogenus is a potent new tool for genome engineering in plants.
For students
We teach several courses in the domain of Mind, Brain, and Education.
Schulhofer-Wohl, Quagmire in Civil War
Why do some civil wars experience quagmire, a situation in which belligerents are trapped in fighting? To explain this puzzle, Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl (Leiden University Institute of Political Science) analyses the overlapping strategic interactions between foreign powers and the warring parties. Studying…
Patterns in natural systems
Promotor: A. Doelman, Co-promotores: P.J.A. van Heijster; A. Zagaris
Whispering Wind
Whispering Wind (Fluisterende wind), a sound artwork by Edwin van der Heide, is situated in the passage that cuts right under the P.J. Veth building of Leiden University.
Katharina Natter, The Politics of Immigration Beyond Liberal States: Morocco and Tunisia in Comparative Perspective
Political Scientist Katharina Natter (Leiden University) advances theory-building on immigration beyond the liberal state and demonstrates how immigration politics can provide valuable insights into the inner workings of political regimes. Connecting scholarship from comparative politics, international…
Nagtzaam & Van Erkel, ‘Preference votes without preference?’
Political scientists Marijn Nagtzaam (Leiden University) and Patrick van Erkel (University of Antwerp) investigate how electoral rules affect intra party preference voting. Focusing on the effect of two specific rules—the option to cast a list vote and on a single versus multiple preference vote—and…
APL 9 - Collection of Papers
Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia is the annual journal of the Faculty of Archaeology (formerly the Institute of Prehistory), Leiden University.
On quantum transport in flat-band materials
The studies in this thesis are focused on the physical effects in the flat band materials. The results contain the discovery of strong enhancement of RKKY spin-spin interactions with specific geometric arrangement and dynamical generation of excitonic order parameter with high magnitude.
Maurits de Jongh, Is Political Liberalism Self-Defeating?
Political scientist Maurits de Jongh (Leiden University/Sciences Po) argues that political liberalism is self-defeating as a framework of justification for liberal conceptions of justice. He explores how the framework's self-imposed criterion of acceptability in the eyes of all reasonable citizens leads…
Labour Law and Social Security
The Labour Law and Social Security department provides both bachelor’s level and master’s level teaching.
Sustainable Master Thesis Award
In line with Leiden University's sustainability vision for 2030, the Green Office is taking practical steps to structurally integrate sustainability principles within the pillars of education and research. Central to this effort is the introduction of the Sustainable Master Thesis Award, which strives…
Mechanism-based inhibitors and probes for neuraminidases
Neuraminidases are enzymes that cleave glycosidic linkages of sialic acid. These enzymes are involved in influenza infections as well as in many cellular processes in mammals and micro-organisms.
Functions of leptin in tuberculosis and diabetes: multi-omics studies across species
In this thesis, I study 1) metabolic alterations in tuberculosis related to wasting syndrome in human patients as well as in rodent and fish animal models. 2) effects of the mutation of the leptin gene on cachexia and diabetes in rodent and zebrafish animal models.
Former projects
Former clients en projects
Delicate Debates on Islam
Policymakers and Academics Speaking with Each Other
The power of biotic ligand models : site-specific impact of metals on aquatic communities
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo, Co-promotores: Dr. ing. M.G. Vijver, J.P.M. Vink
Global metabolomics and lipidomics approaches to probe virus-host interactions
The outbreaks of AIDS and COVID-19 showed clearly how infectious viruses can influence people’s lives. Investigating the changes in the host metabolism may provide a paradigm shift to consider immune-metabolic interactions as therapeutic targets.
Veenendaal, Does Smallness Enhance Power-Sharing? Explaining Suriname’s Multiethnic Democracy
The smallness of Suriname, according to political scientist Wouter Veenendaal (Leiden University), strongly affects and shapes the nature of democracy in the country. On the one hand, clientelism ensures that members of each ethnic group included in power-sharing arrangements have access to state resources…
Centre for Professional Learning
The Centre for Professional Learning (CPL) develops in-depth and challenging programmes for higher educated professionals.
The University buildings in The Hague are all in the city centre, within walking distance of the stations.
Understanding the Surface Structure of Catalysts and 2D Materials at the Atomic Scale
The work in this thesis demonstrates how to obtain an atomic-scale picture of a diverse set of complex surface structures observed using STM, under disparate conditions.
Also this year we are running, with the Leiden Science Run, for the UAF.
Dynamics of a β-lactamase
BlaC is the β-lactamase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We show that it can recover from inhibition by clavulanic acid and that phosphate helps it do so.
Investigations of Radiation Pressure: Optical side-band cooling of a trampoline resonator and the effect of superconductivity on the Casimir
This thesis consists of two subjects, that are both a consequence of radiation pressure.
Macrophage activation and cholesterol accumulation in atherosclerosis development
Promotores: Prof. Dr. Th.J.C. van Berkel, Prof. Dr. M. van Eck
Turtles all the way down: multiscale simulations connecting star and planet formation
The formation of stars and planets happens over multiple scales, which can interact. In particular, planet formation happens in the dense, complex environment of star forming regions.
- Governance
The role and analysis of molecular systems in electrocatalysis
Molecular complexes can be used as electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction, water oxidation, and/or hydrogen peroxide production.
Aestheticized politics : the workings of North Korean art
This dissertation is a study of North Korean art as a site where politics, history, and culture meet.
Time Domain Imaging of Transient and Variable Radio Sources
This thesis focuses on the study of transient and variable radio sources in the universe.