1,712 search results for “rondom world in rol environmental” in the Public website
Giovanni Gruni to take part to meeting of International Law Association committee on sustainable development
Giovanni Gruni, Assistant Professor European Law, will take part to the International Law Association committee on international trade law, sustainable development and the Green economy. The meeting will be held at King's College, University of Cambridge on the 11th of November.
Construction of vast plastics plant by Shell: 'very painful'
Shell, our country's largest company, is constructing a vast plastics plant in the United States. And it is doing so at a time when the European Union, led by the Netherlands, is launching a major pact to combat use of plastic.
LAW #20 in World University Rankings 2018
De Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2018 have been published and this year for the first time the subject ‘LAW’ has been included. Our faculty is ranked number 20.
Irregularities in the vicinity of insolvency
Every year, more than three thousand businesses are declared insolvent in the Netherlands. The purpose of bankruptcy is to divide the assets of these companies among the creditors. However, the value of the claims of the creditors often exceed the value of the assets of the company
Working towards a better world together
Global problems such as diseases of affluence or microplastics in the sea are too complex to be dealt with from a single scientific discipline or by just one country. Leiden University has the expertise to bring solutions to these enormous problems a step closer. Read more in the research dossier on…
Brazil: from economics lab to world power
Brazil is one of the world's largest emerging economies, but more is needed if it is to use this economic power for all parts of Brazilian society. This will be the subject of Professor of Brazilian Studies Edmund Amann's inaugural lecture on 20 November.
Porthos ruling has major consequences for Dutch construction sector
The Council of State in the Netherlands gave a ruling in the so-called Porthos case which revolves around the exemption currently in place for nitrogen emitted during the construction of major projects such as housing. The Administrative Law Division of the Council of State ruled that the partial construction…
We can no longer look at the world as ‘the West and the rest’
Art historian and professor Kitty Zijlmans is on a mission: she wants to get rid of the notion that the West dominates the art world. To no longer put 'the West and the rest', but the exchange between ideas and cultures at the centre of art history. ‘You will see that there has been so much exchange,…
The world wakes up with President Trump
Should we be deeply concerned about the America of Donald Trump? Or will he bring about positive change? This was the main topic of discussion between researchers and students at the Big Leiden Presidential Breakfast on 9 November.
Environmental Humanities: Science, Art, and Activism
Sustainable fishing in one of Malawi’s biggest wetlands
The Elephant Marsh is one of the biggest wetlands in Malawi and many of the country’s inhabitants rely on it for their small-scale fishing catch. To make their small fisheries sustainable and future-proof, the government has to support the fishing community and not impose too many regulations. This…
Rising Power Divided: China and India in International Environmental Politics
Lecture, Lunch Research Seminar
Legal Intimidation against Environmental Defenders in the Southeast Asia Anthropocene
VVI Research Meetings 2022-2023
A Global South Divided: Rising Powers in International Environmental Politics
Lecture, China Seminar
Historical Muslim Societies
How did institutions and structures operate throughout the Muslim world from the earliest history of Islam into the early modern period?
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Academic Staff
Leiden academics research the world around us and pass on their knowledge to future generations. Each with his or her individual expertise and personal fascination for a particular discipline, they are the public face of the University.
Partner Institutes
The IBL represents the core of modern biological research at Leiden and we interact closely with the other life science Partner Institutes in the faculty:
Archaeology and the application of Artificial Intelligence
Case-studies on use-wear analysis of prehistoric flint tools
Experience Day International Studies
Study information
Pre-University College PRE The Hague
Do you have a curious character and do you want to know how knowledge is sought at the university? Do you want to acquire knowledge and skills that could not only be important for your everyday life, but could also mean a lot for your future? Then the Pre-University College The Hague is definitely for…
Cultural Representations of Living Nature: Dynamics of Intermedial Recording in Text and Image (ca. 1550-1670)
This project investigates the transposition of natural historical material, knowledge and vision, between different media (collection, scientific drawing, academic texts, the visual arts and/or literature) – a transmission that happens in the borderline between the traditional, emblematic worldview…
Narrative and Belief
How do religious narratives persuade their readers to believe their message? And how can it be that some readers even come to treat fantasy and science fiction as authoritative religious texts? These are the core questions treated in Markus Davidsen’s new book Narrative and Belief: The Religious Affordance…
Robert Verpoorte
Emeritus professor at the Natural Products Laboratory, Institute of Biology, Leiden University - the Netherlands
This is an Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project of the Faculty of Humanities with Université Mohamed VI Polytechnique.
Burning the land
A global synthesis of the extent, diversity and patterns in off-site fire use by historically documented and current hunter-gatherers with the remit of this study in the deeper past.
Quality Management in Archaeology
The project entails research by international comparison into the effects of commercialisation in heritage management on the academic relevance and quality of the results of work that is essentially applied research. The research is carried out by Prof. dr. W.J.H. Willems and dr. M.H. van den Dries…
Enlightened Fish Books: A New History of Eighteenth-Century Ichthyology (1686-1828)
How did learned natural historical inquiries into the underwater world develop in eighteenth-century Europe?
ENIGMA-Anxiety Working Group
Together with researchers from over the world, the ENIGMA-Anxiety Working Group endeavors to unravel the neurobiology of anxiety disorders and related constructs.
What Methods Do
Exploring the transformative potential of artistic research
India at a Crossroads: SDGs and Cooperation with the EU
Shah recently wrote an op-ed for the Commentaries series of the Istituto Affari Internazionali in Rome, which has been published online. The piece is on India’s performance and priorities regarding the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) and collaboration with the EU.
Meeting with the ambassador of Kenya about research collaboration
A delegation of the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) of the Faculty of Science of Leiden University, led by the Dean of the Faculty of Science: Prof.dr. Geert de Snoo, visited the Kenyan ambassador Mr. Lawrence Lenayapa and his staff on Monday 29 of October in The Hague.
Florian Schneider
Faculty of Humanities
f.a.schneider@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2544
Mayke Kaag
m.m.a.kaag@asc.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3375
Esther Op de Beek
Faculty of Humanities
e.a.op.de.beek@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4381
Matthijs Westera
Faculty of Humanities
m.westera@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Lettie Dorst
Faculty of Humanities
a.g.dorst@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3026
Students from all corners of the world
Callum is from Ireland, Sharitah is from The Hague and Kirsten is from Manilla. The new students taking part in the HOP week from 19 to 23 August come from all corners of the world. The HOP week is the introduction week for students at Leiden University in The Hague. The diversity of the student population…
Welcome to the world of cybersecurity governance
Our digital infrastructure brings new opportunities, but it also makes us vulnerable. The answer does not lie in technology alone. But how do we help organisations get to grips with the complex theme of digital security? Welcome to the world of cybersecurity governance, the world of Bibi van den Ber…
The assembled palace of Samosata: object vibrancy in 1st C. BCE Commagene
This dissertation develops an innovative approach to cultural transformation in the kingdom of Commagene (modern south-east Turkey) during the 1st c. BCE, focusing on a palatial context in the capital Samosata.
Architectural terracottas from Akragas
Archaic and Classical architectural terracottas constituted an integral part of the architecture of monumental buildings at Akragas. These objects therefore provide unique insights into the built environment of sanctuaries at this important Greek colony in Sicily. This research's multi-disciplinary…
Liquid footprints
The present study explores the role of water in the ancient Roman city of Ostia.In antiquity, Ostia was situated at the intersection of the Tiber River and the Mediterranean Sea, and acted as one of the harbour cities of Rome for several centuries.This study investigates how water was acquired, used,…
First graduates of Master’s Programme Governance of Sustainability
The first generation of Governance of Sustainability master's students has graduated. They received their diplomas during a festive ceremony at Wijnhaven on 17 September. And they will not be the last: The master's programme is only growing in popularity. ‘We are very proud of our first graduates, especially…
How climate change affects intangible heritage: ‘Specific materials to build instruments are disappearing’
What do climate change and traditional Japanese music have to do with each other? A great deal, university lecturer Andrea Giolai suspects. He has been awarded an NWO grant to study the relationship in more depth.
- Volume 1 (2006)
The whole world is studying in Leiden
An impressive 1,300 international students from 84 different nations got to know each other at the University in Orientation Week Leiden. Where do they come from and why did they choose Leiden?
General plant strategies and functions in wetlands: Global trait-based analyses
Wetland plants are distinguished from plants of other terrestrial ecosystems by their adaptations to specific habitat stresses, including waterlogged and flooding and the subsequent abundance of phytotoxic compounds.
Van Boom at World Tort Law Society
Recently, Willem van Boom attended the Annual Conference of the World Tort Law Society (WTLS), which was held at Wake Forest Law School (NC, USA; Nov. 15-18, 2017).
Hazal Kandemir
a.h.kandemir@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727