2,218 search results for “diverse prevention” in the Public website
Study and working conditions
Make sure you have a suitable place to work or study at home.
Data protection and privacy
At Psychology Lab on Wheels, we take your privacy and the security of your personal data very seriously. We want to assure you that all the information collected during this study will be handled in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Learning from the past
Leiden archaeologists investigate how people in the past impacted their environment. Together with scientists, environmental scientists, and humanities experts, they use this information to draw conclusions about the present – and show what we can learn from it for the future.
Experts discuss nuclear deterrence in Europe: more weapons, more security?
On 22 January, a panel of international experts on nuclear deterrence gathered at the Campus The Hague to discuss the future of nuclear deterrence in Europe. The panel addressed key aspects of nuclear strategy and the impact of Russia's nuclear rhetoric in the context of the war in Ukraine.
These students put sex in perspective: ‘Acknowledge the clusterfuck’
Discomfort obstructs scientific discussions about sex, argue Eva and Deva from the LOEF foundation. In their Bachelor Honours Class, students approach sex holistically. The results are positive: ‘I’ve become much more open about sex.’
Large Leiden symposium throws XL spotlight on TB bacteria
More than 1.3 million people worldwide die of tuberculosis (TB) each year, making research on its prevention and control essential. Researchers from various disciplines in Leiden are studying TB. A symposium on 24 March will highlight different activities in the hope of boosting nationwide collabora…
- Research Dossiers
Inclusion on International Women’s Day: pulling together for structural change
How do you achieve the structural change needed for a more inclusive university community? What challenges do female staff face in their careers and what does it take to be a woman in a leadership role? This is what over 40 female staff members from the university discussed on International Women’s…
Textbooks not inclusive: roles are stereotypical, heterosexuality is the norm
Mum works in healthcare, dad in engineering and everyone is straight: many textbooks still show men and women in stereotypical roles, PhD candidate Tessa van de Rozenberg has discovered. She also found that children’s views on these topics often closely resemble those of their parents.
Sylvana Simons to give Annie Romein-Verschoor Lecture
Every year on or around International Women’s Day on 8 March, Leiden University holds its Annie Romein-Verschoor Lecture. This year’s lecture will be given by Sylvana Simons, MP and leader and parliamentary chair of the BIJ1 party. What does International Women’s Day mean to her and which challenges…
‘Hetero norm is deeply ingrained, including among LGBT people’
Jojanneke van der Toorn, professor by special appointment in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Workplace Inclusion at Leiden University, states that it is difficult to create an inclusive work environment. This is partly due to the fact that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people have themselves…
Debate on painting of cigar-smoking white men
The brief removal of Rein Dool’s ‘cigar-smoking white men’ painting generated a storm of reactions last November. Students, staff and alumni reflected on this at a symposium on Friday 26 May.
Decolonising International Justice
Around the world, there is a growing movement to decolonise university curricula, with both students and educators seeking to disrupt existing epistemic hierarchies within higher education. This research project aims to unravel what decolonising means in general and what it means for the International…
Regulating Relations: Controlling Sex and Marriage
Regulating Relations: Controlling Sex and Marriage
Our expectations shape our health
Positive expectations about a medicine may help it to work more effectively, even if you tell patients about this placebo effect. The reverse, the nocebo effect, works in the same way. Health psychologist Stefanie Meeuwis found evidence for this in various studies. PhD defence 3 June.
‘A doctor! You?’ Three women on their PhD and career
Rietje Knaap’s (83) PhD was a real feat of endurance, but she persisted. ‘You’re married so you don’t need a pension, do you?’ What are the experiences of Knaap and women who followed in her footsteps? In the run-up to International Women’s Day on 8 March, three generations of female doctors look back…
A vaccine against thickened artery walls
Atherosclerosis (thickening of the artery wall) is the most common cause of heart attacks or strokes, and one of the most common causes of death in the western world. People with this condition have to take medicine all their lives, so a vaccine for atherosclerosis would be a breakthrough.
Heterogeneity in spores of food spoilage fungi
This project intends to provide the required knowledgebase for the design of novel mild intervention protocols to prevent fungal food spoilage.
Impact and city
Leiden University and the city of The Hague are working closely together to increase the impact of our research and education in order to contribute as much as possible to the development of the city.
Introduction: WPS 20 Years On: Where Are the Women Now?
This special issue focuses on emerging trends in the implementation of the WPS agenda. In reviewing the resolution 20 years since the passing of Resolution 1325, Newby and O'Malley have highlighted the gaps in implementation.
Knowledge of DNA repair in the fight against tumour cells
What is the most effective way to eliminate tumour cells? The DNA repair mechanism could play an important role in increasing the effectiveness of chemotherapy in the fight against cancerous cells. If we are to influence this mechanism, we need fundamental knowledge about how the mechanism works.
Effects of intermediate assessments on study behaviour, time on task and achievement
What is the optimal way to utilise intermediate assessment in improving study behaviour and study success?
Prison Project
The Prison Project investigates to what extent imprisonment has consequences for the relapse, health, career and intimate relations of the (ex-)prisoners.
Career prospects
A master's degree in Psychology at Leiden University combines theoretical knowledge with academic and professional skills, making you an attractive candidate for many employers.
Governance of radicalism, extremism and terrorism (MSc)
In the track Governance of radicalism, extremism and terrorism you will be familiarised with the academic debate regarding these contested concepts.
Programme structure
The master's specialisation Clinical Psychology consists of three main parts: the mandatory and elective courses, a thesis and an internship.
Get to know Political Science
Choice is at the very heart of politics. War or peace, left or right, liberty or security, sovereignty or integration, consensus or conflict: choices matter. Study power and politics as they impact everyday lives in a topranked, selective programme. By doing a master's in Political Science in Leiden…
The Százhalombatta Archaeological Expedition (SAX)
Százhalombatta-Földvar is a Bronze Age fortified tell settlement on the right bank of the river Danube, 30 km south of Budapest in Hungary. It is one of the best preserved temperate climate tells in Europe and well-known for the extraordinarily rich data it produces. Since 2014 Leiden students are welcomed…
Exposed to events that never happen: Genaralized unsafety and prolonged psysiological stress responses
The aims of the project are to: further clarify 'inhibition by safety'; explore and describe all possible sagety factors, with a special focus on the primary human safety source: social connectedness; reviewing prolonged stress responses without stressors.
Support your alma mater
In dozens of study rooms, libraries and laboratories, passionate scientists – with the support of the donors of the Leiden University Fund – are working on a fundamental understanding of the world and the people around us. They make the unknown known and push the boundaries of existing fields of sci…
Five talks will be given during the Leiden Science Family Day: two children's lectures and three lectures for adults. Will you be there ?
School non-attendance in students with intellectual disability
Are the types of school non-attendance which have been evidenced in typically developing youth also found among children and adolescents with an intellectual disability (ID)? If so, which types are most prevalent and thus in greatest need of attention, and what factors (child, family, school/environmental)…
AI MAPS adopts a freedom and social well-being perspective and focuses on three themes to address key security challenges; Social disorder and public nuisances in neighbourhoods, High-impact crime, and Crowds and events.
Submission process
Inter-Section is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal. This means that the submission process involves a number of steps to assess the quality of the published material. The process, from the submission of a proposal until the final publication of the manuscript, takes on average six months. This does…
Students’ interests and their higher educational choice
How do students’ interests develop over time and which interests are subsequently pursued in the higher educational choice of students?
New University Sports Centre
Leiden University began the construction of a new University Sports Centre in collaboration with the construction and design firm Binx Smartility. The current sports center no longer meets sustainability requirements and is also becoming too cramped. The building will also serve as an examination ce…
Sustainability in education
The university aims to expose all students to sustainability topics and issues that are relevant to their field during their time studying here. Students are educated to become academic professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute to the sustainability transition.
Student projects
Are you looking for a research project?
Get to know Political Science
Choice is at the very heart of politics. War or peace, left or right, liberty or security, sovereignty or integration, consensus or conflict: choices matter. Study power and politics as they impact everyday lives in a topranked, selective programme. By doing a master's in Political Science in Leiden…
How can we increase the financial sector’s resilience to cyber attacks? Get inside the mind of a hacker!
The financial sector is an appealing target for hackers. For that reason, lawmakers and regulators are going to great lengths to make the sector more resilient to cyber attacks. One recent measure was the introduction of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). This new EU regulation is extremely…
Optogenetic activation of intracellular adenosine A2A receptor signaling in the hippocampus is sufficient to trigger CREB phosphorylation and
Source: Mol Psychiatry (2015)
Extremely shy and genetically close
Investigating neurobiological endophenotypes of Social Anxiety Disorder
Academic Integrity
The integrity and reliability of academic research are of fundamental importance to the University. All parties, both within the University and outside, must be able to have confidence that our research is conducted in a scrupulous, fair, verifiable, impartial and independent manner. To make sure PhD…
Alternative delivery of a thermostable inactivated polio vaccine
In the near future oral polio vaccine (OPV) will be replaced by inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) as part of the eradication program of polio. For that reason, there is a need for substantial amount of safe and more affordable IPV for low-income countries. Bioneedles, which are biodegradable mini-implants,…
The EU’s Conceptualisation of the Rule of Law in its External Relations: Case Studies on Development Cooperation and Enlargement
On 26 June 2019, Lisa Louwerse defended her thesis 'The EU’s Conceptualisation of the Rule of Law in its External Relations: Case Studies on Development Cooperation and Enlargement'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. C.A.P. Hillion.
Measuring emotional competence across cultures in children and adolescents from 1 to 15 years old
Development and validation of instruments that can measure different aspects of emotional competence in children with normal and atypical development, and in different cultures
The Terrorism and Political Violence (TPV) research group focuses on understanding and addressing one of today’s most pressing security challenges: terrorism. Drawing from their academic expertise, the group offers a wide range of educational programmes designed for students, professionals, and a global…
New imaging technology to assess early drug success
Human and animal cells are very complex: very different chemical processes are going on at the same time, but they are separated from each other because the cells are divided in compartments. These compartments may also have a profound effect on the potential efficacy of therapeutics, because the drug…
Topic: Stress and stress-related disorders
The precise psychobiological mechanisms leading to chronic physiological stress responses have not been sufficiently explained, although stress is a major risk factor for disease and early death. A problem for conventional stress theory is that most of these responses seem to occur in situations without…
Support us
In dozens of study rooms, libraries and laboratories, passionate scientists – with the support of the donors of the Leiden University Fund – are working on a fundamental understanding of the world and the people around us. They make the unknown known and push the boundaries of existing fields of sci…