769 search results for “koninklijke hollandsche maatschappij der wetenschappen khan” in the Public website
(De)Composing Immersion
This dissertation explores various perspectives on the term immersion, and its relation with, and transformation through, a composer’s practice.
Multiple Paths. Towards a Performance Practice in Computer Music
This thesis proposes multiple paths towards the development of a performance practice in Computer Music.
About the programme
Within the Linguistics specialisation, you can choose one of the suggested thematic routes. Depending on the theme of your choice, the programme prepares you for a career in various fields, such as speech technology, artificial intelligence, education, language documentation and language policy.
About the programme
The master in Media Studies is a one-year programme with four specialisations. Each specialisation explores connections between the various media and examines both present-day and historical material.
- Week 6: 11–17 February
8th wall formula about the Van der Waals-equation for gases
Despite the rain and awful weather, the painting job has been finished within a week. The Van der Waals-state equation is the eighth Leiden wall formula.
Maartje van der Woude appointed as full professor of Sociology of Law at Leiden University
Starting 1 January 2016 Maartje van der Woude is appointed as full professor of Sociology of Law at Leiden University.
Van der Leun and Rodrigues on the criminalisation of migrant aid
Aid workers being summoned to appear before a court in Greece and more stringent rules for rescue boats in Italy. Is providing aid to asylum seekers being criminalised? There's no doubt about it, according to Joanne van der Leun and Peter Rodrigues.
Maartje van der Woude gives a lecture at Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome
Last week, Professor of Law and Society Maartje van der Woude (Van Vollenhoven Institute) gave a lecture at the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome.
Paul van der Heijden appointed honorary professor at University of Ghent
Professor Paul van der Heijden (international labour law Leiden University) has been appointed the honorary Marcel Storme chair at the University of Ghent. The Marcel Storme chair is a rotating professorship at the law faculty of the University of Ghent which according to the regulations is solely…
January 23: Maptime University, Ineke van der Ham will speak at Maptime University
On the 23rd of January, Ineke van der Ham will speak at the next meet up of Maptime University, an interactive meeting for cartography enthusiasts of all skill levels.
Hybrid vesicles
Synthetic cells, also known as artificial cells or protocells, have wide ranging applications from drug delivery vectors to cell models. In biotechnology they can function as micro- or nanoreactors with possible applications in biocatalysis and photocatalysis. Phospholipids are by far the most commonly…
Regulation of vegetative development and life history strategy in plants
How is vegetative development regulated in plants and how does this affect a plant’s life history strategy?
Visiting Professorship in Oslo for legal sociologist Maartje van der Woude
Professor of Sociology of Law Maartje van der Woude (Van Vollenhoven Instituut, Metajuridica) has been appointed as visiting professor at the Department of Criminology & Sociology of Law Department of Criminology at the University of Oslo in Norway. The appointment will have a duration of three year…
Zeger van der Wal: The Public Manager in the 21st Century'
Managers in the public and semi-public sector work in an increasingly complex and unpredictable environment, which demands new knowledge and competences but also offers tremendous opportunities. This was the view presented by Zeger van der Wal, professor by special appointment in Public Administration…
Career prospects
The Criminal Justice Master’s programme offered by the institute of Criminal Law and Criminology at Leiden University will provide you with the skills necessary for a successful career in the private or public sector.
About us
Leiden University was founded in 1575 and is one of Europe’s leading international research universities. It has seven faculties in the arts, humanities and sciences, spread over locations in Leiden and The Hague. The University has over 6,700 staff members and 29,520 students. The motto of the University…
Enhancing the societal impact of academic publications (Creatieve Industrie – NWO KIEM)
The central goal of academic publishers is the dissemination of the results of research and scholarship. Their audiences can generally be divided into two categories. Academic publications are firstly made accessible to the scholarly community, so that these texts can form the input for new academic…
Interdisciplinary Activity Grant for Alex Brandsen and Wouter Verschoof-van der Vaart
Alex Brandsen and Wouter Verschoof-van der Vaart, PhD candidates in the Digital Archaeology research group and the Data Science Research Programme, have been awarded a 444 grant by Young Academy Leiden. They are going to use it to hold a session in Oxford on improving collaboration between researchers…
Ab van der Touw new Chairman of the Board of Governors
A.F. (Ab) van der Touw (1955) is to become the new Chairman of the Board of Governors of Leiden University. Jet Bussemaker, Minister of Education, Culture and Science (OCW), has appointed him from 1 September 2016 for a period of four years. Van der Touw succeeds Nout Wellink whose term of office comes…
Stéphanie van der Pas wins the Leiden University Thesis Awards 2014
Stéphanie van der Pas won the Leiden University Thesis Awards 2014 with her thesis
Paul van der Heijden arbitrator for new Free Trade Agreement between United Kingdom and Japan
Paul van der Heijden, professor emeritus International Labour Law, was recently appointed by the British Minister for Trade as an independent arbitrator under the dispute settlement provisions of the United Kingdom’s Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Japan.
Ineke van der Ham gave a lecture at the 'Nacht van de Ontdekkingen'
Ineke van der Ham gave a lecture at the Nacht van de Ontdekkingen in Leiden. This year’s theme was ‘Time’ and Ineke discussed the work of the Navigation Lab Leiden and how time and space play a role in navigation.
Mario van der Stelt and Laura Heitman have been awarded an NWO ECHO-STIP grant
On Friday May 3rd 2013 NWO has announced that Dr. Mario van der Stelt, Division of Bio-Organic Synthesis (LIC) and Dr. Laura Heitman, Division of Medicinal Chemistry (LACDR), have been awarded with an ECHO-STIP grant for their project, entitled: “Novel target engagement biomarkers for better drug ca…
Presentation - Bookshop of the World by Andrew Pettegree and Arthur der Weduwen
On Wednesday 27 March, 17.00 - 18.30, Andrew Pettegree and Arthur der Weduwen will present their book: 'The Bookshop of the World. Searching for markets in the Dutch Golden Age’ at the Lipsius-Building (Cleveringaplaats 1, room 11). Anton van der Lem, curator at the Leiden University Library will introduce…
Simone van der Hof gives keynote about 'Data Protection and Children's Rights' in Amsterdam
On 15 February 2018, Simone van der Hof gave a keynote lecture entitled 'Data Protection and Children's Rights - the reasoning behind the protective provisions for children in the GDPR' at the International School of Amsterdam conference on Strategic marketing & communications for international scho…
Simone van der Hof gives lecture on AI and combating online sexual abuse in Trier
On 20 February 2018, Simone van der Hof will give a lecture on the use of AI in combating online sexual abuse of children at the Academy of European Law (ERA) in Trier during the seminar The Life Cycle or Electronic Evidence - Handling E-Evidence in Child Sex Abuse Material.
Maartje van der Woude joins the Board of Trustees Law and Society Association
Maartje van der Woude, Professor of Law and Society at the Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society, has been elected, after a vote among the members of the Law and Society Association (LSA), as one of the eight ‘elected trustees’ to join the ‘Board of Trustees’ of the LSA.
Happy ILS Lunching 2017! 30 January with Professor Joanne van der Leun
The first ILS Lunch Seminar of 2017 will take place on Monday 30 January. During this lunch seminar series all researchers from Leiden Law School can present their research. The idea is to hear in a simple and nice way what researchers from other research programs and institutes are working on. During…
Professor Ester van der Voet Honored with International Society Award in Industrial Ecology
Ester van der Voet received the International Society Award in Industrial Ecology. She is awarded this price for her outstanding contributions and leadership in the field of industrial ecology, and her tireless efforts to promote sustainability and resource management. The ceremony took place on the…
Paul van der Heijden awarded grant for Business & Human Rights databank
Professor Paul van der Heijden (International Labour Law) has been awarded a grant of 50,000 euros by the city council of The Hague to start building a Business & Human Rights database.
Markus Altena Davidsen wins the Gerardus van der Leeuw Dissertation Award 2016
Markus Altena Davidsen, university lecturer in the sociology of religion at LUCSoR, has been awarded the Gerardus van der Leeuw PhD Dissertation Award by the Dutch Association for the Study of Religion (NGG).
Maartje van der Woude on the advisory board of Oxford Law’s Border Criminologies
As of today, Maartje van der Woude (Professor of Sociology of Law, Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance & Society) has become a member of the advisory board for Oxford Law’s research platform Border Criminologies.
Simone van der Hof on GDPR, children and marketing at CPDP 2018
During the 11th International Congress Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) in Brussels, Simone van der Hof gave a presentation on the General Data Protection Regulation during the panel 'GROWING UP WITH ADVERTISING IN A DIGITAL MEDIA ENVIRONMENT: DATA PROTECTION SAFEGUARDS IN DISGUISE' marketing…
Simone van der Hof chaired a panel on age verification in Brussels
On November 23, 2017, Professor Simone van der Hof chaired a panel on age verification in the digital world at the Safer Internet Forum 2017 in Brussels.
TOP-PUNT grant awarded to prof. Gijs van der Marel
NWO Chemical Sciences has awarded a TOP-PUNT grant to a research proposal of prof. dr. Gijs van der Marel (Leiden University) and prof. dr. ir. Adriaan Minnaard (University of Groningen).
5 Oct - Ineke van der Ham guest at Tijd voor Max
Ineke was invited as a guest to discuss her findings on navigation behavior and age, and to announce this year's weekend of science on current affairs tv show Tijd voor Max. https://www.maxvandaag.nl/sessies/themas/gezondheid-sport/hoe-navigeert-nederland-doe-mee-aan-het-onderzoek/
Admission requirements
The master’s degree programme Education and Child Studies is an academic, not a vocational programme. It offers research-based knowledge about education and child development.
Admission requirements
The master’s degree programme Education and Child Studies is an academic, not a vocational programme. It offers research-based knowledge about education and child development.
Admission requirements
The master’s degree programme Education and Child Studies is an academic, not a vocational programme. It offers research-based knowledge about education and child development.
Admission requirements
The maximum number of students that can be enrolled in the first year of the programme of the master Biomedical Sciences at LUMC is 100.
Admission requirements
The master’s degree programme Education and Child Studies is an academic, not a vocational programme. It offers research-based knowledge about education and child development.
Admission requirements
The master’s degree programme Education and Child Studies is an academic, not a vocational programme. It offers research-based knowledge about education and child development.
In Memoriam Emeritus Professor G. van Dijk
Gerrit van Dijk was born on 14th August 1939 in Kampen. He studied Mathematics in Utrecht where he also received his PhD in 1969 on the thesis ‘Spherical functions on the p-adic group PGL(2)’. His supervisor was prof. dr. T.A. Springer. The academic year 1969-1970 he spent in Princeton, at the Institute…
Mariana Gkliati in Der Spiegel on the persecution of rescuers in Greece
Mariana was interviewed by der Spiegel on the persecution of NGOs and rescuers in Greece.
Dutch Centre for Travel Writing Studies
The Dutch Center for Travel Writing Studies s a scientific center that develops and coordinates initiatives to promote research into travel writing. It actively seeks contact with external (scientific and social) partners to collaborate on issues surrounding cultural / national identity, cultural contact…
À la découverte de la Hollande dans les années 1760-1770
À La Découverte de la Hollande dans les années 1760-1770 : Pierre Famin, Emmanuel de Croÿ-Solre, François-César Le Tellier, Jean-Marie Roland de la Platière, Gabriel-François Coyer. Textes réunis et présentés par Madeleine van Strien-Chardonneau, Paris, Société française d’étude du dix-huitième siècle,…
Our research programme collaborates with all kinds of partners to achieve our goal: bringing scientific discoveries to the clinic as soon as possible.
The Institute of Public Administration at Leiden University serves as a bridge between academic research and practical application from its base in The Hague.
Certificate Dutch as a Foreign Language
The CNaVT exam is the official, international exam of Dutch as a Foreign Language for all who learn Dutch all over the world. The Catholic University of Leuven organizes the exam. The Dutch Language Union has commissioned this collaboration.