10,000 search results for “universe” in the Public website
NETHATE is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) project seeking to investigate the roots, societal impact and mitigation strategies of hate in offline and online foras.
NimbleAI aims at solutions for ultra-energy efficient and secure neuromorphic sensing and processing at the edge.
Indo-European Etymological Dictionary
Set up in 1991, this unique project aims to identify and describe the common lexical heritage of the most important Indo-European languages and language branches. The project has thus far resulted in twelve volumes published as The Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series (Brill, Leiden).
CircuMat | Circular city & Industry park MATerials metabolism learning package and assessment tool
Some examples of research questions include: What framework of circular strategies should local practitioners use? How should practitioners organize their monitoring of the circular economy activities in the region of interest? What are the main products that have the most circular potential in the…
Teaching & Partial BKO certificate
The Graduate School of Archeology offers no longer the opportunity to obtain a full BKO certificate for PhD candidates. PhD candidates can opt for the partial BKO, especially designed for them, in which only the objective 3 and 4 are assessed: preparing and giving lectures and supervising students.
On Composition in Herodian’s History of the Roman Emperors
In the History of the Roman Emperors, what does Herodian’s method of composition consist of and how does it relate to his writing intention, particularly in terms of political and moral idea(l)s?
Reconstructing Object Biographies
We live in a world of things and people in the past must have been as closely entangled with their material surroundings as we are now. In the Laboratory for Artefact Studies Van Gijn takes a close look at the biographies of objects: what kind of raw material an object is made off and what is its provenience,…
Student for a day Urban Studies
Study information
Towards a comprehensive understanding of (facilitating) teacher professional development
What are ‘missing links’ in research on teacher professional development trajectories? We focus on the role and development of teacher facilitators in designing and implementing (collaborative) professional development trajectories.
Student for a day Arts, Media and Society
Study information
The Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University offers education in Human Osteoarchaeology. We offer a second-year Bachelor course in Human Osteoarchaeology and an extensive one-year track in the Master’s in Archaeological Science specialisation, resulting in a Master of Science degree after complet…
Language archive of insular South East Asia and West New Guinea (Laiseang)
The Laiseang archiving project ensures the preservation of unique records of languages in the region which have been gathered by more than two dozen linguists at, and in collaboration with Dutch universities over the last 40 years.
Phonetics Lab
Experimental research
Nitric oxide in defence against mycobacterial infection
Can we enhance the capacity of host immune cells to kill mycobacteria via production of reactive nitrogen species?
Leiden was European City of Science in 2022: for a year Leiden was the capital of European science. Leiden University was a proud partner of Leiden2022.
After the PhD: Career prospect
What are the career prospects after the PhD?
Cell Observatory: visualising structures of life
From molecule, to cell, to organism. The high-level drug research at the Cell Observatory aimes at reducing the spread of cancer and developing new medicines for tuberculosis.
- Histories Connected
Experience Day African Studies
Study information
Confidential counsellor
Leiden University wants to create a safe and stimulating environment for everyone. However, you may experience issues at work that you cannot solve yourself. Your first point of contact for such situations is your supervisor. If you feel you cannot talk about it with your supervisor, you can turn to…
Quantum dots in microcavities: From single spins to engineered quantum states of light
A single self-assembled semiconductor quantum dot in a high-finesse optical microcavity - the subject of this thesis - is an interesting quantum-mechanical system for future quantum applications. For instance, this system allows trapping of an extra electron and thus can serve as a spin quantum memory,…
Authorial or Scribal? Spelling Variation in the Hengwrt and Ellesmere Manuscripts of the Canterbury Tales
This dissertation is an analysis of spelling variation in Hengwrt and Ellesmere manuscripts, two early texts of The Canterbury Tales.
Courses and training
With the exception of external self-funded PhD candidates, all PhD candidates must follow a training plan established at the start of the doctoral process.
Quiet Rebels? A Social History of Political Rhetoric
Speeches and speech acts have been crucial in settling the question at the centre of every political debate: who gets what, when and where?
The Ussen Project
The first decade of excavations at Oss
Cattle-talk: the language of colour among East African pastoralists
What categories exist in the languages of pastoralists? Do these semantic concepts reflect universal or languagespecific tendencies? What (environment? culture?) governs the similarities (or the differences) attested crosslinguistically in cattle colour systems?
Student for a day Arts, Media and Society
Study information
AI MAPS adopts a freedom and social well-being perspective and focuses on three themes to address key security challenges; Social disorder and public nuisances in neighbourhoods, High-impact crime, and Crowds and events.
About ELS
Leiden Law School has established the Empirical Legal Studies Lab to support legal research and education using empirical methods.
Grip krijgen op complexiteit. Onderwijs voor het 'moeras' - Getting a grip on complexity. Education for the 'swamp'
How can pupils and students learn to get a grip on complex 'swamp situations'? Inaugural lecture in abbreviated form held by prof.dr.ir. Fred Janssen on the acceptance of the post of professor of science education at Leiden University on 19 June 2017.
Theoretical Physics
Leiden has a strong tradition in theoretical physics, thoroughly linked with experimental disciplines.
The European Public Servant: A shared Administrative Identity?
European integration is under pressure. At the same time, the notion of a European administrative space is being explicitly voiced. But does a shared idea of the public servant exist in Europe?
The Institute of Public Administration at Leiden University serves as a bridge between academic research and practical application from its base in The Hague.
Playing with words
Arts and leisure, Personal development, Language, Arts and leisure
4D Picture project
Helping cancer patients with treatment choices.
ECOLE: Experience-based COmputation: Learning to optimisE
Researchers of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) will develop a training programme the next generation of early stage researchers (ESRs). During a four years project they will be trained to approach industrial challenges in a holistic manner by developing solutions in an automotive…
Innovative Approaches by Junior Archaeological Researchers
The indigenous peoples of Trinidad and Tobago from the first settlers until today
This study relates the vicissitudes of the Amerindian peoples who lived or still inhabit the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, from the earliest occupants, ca. 8000 BC, until at present.
Heterogeneity in spores of food spoilage fungi
This project intends to provide the required knowledgebase for the design of novel mild intervention protocols to prevent fungal food spoilage.
Managing R&D in Science-Based Economies
Corporate R&D organizations and their relation to academic laboratories.
Archival Interactions: Artists and Archivists
Subproject of the NWO Smart Culture Grant research project 'The Critical Visitor'.
Impact and city
Leiden University and the city of The Hague are working closely together to increase the impact of our research and education in order to contribute as much as possible to the development of the city.
De bescherming van persoonsgegevens, Acht Europese landen vergeleken
The Netherlands generally performs above average in the protection of personal data, according to research carried out at Leiden University. Germany is the leading country, while countries such as Italy and Romania are lagging behind.
El Lienzo de Otla
Memoria de un Paisaje Sagrado
The Mermaid and the Lion King - Essays in honour of Hans H. de Iongh.
This liber amicorum is a tribute to Prof. dr. ir. Hans H. de Iongh, associate professsor at the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) of Leiden University and guest professor at the University of Antwerp, on the occasion of his retirement on 27 October 2016.
The impact of Rome on cult places and religious practices in ancient Italy, BICS Supplement 132, London 2015
This publication of the School of Advanced Study of the University of London is one of the outcomes of the Landscapes of Early Roman Colonization project and the Colonial Rural Networks project (NWO, Dr. T.D. Stek). The volume, edited by Tesse Stek and prof. Gert-Jan Burgers of the Free University Amsterdam,…
Nietzsche Dictionary Project
The Nietzsche-Wörterbuch (NWB) has evolved into a long-term, multi-volume work on a global scale with around 30 contributors from a range of disciplines located all over the world
Student for a day Urban Studies
Study information
Imagining Urban Complexity. A Humanities Approach in Tropes, Media, and Genres
Imagining Urban Complexity introduces passionate and critical perspectives on the link between the humanities and urban studies.
Astronomy and Science Communication and Society (MSc)
The master’s specialisation Astronomy and Science Communication and Society at Leiden University bridges the gap between experts and the public by combining high quality research in biology with extensive training in science communication.