1,900 search results for “action and chronic stress” in the Public website
About the programme
PHM offers you the tools to navigate through, and give direction to, the complex and changing health care landscape by using an interdisciplinary approach. Become the broker to improve health and societal outcomes for citizens and patients.
Call for Participation online workshop Interrogating Speculative Futures
Call for Participation for the online workshop Interrogating Speculative Futures: A workshop on the politics of imagining a future with(out) chronic illness on 19 and 20 July 2021.
Social Science Matters: Clinton vs. Trump - race over?
Monday 26 September, 2016 saw the first confrontation between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Expectations were high – not only about the content of the debate, but also about how the two presidential candidates would behave, and how this might influence their campaigns. We asked three researchers…
Participatory Action Research: possibilities and challenges in the humanities
Course, Terra Incognita Masterclass
Daphne Tona maps the brain
Psychologist Daphne Tona is one of the first to investigate a small nucleus in the brain stem 'in vivo' in living volunteers. That nucleus is involved in cognitive function and neurological and psychiatric disorders. With this research Tona is further mapping the brain. PhD defence on September 10.
Michiel Westenberg brings together teaching and youth care for the National Science Agenda
‘Equal opportunities for diverse young people’ receives a Starting Incentive of the Natonal Science Agenda of 2,5 million euros. In this project research is conducted on the processes and mechanisms in the changing environments in which young people grow up that contribute to equal - or unequal - opportunities.…
Sylvia van Beugen wins award for publication on psychodermatology
Sylvia van Beugen has won the Herman Musaph Literature award 2016 for the best publication about psychodermatology. Her publication describes the importance of body awareness in chronic skin conditions, such as psoriasis.
Presentation at the Plastic Soup Foundation
On 3 May2017 LAPP participated in a meeting on microplastics at the Plastic Soup Foundation.
About the programme
In the Master's programme Crisis and Security Management, you will study contemporary security challenges from both local and global points of view, gaining a deep understanding of the ‘wicked problem’ of security and crisis topics in a complex and globalising world.
EuroScience Open Forum
In July 2022, Leiden hosted the ESOF conference.
The Leiden Family Lab study on Social Anxiety Disorder
Social anxiety runs in families, but the neurobiology underlying this genetic vulnerability is until now largely unknown. The unique Leiden Family Lab study on Social Anxiety Disorder (LFLSAD) aims to broaden our knowledge with respect to this genetic susceptibility.
Development and evaluation of evidence based self-help and online programs for people with a somatic stressor and depressive symptoms
What is the effectiveness of (booklet or online) self-help programmes for people with somatic stressors and depressive symptoms? What works best for whom? How to improve motivation and adherence?
Predictive Pharmacology
Prof. Elizabeth de Lange is concerned with the allocation of resources for the conduct of science towards the goal of best serving the public interest. Also, while she underscores that there is still the need for using animals in drug research, she is concerned about this use, and advocates the use…
Searching for disease indicators in healthy people
LUMC researchers are looking for factors that point to illness at an early stage.
Novel immunomodulatory drugs for tuberculosis treatment
Can drugs that target host signaling pathways be used to eradicate antibiotic-resistant bacteria?
Searching for disease indicators in healthy people
LUMC researchers are looking for factors that point to illness at an early stage.
The quest for new medicines against tuberculosis
Can drug screening for tuberculosis treatment be made more efficient?
The research team
At the division of Biopharmaceutics, we aim to develop and test new therapeutic approaches to limit or even prevent the development of atherosclerosis in order to reduce the number of acute cardiovascular syndromes such as myocardial infarction or stroke.
Career prospects
A master's degree in Psychology at Leiden University combines theoretical knowledge with academic and professional skills, making you an attractive candidate for many employers.
Lobbying the Courts workshop
On 14 and 15 September, the 'Lobbying the Courts' workshop took place in Paris. This was an interdisciplinary workshop in which researchers from different disciplines came together to brainstorm on whether, how, and when interest groups focus on the judicial process and the courts in their lobbying…
Career Prospects
A master's degree in Psychology at Leiden University combines theoretical knowledge with academic and professional skills, making you an attractive candidate for many employers.
Disclaimer: Manuscripts related to the Resilience Center are for academic purposes only and are not intended for mass distribution or copying. Please refer to applicable laws for fair use, including copyright holders' restrictions on publications.
Social anxiety in adolescents
Serious forms of anxiety concerning other people’s opinions can hinder teenagers at school in social interactions or carrying out tasks. Psychologist Anne Miers is looking for ways to reduce this so-called ‘social anxiety’.
Unravelling the genes responsible for life history traits in the giant woody cabbage (Brassica oleracea)
Which genes are involved in woodiness and associated traits such as drought tolerance, flowering time, stem elongation, life span, and plant herbivory, and how do these gene regulatory pathways overlap?
Ethics: how selfless should a self-driving car be
Intelligent machines are going to make ethical decisions too. Should a self-driving car be allowed to slam into pedestrians to save its passengers from a head-on collision? Should a negotiation app be able to detect stress in your opponent’s voice? And who makes these decisions: the user, the system’s…
How can we live healthier lives? Universities and hospitals are going to find out
Getting out and exercising rather than slobbing on the sofa, breathing in fresh air instead of cigarette smoke and grabbing healthy snacks instead of junk food. In a new interdisciplinary Medical Delta programme, researchers are going to investigate how to help people live healthier lives. What are…
Andrea Evers in the media about the corona measures and behaviour
Health psychologist Andrea Evers has been invited by several Dutch and international media to talk about the coronavirus and the measures taken by the government with regard to public health.
Dynamical Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions and Brownian percolation
Promotor: Prof.dr. W.Th.F. den Hollander, Co-promotor: R. Fernandez
Sustainability Series
We are very excited to announce our Sustainability Series for 2023-2024. Each month an interactive workshop will be organised that discusses a specific theme of sustainability. Interested about sustainability? Do not hesitate to sign up to our events !
LGBT+ Network
The LGBT+ Network offers a platform for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer staff and students at Leiden University.
Our educational programmes span the entire spectrum of pharmaceutical education, from training of the next generation drug researchers in the areas of drug design, drug action, and drug use to educating the pharmacists of the future.
Programme structure
In the Science for Sustainable Societies programme, you will develop the expertise with which you can contribute to a more sustainable world. You will develop a sound knowledge base in the relevant disciplines of natural and social sciences and gain an innovative perspective on environmental and sustainability…
and environmental factors determining heterogeneity in preservation stress resistance of Aspergillus niger conidia
PhD defence
The art of balance: Addressing occupational stress and well-being in emergency department nurses
PhD defence
Monitoring Drought and Salinity Stress in Agriculture by Remote Sensing for a Sustainable Future
PhD defence
Glucocorticoid signaling in a rat model of post-traumatic stress disorder
PhD defence
Dynamics and regulation of the oxidative stress response upon chemical exposure
PhD defence
Pleading for Diversity: The Church Caspar Coolhaes Wanted
Linda Stuckrath Gottschalk defended her thesis on 6 April 2016.
Influence of dissociation on the neural correlates of Emotional Working Memory in Borderline Personality Disorder
How do dissociative states affect the ability to suppress emotional distraction (in the context of a working memory task) in patients with Borderline Personality Disorder?
Plant Sciences
The mission of the Plant Sciences cluster is to contribute to the sustainable production of high-quality crops, flowers and high-value bio-based products, and to contribute to the maintenance and restoration of biodiversity in natural ecosystems. This is realised by generating fundamental knowledge…
Immigration and the Conditionality of Unemployment Benefits in OECD Countries
Samir Negash, PhD candidate at Leiden University and Olaf van Vliet, Professor by special appointment Comparative Welfare State Analysis at Leiden University wrote a paper regarding the topic of immigration and the conditionality of unemployment benefits in OECD countries.
Research themes
The Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) is an internationally oriented institute for research and education in biology.
Animal Sciences
We perform multidisciplinary research at molecular, cellular, and organismal levels of animal biology to increase fundamental understanding of health and disease.
Functions of autophagy in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger
What are the functions of autophagy in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger?
What to focus on for a clean environment?
The earth has more than 7 billion inhabitants, all of whom leave behind traces of pollution. However, not all forms of pollution have the same harmful effect. Leiden scientists help determine where we should put our priorities.
Measuring water life
Human activity, such as pollution, may disturb the balance of living water systems, which has consequences for biodiversity, but also for other functions such as water purification. Leiden University maps living water systems using the most advanced technologies.
Social Anxiety and Normal Development
Why does social anxiety increase in adolescence and how does it grow out of control in some adolescents?
Hong Kong's Place in South East Asia
On Thursday 7 November 2024 Vaudine England successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Foam rheology near the jamming transition
Promotor: M.L. van Hecke, Co-Promotor: B.P. Tighe