1,267 search results for “sociale verandering” in the Public website
Wagner mutiny: social media a source of information for intelligence services
Many people were using social media to follow last weekend’s march on Moscow by the Wagner mercenaries. And they weren’t the only ones: intelligence services were also watching with great interest. What kind of information do they obtain from social media and what are the advantages and disadvantage…
How can people with autism and social anxiety understand others’ emotions better?
A smile, tears in your eyes or a blush on your cheeks: we understand one another better by mirroring one another’s emotions. In her PhD dissertation, Julia Folz concludes that people with autism or social anxiety can be helped by interventions focused on the body.
Olaf van Vliet in Dutch newspaper Volkskrant on social welfare benefits.
Olaf van Vliet is Extraordinary Professor of Comparative Welfare State Analysis at the Economics department and the Institute of Public Administration at Leiden University. ‘From an electoral point of view, it is much more interesting to do things for people aged 66 and upward than it is for people…
Timmermans in HP de Tijd: Percentages are not always indicative for the social debate
The Social and Cultural Plan Bureau (SCP) published the report “The social state of the Netherlands”. In this research is it stated that there is no such thing as a political shift to the right. In view of the fact that the right wing is better represented in the House of Commons, this is a remarkable…
Rebekah Tromble, ‘Thanks for (actually) responding! How citizen demand shapes politicians’ interactive practices on Twitter’
It is often claimed that social media can contribute to democratic decision-making by bringing politicians and citizens into dialogue with one another. But is this potential always realised, and how? Most researchers look at politicians and their online communication strategies. In this New Media &…
Twitter attacks on Hillary Clinton are about gender, rather than politics
Political scientist Rebekah Tromble (Leiden University) and computational sociolinguist Dirk Hovy (University of Copenhagen) analyse how much hostility and sexism Clinton faces on Twitter, as well as who seems to be behind such attacks.
Why have murals been used in social and political movements?
Take a walk through any city, and you are likely to come across a brightly coloured mural. Although these paintings often seem to serve solely as a backdrop for Instagram snapshots, art history professor Minna Valjakka says there are rich traditions and intricate histories that uncover more critical…
The World of the Fullo. Work, Economy, and Society in Roman Italy
The World of the Fullo takes a detailed look at the fullers, craftsmen who dealt with high-quality garments, of Roman Italy. Analyzing the social and economic worlds in which the fullers lived and worked, it tells the story of their economic circumstances, the way they organized their workshops, the…
Essays on trends in income distribution and redistribution in affluent countries and China
Over the last decades, income inequality has increased globally. How do social policies affect this increasing trend? How do international trade and technological progress affect inequality? What is the profile of income inequality in China?
Researchers get free rein with new Social Sciences and Humanities Labs
There was a lot of interest. In front of nearly a hundred researchers, supporting colleagues and Martijn Ridderbos, the Vice-Chairman of the Executive Board, Lotte van Dillen, Research Director of Psychology and Saskia Goedhard, Director of Humanities Operations jointly opened the new lab with a classic…
ILS – RSL Lunch Seminar on Social Policy and ECJ Jurisprudence with Harvard Professor Jason Beckfield
On Wednesday 23 May, a jointly organized Lunch Seminar between the research programs Interaction Between Legal Systems and Reform of Social Legislation takes place. In this very special seminar we have the honour of receiving Prof. Jason Beckfield from Harvard University.
Food as a powerful way to understand social reality and its dynamics
Framing Poland through the lens of post-socialism, as is common in the social sciences, has become outdated. This label no longer captures the rapid changes that have taken place since the fall of the Iron Curtain. Ola Gracjasz's research shows that people are redefining their national identity, blending…
Building a sustainable future: 'Combine the forces of natural and social sciences'
The United Nations has declared May 22 the International Day for Biological Diversity. A moment of global reflection on everything on Earth and its indispensability. Anthropologist Marja Spierenburg stresses the importance of the interaction between natural and social sciences in addressing sustainability…
'The necessary and the possible': a project on social movements as drivers of change
Postdoctoral researcher Joost de Moor, who joined the interdisciplinary Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC) initiative at Leiden University since April 2021, will spend 50% of his time doing research for the project
Influencers, X and WhatsApp: social media and the coup in Niger
A number of European countries have started evacuating their citizens and there is a threat of military intervention by neighbouring countries: the situation in Niger is deteriorating rapidly. A military coup has thrown the country into turmoil, partly aided by social media.
Sara Polak warns about social media: ‘What do you do with those tweets by Trump?’
Sara Polak, American Studies expert and University Lecturer investigates how American presidents deal with the media and how new, social media influence our collective memory and the political game. ‘Social media algorithms influence us and our political choices in ways we do not foresee’, Polak say…
Call for bidders: Survey on internet and social media use in China
The research project Authoritarianism 2.0, funded by the European Research Council, invites eligible research institutions to submit applications. The successful subcontractor will conduct a nationally representative survey on Internet and social media use in the People’s Republic of China, relying…
Een beetje agressie helpt kinderen in hun sociale ontwikkeling, ontdekte Simone Dobbelaar tijdens haar promotie
Is aggression always bad? PhD research by psychologist Simone Dobbelaar shows that it is not. In fact, children who occasionally fiercely defend themselves and stand up for their peers often feel better mentally.
Citizenship, Migration and Global Transformations
Globalization, migration, technological innovation and climate change pose challenges to citizens in European countries. These challenges test the limits of cross-national and cross-generational solidarities, touching upon the very foundations of governance and society. This research program aims at…
Students win poll in CSM elective ‘Governance of crime and social disorder'
Teacher Dr. Elke Devroe introduces group role-play on actual themes of governance of crime and social disorder. In the final session of the course, the classroom was transformed into a theatric scene where students applied their insight into the contemporary debates on various issues in governance…
Society Event: lots of inspiration exchanged about societal wellbeing and social sciences
How can social scientists contribute to a healthier society? That question was central to the Healthy Society Event on 9 June 2022, which successfully marked the start of a more conscious and intensive collaboration between the five Institutes of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences on education…
Studenten voor Educatie
Students support primary schools in reducing backlogs due to Covid-19
Me, My Fiends, and I
A neuro-ecological perspective on adolescent prosocial development
Robots, Healthcare, and the Law
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Researcher at eLaw- Center for Law and Digital Technologies, just published a book on Robots, Healthcare, and the Law. Regulating Automation in Personal Care.
Forced Choices: Migration, Identity, and Belonging in the South Tyrolean Option (1939-1955)
Lecture, LIMS seminar / Austrian Studies Seminar
FGGA Brainstorm sociale veiligheid, inclusie en werkbalans
We want FGGA to become a place where everyone feels welcome, at ease, and included. The outcomes of last year's personnel monitor and D&I survey show that we are not quite there yet.
Unpacking the effects of burdensome state actions on citizens' policy perceptions
In this article, Martin Sievert and Jonas Bruder investigated whether and how administrative burdens influences citizens' perceptions of welfare policies and attitudes towards beneficiaries.
Sources of Meaning among organized non-religious ‘secular’ persons
Recently, studies have shown the similarities and differences in sources of meaning between religionists, ‘nones’ and atheists (see several studies of Schnell and others). The present study that will be conducted in three European countries tries to clarify the relationship between meaning giving and…
Algorithms for analyzing and mining real-world graphs
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.N. Kok, Co-Promotor: W.A. Kosters
Digital warfare in the Sahel: popular networks of war and Cultural Violence
This interdisciplinary study focuses on (trans)national ethnic and popular networks, combining historical-ethnographic and computational methods to understand the ‘workings’ of networked conflict interfering in the increasingly violent conflict in the Sahel (Africa) and beyond. The project focuses on…
Digital Activism in Asia: Good, Bad, and Banal Politics Online
This article introduces the special issue on ‘Digital Activism’ by exploring some of the trends in social media activism and scholarship thereof. The authors ask to what extent this literature helps us understand Asian forms of online activism, which forms of activism have relatively done well, and…
Labor Divided in the Postwar European Welfare State. The Netherlands and the United Kingdom
This monograph, written by dr. Dennie Oude Nijhuis and published by Cambridge University Press, discusses the postwar development of the welfare state.
Cities, migration and global interdependence
The key subject of the research programme Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence 1500-now (CMGI) is Inequality (at local, national and global levels). We study this from an intersectional perspective: gender, class, ethnicity or race, religion, sexuality, age, ability/disability, citizenship and…
Hanna Swaab
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
hswaab@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5274060
Iranian regime faces dilemma: ‘You can’t just block social media’
Protests have been raging in Iran for two months since the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini. The role of social media in the protests against the Iranian regime should not be underestimated, says Senior Assistant Professor and Iranian Babak RezaeeDaryakenari.
New social media pilot at Archaeology: from Wes Anderson to community archaeology
Anyone who follows the Faculty of Archaeology on social media must have noticed that something changed in September. Videos on research projects, interviews with staff and students, and embracing memes: the content has become more varied and engaging. We speak with students Grace Alonzo and Thomas Prins,…
Crime and gender 1600-1900: a comparative perspective
This project contests the assumption of criminologists that gender differences in recorded crime are static over time and that women are in general less likely to commit a crime than men.
Mental health at work: young social scientists meet up during YAL Faculty lunch
The Young Academy Leiden strives to connect young academics with each other and strengthen their position within the University. It goes without saying that mental health is a topic that cannot be ignored here. That is why that was the theme of an again successful Young Faculty Lunch, this time at the…
Jet Bussemaker: ‘Health care is a social matter, not just a medical one’
Why are we unable to address health-care inequality? This was the topic of the inaugural speech of Professor Jet Bussemaker on Friday 15 February 2019. She analysed why current policy does not suffice when it comes to protecting vulnerable groups and fighting inequality. She proposed an agenda that…
Workplace and Community: the social and cultural processes of labour movements
Hari Nugroho explores the role of local dynamics in shaping Indonesian labour movements. By focusing on the micro-level, this research reveals how labour organisation strategies are influenced by individual actors' personal histories, their interactions, and the way in which they respond the local economic…
Maria Berghuis in EditieNL about PhD thesis: 'Prison visits are form of social control'
Prisoners who have little or no contact with the outside world are more prone to reoffend. What makes visits so important?
Jorrit Rijpma legal expert on Schengen for the European Economic and Social Committee
On 20 October 2021 the plenary of the European Economic and Social Committee adopted its opinion on the proposed EU strategy for the Schengen area.
PhD defense: Calypso Music, Identity and Social Influence:The Trinidadian Experience
On Tuesday 22 November 2016 at 4.15 PM Clarence Charles will publicly defend his dissertation entitled Calypso Music, Identity and Social Influence:The Trinidadian Experience at the Academiegebouw in Leiden!
Alex Geert Castermans
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
a.g.castermans@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7400
Crafting networks in early farming societies
Tracing the residues of Neolithic activities through the study of stone artefacts
Valuing archaeology
Past, Present and Future of Nubian Communities in Sudan
Bureaucracy and fragmented social care system mean people do not receive the help they need
In his PhD research in the field of public administration, Mark Reijnders looked at why people do not receive the help they need. They lose their way in the labyrinthine support system or become bogged down in bureaucracy. In public administration this is known as non-take-up of social care. PhD defence…
Final project of the course Social and Ecological Activism in the Visual Arts (minor CSSC)
On 14 December 2022, students of the course Social and Ecological Activism in the Visual Arts (as part of the Creative Strategies for a Society in Change minor) presented and performed their final collective project at BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht: the Water Cultures Institute group role-playing…
Management of Small-Scale Fisheries at the Elephant Marsh in Malawi
Wetlands provide many ecosystem goods and services which include fish production. The sustainability of small-scale fisheries (SSF) has received considerable attention in recent years because fish is one of the major sources of animal protein to a considerable fraction of the global population which…
Counteracting subliminal cues that threaten national identity
A new paper written by Jolien van Breen, Soledad de Lemus, Russell Spears & Toon Kuppens in the British Journal of Social Pscychology examines the impact of the 2008-2012 financial crisis on national identity in Spain.