4,055 search results for “history of centre and eastern europe” in the Public website
Elisabeth Dieterman
Faculty of Humanities
e.m.dieterman@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1646
Doreen Müller
Faculty of Humanities
d.mueller@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5274954
Wim van den Doel
College van Bestuur
h.w.van.den.doel@bb.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2922
The Archaeology of Greater Nicoya
Two Decades of Research in Nicaragua and Costa Rica
Eefke de Haan
Faculty of Humanities
e.j.de.haan@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1646
The Steering Committee
Strategic direction of the Europe Hub lies with a Steering Committee, composed of members from several Leiden University faculties.
Dirk Alkemade
Faculty of Humanities
d.g.a.alkemade@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 8052
What soy sauce can teach us about the history of South Korea
‘Three books published within a year – that happens only once in a lifetime!’ This was the reaction of Katarzyna Cwiertka, Professor of Modern Japan Studies at Leiden University, on the publication of Cuisine, Colonialism and Cold War, one of her three new books. The book sketches the colonisation of…
Extended Piano Techniques in Theory, History & Performance Practice
Extended piano techniques : in theory, history and performance practice
Playing the piano with your forearm, plucking the strings, sawing through the piano: pianist Luk Vaes's doctoral dissertation covers all the techniques of play for which a piano is NOT designed. His defence ceremony will consist of three concerts and a public defence. 'Musicians were using the interior…
Isabelle Duijvesteijn
Faculty of Humanities
i.g.b.m.duijvesteijn@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9325
Jacqueline Hylkema
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
j.j.hylkema@luc.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Liesbeth Rosen Jacobson
Faculty of Humanities
e.w.rosen.jacobson@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1293
Hellenistic economic thought
This subproject of 'From Homo Economicus to Political Animal' analyzes Greek economic thinking of the Hellenistic period.
Strict party organisation boosts populist success in Czech Republic
Anti-establishment parties with populist appeal have become part and parcel of the political landscape in many European countries. Some of these parties are more successful than others. PhD candidate Tomáš Cirhan studied the rapid rise of ANO, the party of Czech prime minister Andrej Babiš. He concludes…
- Teaching Art History and Cultural and Art Education (MA)
Una Europa project update: Enhancing Scholarship in Eastern Africa (ELSEA)
In September, the Una Europa ELSEA project, Enhancing Scholarship in Eastern Africa, officially started. Now that the project has been running for a couple of months, it’s high time to check in and see how the project is going.
Twenty years of countering jihadism in Western Europe: from the shock of 9/11 to ‘jihadism fatigue’
In this article, Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn and Edwin Bakker provide a big picture reflection on two decades after 9/11 in Western Europe.
European cultural diplomacy and Arab Christians in Palestine. A connected history (1920-1950)
This project aims to revisit the relationship between the European cultural agenda and the local identity formation process, and social and religious transformations of Arab Christian communities in Palestine, when the British ruled via the Mandate. What was the role of culture in European policies…
'Eastern Desert tombs reflect successful culture adapted to harsh environment’
The Jordan Times interviewed professor Peter Akkermans about this research on ancient tombs in Jordan's Eastern Desert. “The evidence of this flourishing culture can be seen, among other things, in the diverse and complex burial record which we are currently investigating.”
Foreign Minorities in Babylonia in the 7th–5th Centuries BCE
This PhD project studies immigrant groups in ancient Babylonia and aims at investigating their identities, socioeconomic status, and integration into an ancient multicultural society.
LU-Card Support Centre Pieter de la Court (FSW)
Pieter de la Court, Wassenaarseweg 52, 2333 AK, Leiden
Centre for Art, Literature and Law (CALL)
The center studies the many ways in which issues of law and justice are dealt with in art and literature with a focus on liminal issues and cases. These are issues and cases where law comes to the limits of what it is capable of dealing with and art and literature explore the implications of what is…
Joseph Priestley, Grammarian: Late Modern English normativism and usage in a sociohistorical context
This dissertation the role of the English dissenting minister Joseph Priestley (1733-1804) as a grammarian is studied.
These Oppressions won't cease: An Anthology of the Political Thought of the Cape Khoesan, 1777–1879
The Khoesan were the first people in Africa to undergo the full rigours of European colonisation. By the early nineteenth century, they had largely been brought under colonial rule, dispossessed of their land and stock, and forced to work as labourers for farmers of European descent.
Dutch Centre for Travel Writing Studies
The Dutch Center for Travel Writing Studies s a scientific center that develops and coordinates initiatives to promote research into travel writing. It actively seeks contact with external (scientific and social) partners to collaborate on issues surrounding cultural / national identity, cultural contact…
Vici for Victoria Nyst: 'The history of sign language contributes to identity formation'
Victoria Nyst's love for sign language was sparked when she accidentally ended up at a deaf school while studying African linguistics. The university lecturer has since been awarded a Vici grant to research the history of these languages.
Autonomy and Objectivity
The aim of this project is to foster a historiography that does justice both to the realization that scientific knowledge is constructed by local, contingent, and contextual processes, and the claims of science to objective validity.
Member Prof. dr. Sarah Cramsey holds “teach-ins” on the most recent history of Israel/Palestine
Since the horrific events of October 7, 2023, Leiden students have grappled with difficult questions about Israel, Gaza and Israel/Palestine conflict more generally. Drawing on her expertise in the history of the Jewish experience in the diaspora and beyond, Prof. dr. Sarah Cramsey has held multiple…
College of Europe postgraduate programmes presented by Pierre Bachelier
On 7 November, the Europe Hub welcomed Pierre Bachelier, Director of Student Affairs at the College of Europe, to Leiden University. Mr Bachelier presented the College of Europe's postgraduate programmes that Leiden University students can take once they have completed their master's degrees.
Vacancy for PhD at LUCAS/LUIH
Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS) and the Leiden University Institute for History (LUIH) are looking for a PhD in the History and Culture of Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity.
Alanna O'Malley
Faculty of Humanities
a.m.omalley@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2785
Miko Flohr
Faculty of Humanities
m.flohr@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2753
Centre for the Study of Political Parties and Representation
The Centre for the Study of Political Parties and Representation (CSPPR) aims to serve as an interdisciplinary platform for scholars of Leiden University for research focusing on the historical and contemporary operation and functioning of political parties and political representation, with a particular…
LU-Card support centre WSD-complex (Lipsius)
Lipsius, Cleveringaplaats 1, 2311 BD, Leiden
Nikkie Buskermolen
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
n.buskermolen@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
John Boy
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
j.d.boy@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3825
Arthur Crucq
Faculty of Humanities
a.k.c.crucq@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6275
Jasmijn Rana
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
j.rana@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3732
Old Age in Early Medieval England, A Cultural History
How did Anglo-Saxons reflect on the experience of growing old? Was it really a golden age for the elderly, as has been suggested?
Ebifananyi. On photographs and telling histories from and about Uganda
In Luganda, the widest spoken minority language in East African country Uganda, the word for photographs is Ebifananyi. However, ebifananyi does not, contrary to the etymology of the word photographs, relate to light writings. Ebifananyi instead means things that look like something else. Ebifananyi…
Thunderstorm: A small cultural history (1752-1830) (in Dutch)
More on the Dutch webpage.
Kees Verduin
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
c.j.verduin@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Annetje Ottow and Seda Gürkan visit the College of Europe
Prof. Annetje Ottow and Assist. Prof. Seda Gürkan visited the College of Europe campus in Bruges on 22 March 2024.
Michiel Luining on the future of Orbán in Europe
It has been crackling within the European People's Party (EPP) for months, but is it also going to explode? Michiel Luining, lecturer at the Institute of Public Administration at Leiden University, gives an explanation of the suspension of Fidesz, the party of the Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán,…
Introducing: Hasan Colak
Hasan Colak is one of the two postdocs in Cátia Antunes’ ERC Research Project 'Fighting Monopolies'.
Website shows the history of Sri Lanka’s ‘Slave Island’: ‘Soon there will be none of it left’
In the eighteenth century, the Dutch East India Company (VOC) housed its enslaved people on ‘Slave Island’ in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka. Today ‘Slave Island’ is under serious threat from property developers. Senior lecturer Alicia Schrikker, together with her Sri Lankan colleagues Iromi Perera…
Postdoc Dita Auzina investigates relationship between appearance of monumentality and disruptive environmental events
In the spring of 2024 the Faculty of Archaeology welcomed a new postdoc. Dita Auzina, originally from Latvia, works as a researcher in the project of Alex Geurds. ‘I have joined the project as a landscape archaeologist, but I also run my own fieldwork in Nicaragua.’
Bente de Leede
Faculty of Humanities
b.m.de.leede@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1646
NewHorrizon – Excellence in science and innovation for Europe by adopting the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)
The Project “Excellence in science and innovation for Europe by adopting the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation (NewHoRRIzon)” sets out to promote the acceptance of RRI in Horizon 2020 (H2020) and beyond. It will work out the conceptual and operational basis to fully integrate RRI into European…