2,056 search results for “ai ethics” in the Public website
New article on EU law and image-based sexual abuse
Carlotta Rigotti co-authors a new publication on EU law and image-based sexual abuse in the German Law Journal.
JUSTREMIT is an ERC-funded project that brings together political theory, ethnography, and security studies in an interdisciplinary study of remittances and global justice.
‘Private member's bill on Ending Life with Dignity too defective'
The D66 proposed bill on Ending Life with Dignity is inadequately substantiated and contains contradictions. This is the view expressed by Professor of Political Philosophy Paul Nieuwenburg in his inaugural lecture on 17 March.
Ethics of Political Commemoration: Applying a New Paradigm to Remembrance
Ethics of Political Commemoration: Applying a New Paradigm to Remembrance
Space for academic debate: discussing academic boycotts and ethics committees
Freedom of expression on 'social media'
Do you have to be able to say everything on Twitter and Facebook? Is Instagram morally obliged to remove photos from attacks? Should we allow the terrorist group to recruit new members on the internet?
Visualizing cityscapes of Classical antiquity
This study aims to make a practical contribution to a new understanding and use of 3D reconstructions, namely as ‘laboratories’ to test hypotheses and visualize, evaluate and discuss alternative interpretations.
Systems pharmacokinetic models to the prediction of local CNS drug concentrations in human
Clinical development of drugs for central nervous system (CNS) disorders has been particularly challenging and still suffers from high attrition rates.
Lab facilities Economic Decision Making
How do individuals make decisions? What determines the quality of group decisions? When and why do people cooperate with others? How does intergroup competition evolve?
Een boek voor iedereen en niemand, Reading Nietzsche's Zarathoestra
Nietzsche's most famous and infamous book Thus Spoke Zarathustra is perhaps the most read, but probably also the least understood, book in Nietzsche's oeuvre. Nietzsche considered it his highlight. He called it a symphony, a holy book, a fifth gospel and even the greatest gift ever given to humanity.…
Operators in the lexicon. On the negative logic of natural language
Operators in the Lexicon opens with an old chestnut: why are there no natural single word lexicalizations for negations of the propositional operator and and the predicate calculus operator all: why neither *nand nor *nall?
The Cyber Security Governance research group contributes significantly to the educational programmes at Leiden University. By integrating cutting-edge research into the classroom, we ensure that students engage with the latest developments in the field of cyber security, governance, and ethics.
The Movement of Showing
Indirect Method, Critique, and Responsibility in Derrida, Hegel, and Heidegger. Explores why Derrida, Hegel, and Heidegger conceive of their thought as a “movement” rather than as a presentation of results or conclusions.
After graduation
With a lot of theoretical knowledge, practical experience, and your bachelor's degree in the pocket, you are ready for the next step: either entering the archaeological job market or continuing your studies.
About the programme
This political theory specialisation focuses on the concepts of legitimacy and justice—political philosophy’s core themes. These concepts lie at the heart of questions of politics and analyzing them conceptually and theoretically gives us tools to engage and assess political practice.
- Meet our staff
Nietzsche’s Engagements with Kant and the Kantian Legacy
Nietzsche has often been considered a thinker independent of the philosophy of his time and radically opposed to the concerns and concepts of modern and contemporary philosophy. But there is an increasing awareness of his sophisticated engagements with his contemporaries and of his philosophy's rich…
Development of a Kidney-on-a-Chip Model for Compound Screening and Transport Studies
Pharmaceutical companies, governments and the general public have become increasingly aware that animal models used in drug testing lack vital aspects to serve as an accurate representation of human biology. As models of the human body should become more physiologically relevant, animal models no longer…
Education and training on animal experiments
Our scientists working with laboratory animals undergo training on animal experiments. In this training, researchers learn how to handle laboratory animals responsibly. Read more about the requirements we set for researchers working with laboratory animals.
The Modern Transformation of Korean Political Thinking: Revisiting the Political Ideas of the Late Nineteenth-Century Reformists
Choong-Yeol Kim defended his thesis on 14 November 2019
Sustainable business law
The sustainable business law research group is dedicated to researching the complex relationship between business activities and sustainability. It strives to develop legal solutions that contribute to a more ethical, just, ecologically responsible and socially inclusive society. Our aim is to develop…
Environmental Humanities in the New Himalayas: Symbiotic Indigeneity, Commoning, Sustainability
Environmental Humanities in the New Himalayas: Symbiotic Indigeneity, Commoning, Sustainability showcases how the eco-geological creativity of the earth is integrally woven into the landforms, cultures, and cosmovisions of modern Himalayan communities.
LCCP is envisaged as an open space for stimulating discussion, critical debate and inventive co-operation in the Dutch philosophical community. It does not pursue a specific agenda but welcomes different readings of our shared philosophical situation, because it believes that deeper understanding is…
Causal Discovery from High-Dimensional Data in the Large-Sample Limit
Developing robust algorithms and theory for establishing cause-effect relationships from observational data that scale up to large data sets
The Education and Training of Public Servants
In this book, the authors provide an overview of the history of civil service education and training by analysing cases in Europe, the US and Australia.
Podcast History Roundup: Ethnicity in Medieval Europe 950-1250: Medicine, Power and Religion
In a podcast episode of 'New Books in History' Claire Weeda talks about her book 'Ethnicity in Medieval Europe 950-1250: Medicine, Power and Religion'.
Cleveringa Dallaire Critical Conversation Series
In the fall of 2021, Cleveringa professor Roméo Dallaire and world experts shared their thoughts about PTSD, children’s rights, war crimes, humanitarian law, and peacekeeping in a series of conversations about leadership and moral dilemma during times of conflict and crisis.
Ethnicity in Medieval Europe, 950-1250: Medicine, Power and Religion
An investigation into how racial stereotypes were created and used in the European Middle Ages.
Online price discrimination, justice and regulation
The data-driven economy allows for the collection and processing of large amounts of data. Such data can be used to optimize profits by (dynamically) differentiating prices for different consumers.
Neoplatonism, the philosophy of the commentators
This project studies the theory and practice of moral education in the (Neo)Platonic tradition.
Targeted Informed consent: empowering young participants in medical-scientific research
Promotor: J.M. van den Broek Co-promotor: M.C. de Vries
Political Conversion to Islam Among the European Right
In this paper, Sibgatullina and Abbas aim to illuminate the complex connections between the European right-wing movements and Islam and discusses how the adoption of Muslim identity may function as a politically strategic opportunity for European conservative forces.
Law and peace in the work of Hans Kelsen
Law and peace in the work of Hans Kelsen. A re-evaluation of Kelsen’s legal philosophy: legal pacifism as tacit meaning of his Pure Theory of Law
Confronting Colonial Objects: Histories, Legalities and Access to Culture
Carsten Stahn has just published Confronting Colonial Objects: Histories, Legalities and Access to Culture. The book is part of the OUP Cultural Heritage Law and Policy Series.
Exploring Justice in Extreme Cases: Criminal Law Theory and International Criminal Law
On 12 mei 2020, Darryl Robinson defended 'Exploring Justice in Extreme Cases: Criminal Law Theory and International Criminal Law'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. C. Stahn.
Optimisation of first clinical studies in special populations: towards semi-physiological pharmacokinetic models
Promotor: M. Danhof, Co-promotores: J. Freijer, A. Yassen
Decoding supplier codes of conduct with content and text as data approaches
The growing popularity of corporate self-regulation to address supply-chain issues puts Corporate Social Responsibility and specifically codes of conduct, at the centre of attention. In this article, Jaroslaw Kantorowicz, Sarah Vandenbroucke and Yvonne Erkens analyse supplier codes of conduct of multinational…
Human Osteology and Funeral Archaeology
The Laboratory for Human Osteoarchaeology specialises in the macroscopic and microscopic analysis of human remains. We use cutting edge scientific approaches to address archaeological, historical, and anthropological research questions. In addition to paleopathological, histological, and 3D scanning…
Policy, Public Administration and Organisation (BSc)
In the Public Administration specialisation in Policy, Governance and Organisation, you will analyse current issues such as the housing crisis, energy transition, and immigration. You will learn how policy is developed and how public organisations function from various perspectives.
About the programme
The programme consists of 60 EC, to be completed in one year.
Robots at the School of Law?
At the end of November, eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University, welcomed leading international scholars with interdisciplinary backgrounds addressing how humans interact with robots and AI-driven technologies. The seminar entitled “Interacting with Robots and AI” built a…
Spring Lecture Series: Intersectional Bias: How AI and Social Media Impact Bias, Exclusion, Discrimination, and Power Inequalities
Article on Affective Computing by Andreas Häuselmann published in IDPL
Affective Computing (AC and sometimes called ‘Emotional AI’) provides opportunities to automatically process emotional data. However, is EU data protection law fit for purpose when it is applied to such AC approaches?
Article on Affective Computing by Andreas Häuselmann published in IDPL
Affective Computing (AC and sometimes called ‘Emotional AI’) provides opportunities to automatically process emotional data. However, is EU data protection law fit for purpose when it is applied to such AC approaches?
Meet archaeologist Tuna Kalayci: ‘How can we integrate robots into archaeology?’
In the course of 2020 the Faculty of Archaeology was bolstered by some new staff members. Due to the coronavirus situation, sadly, this went for a large part unnoticed. In a series of interviews we are catching up, giving the floor to our new colleagues. We kick off with Dr Tuna Kalayci, who joined…
Year in review FSW 2023
In this year in review we show you various projects we're very proud of. Driven by our values at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.
Leiden University Medical Center
In the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) we strive to improve health care and the health of people.
Education in the LUMC
At the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC), you will be prepared for the world of tomorrow. We bring research and patient care together in a unique way in our education.
Digital Lab
You can find the Digital Lab on the ground floor of the Huizinga building. The Digital Lab is part of a collection of labs designed for staff and students who require a place to work, experiment, and find support for their digital research.