2,056 search results for “ai ethics” in the Public website
Freedom in Captivity: Negotiations of Belonging along Kashmir's Frontier
How do borderland dwellers living along militarised frontiers negotiate regimes of state security and their geopolitical location in everyday life? What might 'freedom' mean to those who do not resist captivity engendered by borders? Focusing on the predicaments of a double-minority, Radhika Gupta examines…
Kant on Self-Control
This Element considers Kant's conception of self-control and the role it plays in his moral philosophy. It offers a detailed interpretation of the different terms used by Kant to explain the phenomenon of moral self-control, such as 'autocracy' and 'inner freedom'.
Political Theory: Legitimacy and Justice (MSc)
This political theory specialisation focuses on the concepts of legitimacy and justice—political philosophy’s core themes. Immersing yourself in theories, philosophical and theoretical methods, and complex cases, you will make the leap from opinion to analysis.
Colonialism and Slavery: An Alternative History of the Port City of Rotterdam
Unlike most city histories, this book focuses exclusively on the city’s connections with colonialism and slavery.
Intelligence Studies
Since the Second World War, intelligence and security services have played an important role in policy and decision making, particularly with regards to a state’s national security. In this minor programme we study both the organisations, their working methods, their analysis techniques, as well as…
As a university we stand with both feet firmly in the world. Internationalisation is in Leiden’s DNA: from the very foundation of our university, the ideal of the free academy has always attracted researchers and students from across the whole world.
- Global Histories of Knowledge 2024 - 2025
Staff and students together visit the Ars Electronica Festival for art, technology and society
We are happy that the Media Technology staff and students will together again visit the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz (Austria). The five-day study trip offers a shared source of inspiration and a basis for discussion to students and lecturers.
eLaw participates in Lawtomation Days 2024
On 26 and 27 September, Eduard Fosch-Villaronga, Carlotta Rigotti, Mohammed Raiz Shaffique, Marie Schwed-Shenker and Antoni Mut Piña participated in the third edition of Lawtomation Days at the IE University in Madrid.
Max van der Horst: “Ethical Vulnerability Mass-Exploitation 101: Theory and Practice”
Lecture, Tech Trends Workshop
Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities
Together Leiden University, Delft University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam form the strategic alliance Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities.
Discovering and developing drugs
Improving healthcare with our scientific discoveries: that is the goal of pharmaceutical research at Leiden University. And there’s a lot involved in that. Our research starts with the discovery of the effect achieved by a particular substance, and sometimes continues all the way through to the development…
ELS@Leiden research encompasses a wide range of empirical-legal projects carried out within Leiden Law School from the perspective of multiple disciplines and methods. Here you can find the publications of our (former) lab members since the start of the Sector Plan.
Open University and Leiden University start Joint Legal Technologies Program
The Open University and Leiden University will join forces to offer a (Dutch-taught) Joint Legal Technologies Program for professionals. In doing so, they can provide the advanced legal informatics training that is necessary in our rapidly digitising society. The joint program is a further development…
Bart Barendregt on Unesco Chair in Anthropology of Digital Diversity
Bart Barendregt explains his new Unesco Chair in Anthropology of Digital Diversity in an interview on the Unesco website.
The study choice process
Making choices is part of life. You make larger or smaller choices in everything you do, and you progress from one choice/decision to the next. All decision-making processes involve three aspects: making a choice, experiencing that choice and reflecting on it.
Ahmed Mahfouz: 'The mystery of brain diseases, unravelled cell by cell'
Which brain cell does what, when Parkinson's disease arises? It won't be long before this jigsaw is solved piece by piece. Ahmed Mahfouz, computational biologist, combines bio-knowledge from Leiden with algorithms from Delft and is getting closer to finding the key.
Staying Ahead of the Virus
In STAYAHEAD data-intensive approaches are being developed to ”decode the human immunome” with a focus on a global vaccine strategy. They have developed a rapid mass spectrometric test to analyse in real-time large numbers of variants of SARS-CoV-2 and the host immune response, and use these data to…
On this page you will find a collection of presentations and videos of the Florence Nightingale Colloquia, seminars at the faculty and other event recordings hosted by the Data Science Research Programme.
Contacts and About
Study of human cultures using computational approaches
Data Science
The majority of scientists, from archaeologists through to zoologists, collect huge volumes of data. Their massive databases contain large amounts of information which is difficult for humans to filter. With a solid grounding in statistics, we can develop algorithms for analysing and identifying patterns…
Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
Drug development is a complex process in which many parties work together. Every day, the researchers at LACDR devote their energies to developing drugs that are new, better, more efficient and easier to produce. And thus to the millions of patients who know all too well why this research in Leiden…
webinar Population Health Management
Study information
- Global Geopolitics with Trump: Two Months In
Leidse editie van de Staatsrechtconferentie groot succes
Sinds 1973 vindt in december jaarlijks een congres plaats voor staatsrechtjuristen: de zogeheten Staatsconferentie. De conferentie vindt bij toerbeurt plaats op een locatie die is gekozen door één van de Nederlandse rechtenfaculteiten.
Krachten bundelen voor verantwoord gebruik van algoritmische systemen
Tijdens het symposium ‘Transdisciplinary Study of Just Public Algorithmic Systems’, op vrijdag 24 maart in Den Haag, staat onderzoek naar het gebruik van algoritmische systemen in de publieke sector centraal. Een actueel onderwerp dat de laatste tijd veel in de belangstelling staat. Vijf vragen over…
A promising marriage between Siemens and Leiden spin-off Culgi
Siemens recently took over the Leiden software company Culgi, founded by professor and inventor J.G.E.M. (Hans) Fraaije. We spoke to him about the algorithm that made him successful, the role of a university in our society and his ambitions at Siemens. ‘I was looking for Siemens, and they were looking…
Information for students
General information
East Asia
Our East Asia experts work across various disciplines on global issues such as migration, heritage, and colonialism.
Developmental and Educational Psychology
Developmental and Educational psychology is concerned with the developmental course and dynamics of cognition, self-regulation, and emotional competence, and the implications for educational and clinical practice.
- Jordi Tura Group (Applied Quantum Algorithms)
More details: the GTGC Conference 2023
Changing the world (a little bit)
Intellectual Property Law
The IP Law (Intellectual Property Law) department provides education and conducts research in the field of intellectual property law.
More details: the GTGC Conference 2023
Changing the world (a little bit)
Public Management and Organisation
The Public Management and Organisation department of the Institute of Public Administration focuses on public organisations and the behaviour of the managers and professionals working within them. Our vision is that understanding human behaviour and organisational dynamics is essential for understanding…
Training and Workshops
Empowering education professionals in their continuous professional development is fundamental to our mission. We understand that a teacher’s didactic skills are as essential as their subject knowledge in delivering impactful education. To support this, we offer a broad range of training and coaching…
Patient Remote Monitoring in Chronic Inflammatory Skin Diseases
Chronic inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis affect both the physical and psychological well-being of millions of patients, leading to persistent symptoms like itchiness and sleeplessness. These conditions often result in decreased productivity and quality of life overall,…
PhD Theses
A full overview of THEOR PhD theses.
Computational linguistics
Computational linguistics uses computational methods to help answer linguistics questions across a variety of topics.
Computational optimisation of optical projection tomography for 3D image analysis
Optical projection tomography (OPT) is a tomographic 3D imaging technique used for specimens in the millimetre scale.
Dies Natalis
On 7 February 2025 Leiden University celebrated its 450th anniversary.
Economie & Samenleving (BSc)
Op zoek naar een bacheloropleiding economie met een sterke focus op publiek beleid? Bij de bacheloropleiding Economie & Samenleving leer je in tegenstelling tot traditionele economieopleidingen om slim en strategisch te navigeren binnen de huidige complexe, juridische en politieke context.
SAILS Lunch Time Seminar: 12 May
Spring Lecture Series: Using Technology for Early Warning and Violence Prevention and Innovation
Bart Custers discusses facial recognition on Nieuwsuur
Despite a lack of specific legislation on this issue, Dutch Minister of Justice and Security Dilan Yeşilgöz is allowing the national police force to experiment with facial recognition technology.
eLaw Conference: eLaw Symposium (20 June) and AI & Data Protection Conference (21 June) – Call for Abstracts
Towards affective computing that works for everyone
Tessa Verhoef from the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science and Eduard Fosch-Villaronga from eLaw- Center for Law and Digital Technologies have written an article on how affective computing should be inclusive, diverse, and work for everyone.
Supercomputer Alice
Supercomputer ALICE has been expanded, making it even more powerful and faster. This means researchers and students can work with heavier models. From language research to brain activity scans, this expansion is good news for a variety of disciplines. So who gets to work with this prima donna?
Data Science
The ability to collect and interpret huge quantities of data has become indispensable to society and academia. Leiden University is a knowledge and expertise centre for data science that places the emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation.
Hall of Fame 2023
In 2023, many of our students and staff won great prizes and secured important research grants.