2,516 search results for “sara and plant formation” in the Public website
Canonisation as Innovation
Anchoring Cultural Formation in the First Millennium BCE
A molecular journey : tales of sublimating ices from hot cores to comets
The thesis explores how interstellar chemistry evolves as a function of time and changing physical architectures during the formation of stars.
RNA splicing in breast cancer progression
In this thesis, we aimed to better understand the underlying mechanisms involved in TNBC progression and metastasis formation and discover new targets to reduce breast cancer related deaths.
The Making of the Democratic Party in Europe, 1860–1890
This book analyses the emergence of modern parties in nineteenth-century Europe and explores their connection with the slowly developing institution of democracy.
Using insertional mutagenesis to identify breast cancer drivers and therapy resistance genes in mice
In this thesis, we used genetically engineered mouse models to identify genes and pathways that are involved in ILC formation and in the development of resistance to FGFR-targeted therapy.
X-raying extragalactic gas: warm-hot gas in the EAGLE simulations
I have studied the hot, diffuse gas around and between galaxies. Specifically, I have used the EAGLE numerical simulations of galaxy formation to predict the properties of this gas, and I have used those properties to predict specific observables: soft X-ray absorption and emission lines.
Macrophages and atherosclerotic lesions
Macrophages and atherosclerotic lesions The infiltration of monocytes in the arterial wall, their differentiation to macrophages, and the subsequent accumulation of cholesterol in these macrophages initiate the process of atherosclerosis. We study the importance of specific genes in macrophages for…
The Social History of Labor in the Iranian Oil Industry
This dissertation studies the formation of the wage laboring class in the Iranian oil industry during the first decades of the 20th century.
Ecotox is a stimulating top-facility that provides an integrative research environment around the topic of ecotoxicological testing and experimental research. Research focus: Dose-response modelling Mode-of-actions and mechanism-of-actions Test method development, in view of targets in AOPs (adverse…
Amazonian word lists
Publication of Johann Natterer's (1787-1843) word lists of Amazonian languages.
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board of the IBL consists of five eminent scientists with specialist expertise in complementary disciplines. They all have prominent positions for the field of Biology in the Netherlands outside our own institute.
What Darwin couldn’t see: Expedition to uncover invisible life in Galápagos
An international research team is to search for invisible life in the Galápagos Islands. The diversity of bacteria and other microscopic organisms may not be evident to the naked eye, but it is essential to nature. To the islands' giant daisies, for instance: unique endemic plants that are currently…
Plant occurrence in space and time: the importance of land use, habitat structure, and pollination mode
PhD defence
Phenotypic plasticity and genetic adaptation of plant functional traits on global scales
PhD defence
Chao Du
c.du@biology.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4947
Pingtao Ding
p.ding@biology.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5275306
Delegation from Leiden University to visit Japan
A delegation from Leiden University will be visiting several Japanese universities and research institutions from 18 to 26 November to discuss research and teaching collaborations.
- Women and their own objects
CCLS Past Events
On this page you can find information about previous CCLS events.
Visitor Center
The Old Observatory is located on the grounds of the Hortus. This is the oldest surviving university observatory in the world. Since 1633, the University of Leiden has used the various rooms for the education of students. The Visitor Center on the ground floor of the Old Observatory is part of the Hortus…
Cultural Associative Landscape in Dominican Republic and Cuba
The research aims to understand how did Cuban and Dominican landscape encapsulate historical conceptual transformations about human –nature spiritual interaction after the Spanish conquest? More specifically, what are the present day cultural associations with Cuban and Dominican natural landscape?…
Reconstructing Object Biographies
We live in a world of things and people in the past must have been as closely entangled with their material surroundings as we are now. In the Laboratory for Artefact Studies Van Gijn takes a close look at the biographies of objects: what kind of raw material an object is made off and what is its provenience,…
Citizen Science Lab
Leiden University's Citizen Science Lab supports and organizes initiatives where anyone can get started with scientific data and research. This is how we enrich research with insights from the community, make science accessible to all, and tackle important local issues together.
COMMUNITY: unraveling the regulatory networks in Streptomyces that switch on antibiotic production on demand
Through his project we will unravel the global regulatory networks that control gene expression in Streptomyces bacteria and allow them to properly respond to major changes in the environment; we will then harness this knowledge to activate and identify novel antibiotics
TRIPS: Thrips Reduction In Production Systems
Increasing above- and belowground biodiversity in arable leek cultivation to stimulate pest control by natural enemies.
Cancer Therapeutics and Drug Safety
In this research group, headed by Bob Van de Water, cell signaling programs that underlie adverse drug reactions as well as cancer development and progression are unraveled. Adverse drug reactions involve cell injury in critical target organ cells which leads to the activation of cellular stress response…
The Politics of Memory in the Low Countries, 1566-1700
This subproject offers a political and transnational perspective on the development and uses of public memories of the Revolt in the seventeenth century.
Dutch Coastal Plains
The physical landscape is the setting in which human activities take place. Landscape and site context during human occupation is one of the areas of concern for the geoarchaeologist. A detailed stratigraphical study -both on- and off-site- clearly enhances the interpretation of the archaeologists,…
Research at Leiden Observatory spans the full width of modern astrophysical enquiry. It is based on observation, theory, simulation, and experiment. Two broad clusters characterize the ongoing research. Within each theme, researchers carry out their personal and specialized research programme. The two…
In vivo tracking and biodistribution of protein aggregates
Therapeutic proteins have revolutionized the treatment of many severe diseases like multiple sclerosis, haemophilia, diabetes and many more. Unfortunately, even recombinant proteins with structures (almost) identical to those of their endogenous counterparts often induce the formation of anti drug antibodies…
CML-IA Characterisation Factors
CML-IA is a database that contains characterisation factors for life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) and is easily read by the CMLCA software program.
New Developments in the Study of Coalition Governments
This edited volume suggests promising new avenues of research in analyzing coalition politics. Written by a group of leading scholars, the book clarifies a number of concepts too often taken for granted in the existing literature, performs theoretically-driven and methodologically novel comparative…
Training and Supervision Plan
Within 3 months of the start of the PhD project, your supervisors and you will draw up a Training and Supervision Plan in consultation with you and the other members of the supervision team.
The Van Manen Collection: Locating Literature, Lived Religion, and Lives in the Himalayas
ERC Starting Grant: The Van Manen Project. This five year project (2023-2028) is made possible with an ERC Starting Grant. It aims to (digitally) reunite all parts of the Van Manen Collection. This enables us to study it as a whole, helping us to understand the process of collection formation. More…
The Tocharian subjunctive (2004-2010)
In this study, the formation of the Tocharian subjunctive is described, its use and meaning are analysed and its origins are investigated.
Innate immune modulation in atherosclerosis and vascular
Promotores: Prof.dr. J. Kuiper, Prof.dr. P.H.A. Quax
Off the wall: characterisation and exploitation of a cell wall deficient life style in filamentous actinomycetes
Almost all bacteria are enveloped by a cell wall that provides cellular protection.
- Topical Issues in Museums
ICEHL will take place in Leiden on 7-11 June, 2021.
The State, Entrepreneur, and Labour in the Establishment of the Iranian Copper Mining Industry: The Sarechhemseh Copper Mine 1966-1979
Abdolreza Alamdar Baghini defended his thesis on 5 December 2019.
Reading Arabic: legibility studies for the Arabic script
What is the cost of visual complexity? This dissertation sets out to determine the effect of the complexity of word formation on the legibility of Arabic and the role that vocalization plays in reading.
Theoretical Chemistry
The main goal of the THEOR CHEM group, headed by Prof. Geert-Jan Kroes, is to characterize, and to accurately predict the outcome of chemical reactions at gas-solid and liquid-solid interfaces. Here the solid surface is typically a metal or an ice surface. These goals are important to many areas in…
Ideology and Christianity in Japan
Ideology and Christianity in Japan shows the major role played by Christian-related discourse in the formation of early-modern and modern Japanese political ideology.
Identification of productive and futile encounters in an electron transfer protein complex
PNAS publication on protein encounter complexes
The Politics of Heritage in Indonesia. A Cultural History
This study offers a new approach to the history of sites, archaeology, and heritage formation in Asia, at both the local and the trans-regional levels.
Fast Oxygen Reduction Catalyzed by a Copper(II) Tris(2‐pyridylmethyl)amine Complex through a Stepwise Mechanism
The mechanism of the electrochemical reduction of dioxygen by a mononuclear pyridylalkylamine copper complex was investigated (see picture). It was shown that in neutral aqueous solution dioxygen undergoes stepwise reduction, wherein hydrogen peroxide plays a key role. The rate constants determined…
Dark ice chemistry in interstellar clouds
This thesis is largely an experimental study on the formation of solid-state simple and complex organic molecules in the H2O-rich and CO-rich ice phases of dense interstellar clouds and dark cores.
Cholesterol metabolism and hematopoiesis interaction in atherothrombosis
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide.
Squaramide-based supramolecular polymers
Supramolecular polymers are class of materials that are formed by non-covalent interactions such as hydrogen bonding, π-π interactions, electrostatic interactions and the hydrophobic effect.
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