731 search results for “mulder politics en ben” in the Student website
A quick call about Ukraine: 'Putin wants to be taken seriously'
Suddenly there they were, the Russian soldiers near the border of Ukraine. Since then, reports of tensions between Russia on the one hand and the United States and Europe on the other have dominated the news. What is going on? An interview with Russia expert André Gerrits.
Indigenous populations’ major political impact in Latin America: (Re)shaping the nation-state in Bolivia, Chile, Guatemala, and Perú
Lecture, PCNI Roundtable
Poetry Translation Competition: Fun and Games with Language
In November, Leiden organized a book presentation to celebrate the first Dutch translation of the collected works of the twentieth-century poet W.H. Auden. A poetry translation contest added lustre to the occasion. There were no fewer than three winners.
You should eat herring on the coast and not in Maastricht
For thirty years, the Dutch Newspaper AD conducted an annual search for the best herring. This came to an end when economist Ben Vollaard, based on a statistical analysis, claimed it was rigged. But that claim doesn't smell right, says Leiden statistician Richard Gill. ‘The way you code and process…
Political Symbolism and Conspiracies in Turkish State-Sponsored Historical TV Series: A Case Study of Payitaht Abdulhamid
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
‘An internship at Foreign Affairs is an incredible experience and a good way to boost your career’
Niels van Leeuwen is enrolled in the Master Public Administration: Economics & Governance. During the first stage of his master, he did an internship in the United States, at the economic affairs department of the Royal Netherlands Consulate General in Chicago. ‘There are more ways that lead to Rome…
Nanne Timmer
Faculty of Humanities
n.timmer@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2184
China as a laboratory for the rest of the world
Professor of Modern China Florian Schneider researches what people do with technology and what technology does with people. Social media, for example. And then mainly in China.
Claire Vergerio shortlisted for CEU Excellence in Teaching Award
Political scientist Claire Vergerio (Leiden University) has made it to the final stage of the selection process for Central European University’s annual European Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Social Sciences and Humanities. As the 2019 Casimir Prize winner, Vergerio was nominated by the Faculty…
Clichéd version of an autocracy or a restored democracy? The Turkish elections explained
In less than a week’s time, millions of Turkish people are going to decide who will govern their country for the next five years. These elections promise to be the most closely contested in years, with the opinion polls showing very small differences and everything at stake, including for Europe. Alp…
Court as a theatre: ‘There are great similarities between drama as an art form and the legal world’
The Lucia de Berk case or the suicide of Slobodan Praljak at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia: certain trials keep popping up in media. In her dissertation, Tessa de Zeeuw examines the cultural appeal of such cases and analyses artistic responses. ‘Artworks sometimes have…
Hard work pays off: a festive graduation of the LLP
Early July was the graduation ceremony of the Leiden Leadership Programme,: a moment to reflect and celebrate the outcomes of eight months’ hard work. Leiden’s Marekerk was filled with colourful music and some wise pieces of advice: ‘Find the path that suits you best.’
Supergenes make bizarre traits possible
Within the same species of butterfly many different wing patterns can occur. How is this possible? According to researchers Ben Wielstra and Emma Berdan, of the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL), the answer lies within supergenes. A supergene is a part of a chromosome that contains many strongly linked…
Jasper's Day
Jasper Knoester is the dean of the Faculty of Science. How is he doing? What kinds of things is he doing and what does his day look like? In each newsletter Jasper gives a peek into his life as dean.
Enacting leadership, for and with each other
What makes a good leader, and is there such a thing as a born leader? These are questions that the master's students of the Leiden Leadership Programme (LLP) will explore this year. During the opening seminar, the new participants learn about the programme and share their expectations. 'I want to bring…
Lilian Gonçalves-Ho Kang You is the new Cleveringa professor
Lawyer and human rights activist Lilian Gonçalves-Ho Kang You is the new Cleveringa professor.
How to start with Open Science: ‘It has increased my workflow efficiency enormously’
Bjørn Peare Bartholdy is Archaeology’s representative in the Open Science Community Leiden (OSCL) . We spoke with him about the value of Open Science and how to make a good start. ‘Open Science is headed to be a regular way of academic work.’ So better to jump on the Open Science bandwagon early on.
Kick off meeting RESOCIAL project
On 20 September 2024, Leiden University colleagues Associate Professor Gianclaudio Malgieri (Main Applicant), Assistant Professor Michael Klos (Co-Applicant), Professor Simone van der Hof (Co-Applicant), Constanta Rosca, Maria-Lucia Rebrean and Maëlle Picout gladly welcomed RESOCIAL’s consortium members…
Historian Gert Oostindie the new Cleveringa Professor
Gert Oostindie, Emeritus Professor of Colonial and Postcolonial History, is this year’s Cleveringa Professor at Leiden University. He was appointed by the University on 4 October. In his inaugural lecture on 24 November, entitled Courage and Disregard, he will talk about (academic) freedom in relation…
Language, Stories, and Understanding Others
Pouria Mirelmi
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
s.p.mirelmi@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Caspar Dullemond
Faculty of Humanities
c.c.dullemond@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Gerrit Dijkstra
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
g.s.a.dijkstra@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9412
Liesbeth van der Heide
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
e.j.van.der.heide@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9506
Silvia D'Amato
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
s.damato@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9506
Juliët Tinebra
Faculty of Humanities
g.j.tinebra@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9512
Felix Bosch
Faculty of Humanities
f.r.bosch@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Anne Por
Faculty of Humanities
a.s.por@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Manon de Visser
m.c.de.visser@biology.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
The link between The Hague bonfires and different types of citizenship
For the third year in a row, the bonfires in the Duindorp and Scheveningen neighbourhoods in The Hague during New Year's Eve have been cancelled. According to Professor Henk te Velde, the fight for the bonfires represents something bigger: angry citizens.
Pieter Slaman moved by the LUS Education Prize: ‘The most beautiful prize there is’
Interview with Pieter Slaman who received the LUS Education Prize. What makes the award so special to him and does he already know how he will use his prize money?
Planet in Peril: the relationship between mankind and the planet
What is the relationship between humans and nature like? And how can we use it to tackle climate problems? In the Master Honours Class ‘Planet in Peril’, students approach climate issues from the perspective of the humanities. ‘Things are not always as one-sided as they seem.’
Comenius teaching grants for four Leiden lecturers
Four lecturers from Leiden University will receive a 50,000-euro Comenius Teaching Fellow grant. This will enable them and their team to realise an educational innovation within their own teaching.
Female Lieutenant-General on leadership: 'Figure out who you are'
“You want to be a great leader? Start by figuring out who you are.” On February 2nd, Elanor Boekholt-O’Sullivan, the first female three-star general of the Netherlands, addressed the students of the Leiden Leadership Programme in an inspirational seminar about leadership and authenticity. “Hearing this…
What does biodiversity mean to us? Honours students produce podcasts about extinction
For the Bachelor Honours Class 'Mass Extinction', students produced podcasts about the past, the present and the future of mass extinctions. What exactly is lost when a species goes extinct? What are the practical consequences? But also: does humanity have the moral duty to protect other species?
IncLUsion helps asylum seekers study: ‘It has given me self-confidence’
Studying as an asylum seeker without a residence permit. Every year, student initiative IncLUsion enables dozens of asylum seekers to take several courses at Leiden University. ‘Education has given me a lot of support.’
Data Management Internships for students: Future learning and sustainable preservation of archaeology
Whilst the world is opening up, the teaching will continue in a hybrid form next academic year. During the past year, when all of us were bound to our home offices and computer screens, new forms of education had to be developed – some of which proved to be efficient in preparing the students for their…
Anne Stiggelbout
Faculteit Geneeskunde
a.m.stiggelbout@lumc.nl | +31 71 526 4575
Sarah Giest
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
s.n.giest@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9084
Jet Bussemaker
Faculteit Geneeskunde
m.bussemaker@lumc.nl | 070 8009047
How the Netherlands systematically used extreme violence in Indonesia and concealed this afterwards
Dutch troops, judges and politicians collectively condoned and concealed the systematic use of extreme violence during the Indonesian War of Independence. Historians have now shown how this could happen. ‘It was scandal management rather than prevention,’ says Leiden historian and research leader Gert…
The Dutch Transatlantic Slave Trade
Conference, Book presentation
'The mortality of Europe' debate
Previous projects
You can find an overview of the projects and a list of all research trainees below.
Dimiter Toshkov
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
d.d.toshkov@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9391
Werkbezoek communicatieafdeling bij adviesbureau KPMG
Career and apply for jobs
PhD Candidates: Get more success with less stress
Personal development, Working effectively
Leiden Classics: The paradox of student association Minerva
Minerva, which calls itself the oldest student association of the Netherlands, has the reputation of being an impenetrable bastion. A lustrum exhibition shows the turbulent history and points to a diversity of contacts: from close bonds with Leiden ‘coffee ladies’ to the visit of Sir Winston Churchi…
Alumnus Thomas King: 'Cycling home after a borrel feels like a thing of the past now'
Meet Thomas King, alumnus BA International Studies: ‘I’m currently living in London which is a really amazing experience! I’m a British citizen and I moved to the Netherlands to study BA International Studies back in 2017. I had the best three years ever living in The Hague and studying at Leiden.’
Polish Holocaust researchers accused of defamation will give Cleveringa Lecture
On 26 November historian Jan Grabowski and sociologist Barbara Engelking will both give the Cleveringa Lecture. They wrote a book about the Holocaust in Poland and were taken to court for defamation.