2,485 search results for “media een land” in the Public website
Luuk Esser in the media on discovery of 39 bodies in England
The British police discovered 39 bodies in the back of a lorry earlier this month. The refrigeration unit in which the bodies were found had entered the United Kingdom via Belgium.
In the media: Prof. Dr. Joanita Vroom about the Van Steenis depot
In a closed room in the Van Steenis building, hundreds of boxes are waiting under fluorescent lights for someone to come and see them. The jumble of handwritten and printed labels unveils how often the collection has been reorganized, moved and rearranged. Boxes full of potsherds and pottery, human…
In the media: Leidsch Dagblad about cooperation Leiden University and China
Leidsch Dagblad reports February 2022 in two articles about the cooperation between Leiden University and China.
- Rightless Resistance: Palm Oil and the Struggle for Land and Citizenship in Indonesia
Plant occurrence in space and time: the importance of land use, habitat structure, and pollination mode
PhD defence
Formation of Islam: Topics
The FOI project has a number of topics it aims to investigate. These are: State, Economy, Culture and Papyri. You will find links to bibliographies on this page.
Bart Schermer: ‘Bedreigingen via internet zijn ook strafbaar’
Oostenrijk wil online bedreigingen en haat harder aanpakken. Aanleiding is de dood van huisarts Lisa-Maria Kellermayr. Zij maakte eind juli een einde aan haar leven, nadat ze maandenlang werd bedreigd door mensen die tegen coronamaatregelen en vaccinaties zijn.
The group is involved in training in areas of diagnostic skills, treatment/prevention/intervention, neuropsychological assessment, behavioral observations, clinical interviewing, knowledge of intellectual disability, autism, ADHD, psychosis and aggression.
5000 jaar Kralen
Kralen spreken tot de verbeelding. Ze zijn aantrekkelijk en persoonlijk vanwege hun kleuren, materialen, patronen en associaties. Je draagt ze op je lichaam, waar je ze voelt en anderen ze zien. Kralen zijn waardevol en verplaatsbaar, tegelijkertijd reizigers en souvenirs.
The E.M. Meijers Book Series is the book series published by the E.M. Meijers Institute of the Leiden Law School. The series includes dissertations defended by PhD candidates from the Leiden Law School. Below you will find recent dissertations of team members of the Business & Law Research Network.
Sexual homicide in the Netherlands: a provisional overview
Sexual homicide is a rare phenomenon. Yet, sexual killing is widely reported on in the media. Even though academic research on sexual homicide is conducted abroad, in the Netherlands such research is virtually absent.
Institute for Philosophy
The members of the Institute for Philosophy study all aspects of philosophy. In our research we seek a fruitful interaction between systematic and historical approaches to philosophy, and we thrive on intensive national and international collaboration.
De ordinaire kap
Een bouwhistorische studie naar kapconstructies op Leidse huizen tusen 1300 en 1800
Proefstuderen bachelor Cybersecurity & Cybercrime 8 november 2024
Study information, Proefstuderen
Regulatory Burden from a Different Perspective
On Wednesday 25 January 2017 Esmeralda Vergeer will defend her doctoral thesis Regeldruk vanuit een ander perspectief (Regulatory burden from a different perspective). The supervisor of the research is Professor W.J.M. Voermans.
University Sports Centre
Einsteinweg 6, Leiden
- Courses
Danny Mekić is ‘Mr. of the Week’
On 22 July, Danny Mekić, PhD candidate at eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technology and Eindhoven University of Technology, was named ‘Mr. of the Week’ following his recent wins in two lawsuits against social media company Twitter.
Human Trafficking, Beautiful Women, the Land of the Cockaigne, and Burmese Bells
Lecture, Histories Connected: Work-in-Progress
Learning from the past
Leiden archaeologists investigate how people in the past impacted their environment. Together with scientists, environmental scientists, and humanities experts, they use this information to draw conclusions about the present – and show what we can learn from it for the future.
About the Department
The Department of Archaeological Heritage and Society focuses on the relationships between past and present, the role of heritage in society, and how heritage conceived broadly can contribute to improving quality of life.
The history of the possessions of the “Teutonic House” and the bailiwick of Utrecht, 1231-1619
The acquisition and administration of the possessions of the “Teutonic House” in Utrecht, and its dependencies, in the Middle Ages until c.1600.
Asia Beyond Boundaries
Beyond Boundaries: Religion, Region, Language and the State is a major multidisciplinary research project which aims to re-vision the history of Asia in one of its most significant periods. The project is based at the British Museum, British Library and the School of Oriental and African Studies, and…
Science on Insta: are influencers helping get young women (back) into reading?
Dutch influencers like Romy Boomsma and Nina Pierson have a huge following on Instagram and are increasingly sharing book tips there. Researcher Aafje de Roest wants to find out more about the reading culture they are promoting and its effect on the reading habits of their mostly young female follow…
Wim Voermans on comments by FvD MP Van Meijeren: Sedition is prohibited
The Dutch Public Prosecution Service (OM) is to investigate whether comments made by 'Forum voor Democratie' MP Gideon van Meijeren about going to parliament to protest are punishable. How should the political centre in The Hague respond?
Mutable Audible – An Operative Ontology of the Sound Image
In his dissertation Gabriel Paiuk explores the variable ways in which what is heard is formed. To address this, he postulates a novel concept of sound image in a post-anthropocentric context in which both mind and material artefacts are instances across which the image occurs, rather than hosts on which…
Educational materials Naduhup languages
The goal is to develop educational materials for Dâw, Hupd’äh, and Nadëb Indigenous peoples (Naduhup family; Middle and Upper Rio Negro; Brazilian Amazon). In order to achieve this, first of all, the fieldwork data collected during a collaborative project among anthropologists and linguists (2017-2020)…
Between the Wheat & the Waves: a mid-late Anglo-Saxon Settlement in a coastal setting
By comparing the archaeological evidence at Sedgeford and other sites located on both English and Continental coastal zones, what evidence is there for a shared maritime culture between these North Sea communities? Also if evidence is found, can we reveal to some extent a separate coastal identity to…
Southeast Asia in Transition (SEAtrans)
SEAtrans: an interdisciplinary research project that aims at studying the dynamics and processes of transitions in society-nature interactions in Southeast Asian societies.
Politiques, Education et Identités Linguistiques, le collège des Frères des écoles chrétiennes de Jérusalem (1922-1939)
This dissertation sheds light on politics, education and linguistic identity by studying the case of the College of Jerusalem, founded by the Brothers of the Christian Schools.
Research opportunities
Within the Global Ethnography specialisation, you can develop your own research project or make use of the research opportunities offered by our staff members listed below.
Asia Research Cluster
The CADS Asia Research Cluster extends the legacy of the Institute’s Asia focus into the future, as an important hub in international networks on the study of Asia and through active engagement with colleagues in Asia. Within the Institute the Asia Research Cluster offers a platform for anthropologists…
Organic Farmers as Green Entrepreneurs: Exploring the impact of FPOs on organic cultivation in Sikkim (Northeast India)
Charisma K. Lepcha (PI, Sikkim University), Pradyut Guha (co-PI, Sikkim University), Rajib Sutradhar (co-PI, Christ University Bangalore) and Erik de Maaker (Leiden University) have been awarded a two-year grant of USD 18.000 to conduct research on the impact of ‘green farming’ on the sensitive mountain…
Leiden University works close with Indonesian and Dutch scholarship providers in order to expand the opportunities for Indonesian students to study in Leiden.
Archival scribes and archival practice during the Neo-Babylonian and Achaemenid periods
The focus of my research project are the archival scribes who wrote private legal documents in ancient Babylonia. Thousands of such records from the first millennium BCE have survived to this day. These documents were written on clay in cuneiform script, using Akkadian language. My sources are selected…
‘Science communication is important for every scientist’
Just start somewhere: whether it's videos, board games, theatre performances, or festivals. That was one of the key insights Sophie Wintermans gained during the Science Communication Summer School. In her view, the Summer School is a great step for any scientist interested in science communication.
Futuring Heritage: Indigenous Perspectives on Conservation in the Eastern Himalayas
Exploring the intersection of environmental conservation, indigenous cultural expectations, and human-nonhuman relationships in the Eastern Himalayas. Developing inclusive approaches to ecological preservation through community-centered research.
Media, Race and the Infrastructures of Empire
Lecture, Research Seminar
Bart Custers on EenVandaag about investigative powers of civilians
Social media are playing a key role in calling for resistance to the corona measures. Online, agreements are made about where and when people will gather to protest. The authorities are not always fully aware of what is happening and cannot just infiltrate, whereas civilians can often easily participate…
Simone van der Hof discusses Instagram Teens
Through its launch of Instagram Teens, Instagram promises to create a safe environment for teenagers by introducing age restrictions. But is it actually going to improve the mental health of young people? And is the feature that allows parents to monitor their teenagers’ use of Instagram even legal?
Text in Context
Recontextualising the Papyri from Roman Soknopaiou Nesos / Dimê (Fayyum, Egypt)
Meet Arts, Media and Society in Milan
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Meet Arts, Media and Society in Athens
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Meet Arts, Media and Society in Rome
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Meet Arts, Media and Society in Barcelona
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- CANCELLED: Media Technology: What's Next?
Meet Arts, Media and Society in Thessaloniki
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Meet Arts, Media and Society in London
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Helen Westgeest Teaching Fellow at the Leiden University Teachers’ Academy
In October 2014, Leiden University established the ‘Leiden University Teachers’ Academy’. Helen Westgeest, who lectures in the BA and MA Art History and MA Media Studies, was put forward by the Faculty of Humanities for appointment in the so-called ‘LTA’.
The Agta of the Northern Sierra Madre. Livelihood strategies and resilience among Philippine hunter-gatherers
Promotores: G. Persoon, R. Schefold