1,712 search results for “rondom world in rol environmental” in the Public website
The Faculty of Humanities in Leiden is unique in its research, education, valorisation and breadth of languages, cultures, arts and societies of the world, in their historic context, from prehistory to the present. Humanities’ research and education at Leiden are among the top 30 in the world (THE).
Archaeologies of Empire
Throughout history, a large portion of the world's population has lived under imperial rule. Although scholars do not always agree on when and where the roots of imperialism lie, most would agree that imperial configurations have affected human history so profoundly that the legacy of ancient empires…
Wail and Word: The Emergence of War Fiction in Persian Post-Revolutionary Literature
This thesis seeks to examine the emergence of Persian novels and short stories during the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988).
Utility Spots, Science Policy, Knowledge Transfer and the Politics of Proximity
How we think about and act on the usefulness of scientific research has epistemological and political implications: what knowledge consists of, how it comes about and to what ends. In this dissertation, I situate the usefulness of scientific research in concrete places for knowledge exchange. The exchange…
Het Urban Future‐project
Central to this research is the Urban Future-project, which consists of a large archive of artworks made from 2002 until now.
Animals in Dutch Travel Writing, 1800-present
Apart from humans, animals play a pivotal role in travel literature.
About the Department
The Department of World Archaeology is a lively pluriform community that explores various theoretical and methodological approaches, applies cutting-edge technologies, creates and maintains international networks across the globe, and unites researchers of many different backgrounds.
Toward an Intercultural Natural History of Brazil
The Historia Naturalis Brasiliae Reconsidered
Frontiers of Modern Physics
This is the physics summer school of Leiden University. It is part of the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION). The summer school is intended for Bachelor (BSc) students in physics. It covers topics from quantum matter and optics, to biological & soft matter physics and cosmology and theoretical physics.…
About the programme
This specialised BSc degree programme offers you courses such as International Organisations and Actors in World Politics. Furthermore, you attend more general courses, such as International Politics, Comparative Politics, and Global History. You will also develop academic and professional skills: statistics,…
Radboud Studiedag Middeleeuwen
Dit jaar zal er een digitale editie van de Radboud Studiedag Middeleeuwen georganiseerd worden, waarin Radboud-onderzoekers toegankelijke lezingen zullen verzorgen rondom het thema 'Orde en chaos in de middeleeuwen'. De studiedag zal plaatsvinden verspreid over twee avonden, op woensdag 7 en donderdag…
Gerlov van Engelenhoven
Faculty of Humanities
g.n.t.j.van.engelenhoven@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Bianca Angelien Claveria
Faculty of Humanities
b.a.claveria@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4165
Marginal Lands? The Commodification and Re-appreciation of Upland Agriculture in the Borderlands of Northeast India
How does the commodification and re-appreciation of the contiguous uplands of Northeast India, Bangladesh and Burma/Myanmar transform the relationship between these states and their upland citizens?
Baoxiao Liu
b.liu@cml.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5275615
La crémation à Alexandrie et dans l’Égypte grecque et romaine: étude d'une pratique à travers ses urnes cinéraires
This research aims to study the practice of cremation in Alexandria and Graeco-Roman Egypt, through the examination of its cinerary urns.
Common Dwelling Place of all the Gods
Commagene in its Local, Regional and Global Hellenistic Context
Leiden will host international conference on industrial ecology
In 2021, the eleventh Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology will take place in Leiden. The Institute of Environmental Sciences Leiden (CML) has been elected to host the next biennial meeting at the latest conference of the Society in Beijing, China. ‘Industrial ecology can play…
Joris Larik on BBC World Service Radio about Brexit
Joris Larik was interviewed by BBC World Service radio on the state of Brexit negotiations, the Irish border issue and ongoing Dutch preparation.
A world without American domination?
America’s dominance of the world stage is coming to an end. These were the words of Professor Amitav Acharya in his guest lecture in The Hague on 5 February. ‘But the world really won’t be plunged into immediate chaos.’
Workshop The Natural World (Antwerpen)
ENVIRHUS (Environmental and Rural History of Urbanized Societies) organiseert op 17 februari 2023 (14u-17u) de workshop ‘The Natural World‘.
Dario Fazzi
Faculty of Humanities
d.fazzi@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2704
Seeking balance in a changing world and university
The world around us is changing. What does that mean for the future of Europe, on this turbulent world stage? And what does it mean for our teaching, and for the expectations that Leiden University has of its students? These were the key questions during the opening of the 2018-2019 academic year on…
Archaeology of Europe
In the master’s programme in Archaeology, you can follow courses on the archaeology of Europe, deepening your understanding of the continent’s long history.
Mark Driessen
Faculteit Archeologie
m.j.driessen@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1756
from Leiden wins the Rotterdam100 with plan for more environmental-friendly ships
Capture the emissions of ships and use it to cultivate algae, which you can then use to make biofuels. This was the idea that won the team from Leiden, led by Public Administration student Hein Laterveer, the Rotterdam100 competition.
From (no) sex in Japan to environmental policy: ICAS 11 is coming to town
The walls of Paul van der Velde’s study at the International Institute for Asian Studies are full of neat rows of post-it notes. As organiser in chief, he is right in the middle of the upcoming ICAS 11, the 11th International Convention of Asia Scholars, which is returning to where it was first held…
World Solidarities: IUAES 2019
On August 27 – 31 2019, PhD candidate Maria Vasile participated in the IUAES 2019 Inter- congress in Poznan, Poland entitled "World Solidarities" and shares some of the insights from presentations she attended and found particularly relevant to the Food Citizens project.
hard time with uncertainty? This may influence how you perceive the world
Always taking the same route to work, going for that one dish in restaurants and going on the same holiday each summer: this may ring a bell for those who don’t like uncertainty. Researchers are now discovering that this aversion affects how we understand the world.
Recognizes Manuscripts First Voyage Around the Globe and Hikayat Aceh as World Heritage
UNESCO has recognized an international set of fifteen manuscripts about Ferdinand Magellan's first circumnavigation of the globe and the three Hikayat Aceh manuscripts as World Heritage. The manuscripts are inscribed in the global UNESCO Memory of the World Register. This list contains documentary heritage…
Micro boat makes world tour
World wide press attention for the article and specifically the image of the 30 micrometer long micro boat 3DBenchy by Rachel Doherty, Daniela Kraft and other Leiden physicists.
TARGETBIO: Transmission of Antimicrobial Resistance Genes and Engineered DNA from Transgenic Biosystems in Nature
This project aims to assess the risk of spread of antimicrobial resistance genes in the environment derived from currently used synthetic biology approaches in the field of drug discovery.
An academic perspective on the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos
Today over 1000 chief executives and more than 40 world leaders meet in the Swiss village Davos to discuss the world's issues of today. What is the importance of the conference and what is the actual effectiveness? Dr. Alexandre Afonso, assistant professor in the Department of Public Administration,…
Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences ranks ninth in the QS World University Rankings
Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences has done very well in the QS World University Rankings, being allocated a very impressive ninth position.
LTO hoopt met nieuwe plannen stikstofimpasse te doorbreken
In reactie op de uitspraken van de Raad van State en de civiele rechter presenteerde Land- en Tuinbouworganisatie (LTO) onlangs nieuwe plannen. Rogier Kegge, universitair docent bestuurs- en omgevingsrecht, reflecteert op verzoek van de NOS op deze plannen.
How polluting buildings and machinery make rich countries ever richer
Rich countries are getting richer because of environmentally polluting (construction) investments from the past, largely at the expense of poor countries. This was shown by long-term economic and environmental data. 'The gap between poor and rich countries is widening.' Scientists from the Leiden Institute…
- Environmental Humanities: Architecture is Climate
‘Human Rights and the World Cup Qatar’ debate: ‘World Cup football is never just about sport’
Various guests with a background in human rights, law, politics and international relations will be taking part in the ‘Human Rights and the World Cup Qatar’ debate on Friday 30 September. Royal Dutch Football Association (KNVB) Secretary-General and Leiden alumnus Gijs de Jong will be there to provide…
Antiquity: Greeks and Romans in Context
This new handbook by Frits Naerebout and Henk Singor places the history of the Greeks and Romans within the larger context of the contemporary Eurasian world.
Daniëlla Dam-de Jong
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
d.a.dam@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7944
Sjoerd Lopik
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
s.j.lopik@law.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Second World War victims commemorated in Hour of Remembrance
On 4 May, Leiden University remembered the victims of the Second World War from our university community. Alumni, students and present and former staff of the University came together for this Hour of Remembrance.
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology | Leiden University
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at Leiden University studies the everyday practices of individuals and groups around the world in relation to the complex global challenges of diversity, sustainability, and digitalisation.
Reasserting America in the 1970s: US Public Diplomacy and the Rebuilding of America's Image Abroad
Reasserting America in the 1970s brings together two areas of burgeoning scholarly interest.
‘Being a slave’ Indian ocean slavery in local context
What did it mean to be enslaved in in the Indian Ocean world in the 18th and 19th centuries? Over the last decades, historians have mined French, British, Portuguese and Dutch records for quantitative data on the European slave trade. This project focuses on the experience of being a slave and seeks…
Cosmopolis Advanced
This programma, an initiative of the Institute for History in partnership with Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Yogyakarta. Aims to study more than 20 kilometers of Dutch archival materials in The Netherlands, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka and South Africa.
Keys to Rome
Shining a new light on the Roman world
Student for a day International Studies
Study information
Kanonbildung im transkulturellen Netzwerk. Die Rezeptions-geschichte des Moskauer Konzeptualismus aus deutsch-russischer Sicht
How did a circle of Soviet artists and writers virtually unknown until perestroika turn into Russia’s most influential contemporary art movement? This book reconstructs the cultural history and canonization of a group of painters and poets known as the Moscow conceptualists, who paradoxically did not…
Student for a day International Studies
Study information