2,151 search results for “mobiliteit en veiligheid in european” in the Public website
European Law LL.M. opening lecture by Mr. Bartjan Wegter, the EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator
On 12 September 2024, the official ceremony opening the academic year 24-25 for students of the European Law master’s programme took place at Leiden Law School, organised by the Europa Institute.
The EU Law in Charts Project
Professor Christa Tobler and Jacques Beglinger have written two new publications.
New Summer School |The European Union, the United Nations and Global Governance
The Summer School ‘The European Union, the United Nations and Global Governance’ is open to Master-level and PhD students. It is supported by the European Union’s Jean Monnet program.
New co-publication by Christa Tobler in the field of European tax law
The article deals with the influence of the Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons between Switzerland and the EU on the international tax separation, more specifically on the tax separation of tax deductions for natural persons.
Europa Lecture: Paying tribute to those who apply European regulations at the national level
The tenth Europa Lecture was delivered by Corinna Wissels, State Councillor at the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Dutch Council of State, deputy justice of the Dutch Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal and member of the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement arbitration panel.
Jorrit Rijpma teaches at the EPLO Master in Athens
From 2-4 November Jorrit Rijpma taught the students of the Master in European Law at the European Public Law Institute in Athens.
Jorrit Rijpma writes report for the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament
Today a Report on the Commission’s proposal for a European Border and Coast Guard was published online. The report was written by Jorrit Rijpma at the request of the European Parliament’s LIBE committee.
‘Wij academici en docenten van Security Studies kunnen direct invloed uitoefenen.'
In zijn oratie bepleit Joachim Koops dat de toekomst van Security and Global Affairs ligt in onderzoek, onderwijs en academisch bestuur.
Ben Van Rompuy speaks at Association of European Competition Law Judges annual meeting
Ben Van Rompuy participated as an invited expert in the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Association of European Competition Law Judges (AECLJ), which took place in Berlin between 30 May and 1 June 2024. The event was co-organised by the European Commission.
EUniWell selected as 'European University'
EUniWell –the European University for Well-Being in which Leiden University and six other universities collaborate – is among the consortia selected for funding in the ‘European Universities Initiative’. The alliance will receive funding of 5 million euros from the European Commission.
Inkomen en afkomst zijn risicofactoren bij kans op hart- en vaatziekten
Nederlanders met lage inkomens lopen tot 1,5 keer meer risico op het krijgen van een hartaanval of beroerte dan rijkere landgenoten. Bij Surinaamse Hindoestanen is dit risico 1,9 keer hoger. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van het LUMC en het HagaZiekenhuis. Nederlandse artsen kijken tot nu toe niet naar deze…
Jorrit Rijpma en Amalia Campos Delgado nieuwe vertegenwoordigers regiogroep Latijns-Amerika en de Cariben
Met de benoeming van Rijpma en Campos Delgado is de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid in alle uniersitaire regiogroepen vertegenwoordigd.
ILS conference on the European Union as a Global Actor in Maritime Security
On Thursday 25 and Friday 26 October 2018, the Europa Institute organized a conference within the framework of ‘Interaction between Legal Systems (ILS): Policing the High Seas’ and in cooperation with four Interest Groups of the European Society of International Law. The event brought together representatives…
Annemarie Drahmann on new European regulations for stallholders
There is much unrest among local stallholders in Utrecht. Owners who for decades had a permanent pitch for their stall are no longer guaranteed this due to new European regulations. So no more benefits for the current stallholders which is causing them great uncertainty and frustration.
Dissertation: existence and development of the European security architecture
On Thursday 15 April, Sabine Mengelberg, associate professor at the Faculty of Military Sciences of the Netherlands Defence Academy (NLDA), will defend her thesis on changes in European security architecture. Permanent Change? The Paths of Change of the European Security Organizations is the title of…
Newscheckers wins European Citizen Award
The fact-checking initiative Nieuwscheckers has won the Dutch round of the European Citizens Award. This prize is awarded annually to projects and initiatives that deliver an exceptional performance within the EU.
Call for Papers: Negotiating Europeanness: Race, Class, and Culture in the Colonial World
The expansion of European powers overseas brought Europeans into contact and conflict with the inhabitants of Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Historians of colonialism and post-colonial scholars have long argued that this encounter was crucial for the formation of European identity, which originated…
Archaeologist helps develop board game on European prehistory
In the new board game Epoch – Early Inventors you explore the prehistoric landscape. You gather food and raw material to develop tools and skills, and you try to appease the gods. Dr Maikel Kuijpers was involved in its development from the start and he is very happy with the result. “There is a lot…
Martijn Nouwen in EU Scream podcast about mass deletion of European Commission emails
In the podcast EU Scream, a non-for-profit organization based in Brussels, Martijn Nouwen tells about his research into communications about European tax rulings.
Russia Is Stepping Up Its Covert War Beyond Ukraine
Schuurman examines how Russia is escalating its covert operations against European countries.
Collected Cases on EU Labour Law
European labour law has an unmistakable influence on national law. This applies even more to the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), as it has implications for the application of European law in the Member States and with it the interpretation of national law. Collected Cases…
Experts discuss nuclear deterrence in Europe: more weapons, more security?
On 22 January, a panel of international experts on nuclear deterrence gathered at the Campus The Hague to discuss the future of nuclear deterrence in Europe. The panel addressed key aspects of nuclear strategy and the impact of Russia's nuclear rhetoric in the context of the war in Ukraine.
European cooperation on sustainability off to a slow start
Ries Kamphof conducted research into European sustainability policies; his findings are that the European Committee very rarely uses her authority. ‘The member states are very protective when it comes to taking action to protect the climate.’ PhD ceremony on 22 November 2018.
Leiden Alumna wins NVER 2017 Award for Master Thesis
The Europa Institute is honoured to announce that a Leiden alumna has received an award from the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Europees Recht (NVER) for her master thesis.
FluidKnowledge – How evaluation shapes ocean science. A multi-scale ethnography of fluid knowledge
FluidKnowledge will investigate the past, present and future of evaluating ocean science. Regarding the past, it will ask how research priorities in ocean science evolved until now. Which lines of inquiry became hot topics, and which died out? Who became global players, who ended up in the periphery?…
Jorrit Rijpma speaks at European Parliament on Bulgaria’s accession to Schengen
Bulgaria and Romania joined the EU in 2007. In 2011, the European Commission announced these Member States’ readiness to fully apply the Schengen rules and lift controls at the internal borders with other Member States. However, that decision has to be taken by the Council with unanimity. A number of…
Every European citizen trilingual?
Leiden University linguist Lisa Cheng speaks two Chinese languages, as well as English and Dutch. She is a strong supporter of the European Commission's wish that every European citizen learns to speak several languages. ‘Speaking three languages is not that difficult.’
Crisis management
Training and Exercising in Crisis management and Emergency Control
Research Group Governance of Crises
The research group on governance of crises studies phenomena, dynamics and actors related to crisis governance. The Leiden University Crisis Research Center (CRC) is part of this Research Group.
Politically motivated crime in light of current migration flows
This project addresses the occurrence of political and ideological biased crimes in light of the recent migration influx in European countries.
Food citizens?
The ERC project 'Food citizens?' is a comparative analysis of a growing phenomenon in Europe: collective food procurement, namely networks of people who organize direct food production, distribution, and consumption.
Soep en zwemmen: vrijwilligerswerk in je studententijd
Tijdens de facultaire introductieweek werden nieuwe bachelor studenten van de studies Rechtsgeleerdheid en Criminologie wegwijs gemaakt in het leren en leven aan de universiteit. Op de informatiemarkt van dinsdag stond niet het studeren centraal, maar het studentenleven. Studieverenigingen vertelden…
Een dag vol (nep)skeletten en mammoettanden
De Faculteit Archeologie bestaat dit jaar 25 jaar. Ter ere van dit jubileum opende de faculteit op 1 maart zijn deuren voor het brede publiek.
Met senioren sjoelen en wandelen voor onderzoek
Student Marieke van der Heijden wandelt wekelijks met senioren bij het project Leren met de Stad. Zij doet onderzoek naar sociale cohesie in de wijk De Kooi.
Another Great Year for Leiden Law School in the European Law Moot Court Competition
Leiden University has seen another successful season of the European Law Moot Court Competition come to an end.
Vasiliki Kosta speaks at Maastricht Centre for European Law Seminars series
Vasiliki Kosta presented her research on ‘The EU fundamental right to freedom of the arts and sciences: exploring the limits on the commercialisation of academia' at the Maastricht Centre for European Law on 28 February 2023. The seminar was convened by Dr Annalisa Volpato, and Dr Vigjilenza Abazi acted…
Leren van crises: onderzoek en verandering in crisisbeheersing
Evaluaties en onderzoeksrapporten bieden waardevolle inzichten na crises, maar hoe zorgen we ervoor dat deze lessen daadwerkelijk leiden tot verbeteringen in crisisbeheersing en rampenbestrijding? Dit vraagstuk staat centraal tijdens de bijeenkomst Leren van crises: van onderzoek naar verandering, op…
Advies aan bestuur en rechter: 'Open je dossier over burgers'
Klare taal en betere regels rond geheimhouding. Dit zijn enkele aanbevelingen van Leidse onderzoekers om de toegang tot informatie te verbeteren voor burgers die procederen tegen de overheid. Bestuur en rechter moeten zo vroeg en zoveel mogelijk informatie delen.
Marco Bronckers
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
m.c.e.j.bronckers@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Applications open for Summer School on the European Union, the United Nations and Global Governance
The Summer School will take place from 14-25 June 2021 and welcomes Master-level and PhD-level students who are interested in learning more about the interactions between the EU and the UN and the EU’s role within current patterns in global governance.
LERU universities generated 100 billion euros for the European economy
In 2016, the 23 members of the League of European Research Universities (LERU) generated a collective economic value of €99.8 billion in Gross Value Added and 1.3 million jobs. These and other figures, which appear in a just published report by LERU, demonstrate the impressive contribution that LERU…
Special issue on 'The European Union and the Governance of Contested Global Spaces'
Together with College of Europe Professors Sieglinde Gstöhl and Simon Schunz, Joris Larik edited an interdisciplinary special issue for the Journal of European Integration on the theme 'The European Union and the Governance of Contested Global Spaces in an Era of Geopolitics'.
Eric De Brabandere, Anna Marhold and Nico Schrijver included in new European Commission arbitrators pool
Eric De Brabandere, Anna Marhold and Nico Schrijver of the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies have been included as arbitrators and Trade and Sustainable Development experts in the newly established European Commission pool in the framework of EU free trade agreements enforcement.
Students of the Master European Law visit Europol
On Wednesday 27 February, a group of around 30 Leiden Law students visited the EU’s Agency for the coordination of cooperation between police authorities, the European Police Office (Europol) in the world’s legal capital: The Hague.
European master's in maths
More than twenty international students have received an ALGANT diploma, the master's in Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory from the Mathematical Institute, in collaboration with other European universities. Anti-bureaucratic creativity was needed to align all the rules with those Brussels.
Jorrit Rijpma appeared before the European Parliament’s Working Group on Frontex Scrutiny
On Friday 23 April, Jorrit Rijpma appeared before the European Parliament’s Working Group on Frontex Scrutiny. This working group was set up by the Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) in response to allegations of serious fundamental rights violations taking place…
Tom Theuns
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
t.j.h.theuns@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5069
Nathalie Brusgaard
Faculteit Archeologie
n.o.brusgaard@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6048
Koosje van Lessen Kloeke
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
k.van.lessen.kloeke@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Melanie Fink
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
m.fink@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727