1,709 search results for “diversity in haar education” in the Public website
Equality as a driver for diversity: ‘Seek out contradiction and the unknown’
The freedom to be who you are – woman, man, homosexual, heterosexual, transgender, religious, atheist, and so on – is perhaps the Netherlands’ greatest attribute. The principle of equality and the right not to be discriminated against are in the very first article of our constitution. Yet there is a…
Saniye Çelik on the diversity policy of the Dutch central government
Saniye Çelik, senior programme manager at the Centre Professional Learning (CPL) at Leiden University: The diversity policy of the Dutch central government still needs work. How do we take a real step forward? Saniye Çelik, Christiaan Rebergen, Marc Allessie and Jacqueline Prins exchange ideas.
Jojanneke van der Toorn looks ahead to the symposium on inclusiveness and diversity
Jojanneke van der Toorn is kicking off the new Academia@WorkplacePride year with the LGBTIQ+ Workplace Inclusion Symposium. As a social psychologist, she wants to share knowledge and gather experiences relating to diversity and inclusion at work
Students create creative language lessons for primary and secondary education: ‘Not enough attention paid to languages’
The earlier you introduce children to a language, the sooner they can be captivated by it and see that there is more than just Dutch and English. That is the basis for the language lessons for primary education that Alisa van de Haar, university lecturer of French, collaborated on. ‘Deans from different…
migration, asylum, integration? LL.M. in Governance of Migration and Diversity
Are you considering a master’s degree in 2025? Join our Governance of Migration and Diversity (LL.M.) Online Webinar on 16 December!
Postponement of the Congress on the Social Benefits of Higher Education to the autumn
The organising committee of the congress 'Social Benefits of Higher Education' has decided to postpone the congress.
Judi Mesman presents 'Kennisagenda Jeugd' at four partner- ministries
During the last weeks of 2018, Judi Mesman presented the 'Kennisagenda Jeugd' to various departments and ministries, where she was welcomed with open arms. As figurehead of the NWA 'Jeugd' route, Judi worked together with the 'Taskforce Jeugd' in recent years on the development of the 'Kennisagenda…
How the Caged Bird Sings: Educational Background and Poetic Identity of China’s Obscure Poets
Jinhua Wu defended his thesis on 5 January 2021
Technology integration in education: policy plans, teacher practices, and student outcomes
Despite the value of technology integration for educational equity and quality being emphasized by numerous studies, many gaps exist about how technology integration can be approached in policy plans, implemented in pedagogical practices, and embraced by teachers, students, and parents.
Globalization of Waldorf education; an ethnographic case study from the Philippines
How do educational philosophies, discourses and practices spread around the globe, and how are they transformed and adapted locally?
Unlocking Diversity Awareness at FestiWell – through an Escape Room Game!
A group of postdoc and PhDs at our Focus on Emotions lab organized an escape room for staff and students to increase their awareness of diversity and accessibility matters. It was designed particularly for this year’s EUniWell FestiWell, which ran under the headline “Towards global sustainable well-being”.…
Kees van Putten
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
putten@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Emilie Prast
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
e.j.prast@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Anja Schoots-Snijder
a.j.m.schoots@iclon.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
ACCESS DENIED! – Girls’ Equal Right to Education in a global context, with a focus on Pakistan
Which challenges exist for girls to effectuate their right to education and specifically getting access to education?
- Meet our staff
Collected Cases on EU Labour Law
European labour law has an unmistakable influence on national law. This applies even more to the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), as it has implications for the application of European law in the Member States and with it the interpretation of national law. Collected Cases…
Alumnus Shivan Shazad: 'I would like to have been a member of a diversity and inclusion committee'
It was his thesis supervisor during his master's in Film and Photographic Studies who encouraged Shivan Shazad to pursue a second master's in diversity policy at Ghent. He is now Manager of Diversity and Inclusion at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.
Sculptures provide more diverse view of University’s history
Three new initiatives will provide a more diverse view of Leiden’s academic history, literally and figuratively: a historical study on the background of students and scientists, a new book about the Academy Building, and two new sculptures of female scientists, Ewine van Dishoek, Professor of Molecular…
The People in Between: Education, Desire, and South Koreans in Contemporary China
Xiao Ma defended her thesis on 26 September 2018
professor by special appointment: ‘I want to contribute to thinking about diversity
The Institute for Philosophy further expands its knowledge: As of 1 September, Annemie Halsema holds the chair of Wijsgerige antropologie en de grondslagen van het humanisme (Philosophical anthropology and the principles of humanism, ed.). In the coming five years, she will study current societal issues…
Igor Boog
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
i.boog@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6606
Suzanne Mol
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
s.e.mol@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6759
Dilara Erzeybek
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
d.erzeybek@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Carlotta Rigotti
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
c.rigotti@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 8838
FAIR-ASSESS: Fair Educational Assessment in the Age of AI
Welcome to the Fair Educational Assessment in the Age of AI (FAIR-ASSESS) project!
Geslaagde studentenconferentie 'empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht'
Waarom is empirisch-juridisch onderzoek van belang voor de rechtspraktijk en het wetenschappelijke onderzoek? Op die vraag kregen masterstudenten van de afstudeerrichtingen civiel recht, ondernemingsrecht en financieel recht antwoord tijdens het congres over empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht…
Lost in transition? Multiple Interests in Contexts of Education, Leisure and Work
The overall aim of the project is to investigate interests and their development over time in a daily life context, with particular attention for the transition from late secondary to post secondary education, and from late post secondary education to early career.
influence of teachers’ knowledge and skills on acting with dashboards in education
Which basic characteristics and skills and knowledge influence the use of and actions based on real-time student data presented on a teacher dashboard in primary education?
theme in Saniye Çelik’s career: from police officer to Professor of Diversity and Inclusion
She started her career in the police force, walking the beat as an officer. Now she has been appointed Extraordinary Professor of Diversity, Inclusion and Policing at Leiden University. Things have come full circle for Saniye Çelik. ‘It's very special.’
Recap second Night of the Lobbyist: a diverse group of guests and new insights
On Thursday 10 November, the Night of the Lobbyist was held. During this public event, organised by Leiden University and the Public Affairs Academy, many insights were shared regarding the different aspects of lobbying and the diversity of the world of the lobby.
Leiden University to participate in Cultural Talent to the Top monitor
This year, Leiden University will participate for the first time in the Cultural Talent to the Top monitor. This will provide insight into the University’s diversity policy with regard to staff from a non-western background. The ultimate aim is to promote ethnic and cultural diversity in certain rol…
Team 4 electives 5th semester & connection of education to labour market
This team will focus on the elective credits in the fifth semester.
Assessing Learning in Higher Education
Assessing Learning in Higher Education addresses what is probably the most time-consuming part of the work of staff in higher education, and something to the complexity of which many of the recent developments in higher education have added. Getting assessment ‘right’– that is, designing and implementing…
Vocational education and university join forces for quantum technology
Opening van het Quantum Delta NL (QDNL) Talent & Learning Centre (TLC) Leiden-Delft.
Ineke Sluiter: ‘Accessibility, diversity and inclusion are a matter of doing the right thing’
For two years, Ineke Sluiter was president of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). Now, she is returning to the university full time. ‘I always carry themes like accessibility, diversity and inclusion with me.’
How can we banish racism from education?
A safe haven for students, more bicultural staff and more powers for diversity officers. In a national expert meeting at Campus The Hague, administrators, diversity officers, students and staff discussed urgently needed measures.
Bringing science to practice: Designing an integrated academic education program for public affairs
Arco Timmermans, Professor by special appointment Public Affairs at Leiden University, brought sience to practice by designing an “ideal” academic education programme on public affairs, to be embedded and taught at the graduate level.
The Teaching of Khety and Its Use as an Educational Tool in Ancient Egypt
On Wednesday 23 October 2024 Judith Jurjens successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
New LL.M. in Governance of Migration and Diversity (GMD-Legal) starting September 2024
Starting in September 2024, the Europa Institute will host a new LL.M. on the Governance of Migration and Diversity [GMD].
student participation: participatory action research in a teacher education context
This thesis investigated the extent to which participation of school students in decision-making processes can be achieved, including through participatory action research (PAR) in teacher education.
D&I Symposium 2024: What have we achieved with a decade of diversity policy?
How has progress been made on diversity and inclusion at Leiden University over the past decade? Attendees reflected on this at the D&I Symposium 2024: Untold Stories. And in the workshops, students and staff discussed the next steps toward a more inclusive community.
- Technical Program Chairs
Unraveling Determinants of Inclusive Leadership in Public Organizations
This article aims to explore the determinants of inclusive leadership. This type of leadership is valued for social equity and fairness.
Through Novice-expert Interaction in the Context of Chinese Vocational Education
The aim of this research is to gain insight into the approaches of learning to teach. Teacher learning processes, feedback in novice-expert interaction and the impact of the interaction are explored.
Heritage Education — Memories of the Past in the Present Caribbean Social Studies Curriculum
As part of Nexus 1492 Subproject 4: A Future for Diverse Caribbean Heritages, which seeks to shed light on how local communities interpret and engage with heritage in the present day, this doctoral study aims to gain insight into how indigenous heritage is represented in the school curriculum for social…
Towards inter- and transdisciplinarity in research and (executive) education
How can interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaborations between psychology and public administration contribute to the development and application of behavioural insights that improve government functioning and its interaction with citizens?
Making room for conflicting feelings will help police promote diversity and inclusion
Diversity and inclusion within the police creates opportunities but also meets resistance. Professor by special appointment and former police officer, Saniye Çelik, emphasises how ambivalent feelings about D&I are essential to the learning process and can lead to informed decisions and real change.
"Toddler Time". How are preschoolers supposed to behave?
Children of preschool age are increasingly understanding what adults expect of them. What rules of behavior do these children learn from their fathers and mothers in certain cultures within the Netherlands?
Gratama Science Award for Jojanneke van der Toorn
Jojanneke van der Toorn has been proclaimed the young and promising researcher of 2015. At the official opening of the academic year on 31 August she was awarded the Gratama Science Award for emerging talent.