1,369 search results for “mens wellbeing” in the Public website
Educational Innovation Hub
Since its founding, LUC has been a college of educational development and experimentation. Its mission statement identifies the college as “a site of innovation in pedagogy, curriculum design, and student well-being,” and it applies a student-centred approach to learning throughout its BA and BSc degree…
Percentage of women professors: Leiden in third place
Leiden University is in third place in the Netherlands for the percentage of women professors, behind the Open University and Radboud University in Nijmegen. This is reported in the Review of Women Professors 2018.
Rising inequality slows as more women in lower-income groups join the labour force
Behind the relatively stable income inequality in the Netherlands, big changes have been happening. Income inequality has increased over the past 40 years, but less sharply because women in lower income groups have begun working more. In contrast, men’s income has increased very little over the past…
COOP #2: Panel discussion Code of Conduct (with FGW POPcorner)
Fact or fiction? Debunking 5 common love myths with researcher Iliana Samara
'You’ll know right away when you meet your true love’ or ‘Opposites attract’: Some persistent beliefs exist about love and attraction, but are they true? Researcher Iliana Samara investigates the dynamics of attraction and explains which love myths we can let go of.
Jannemieke Ouwerkerk comments on surrender of suspects fatal assault Mallorca
One week ago a group of Dutch men were attacked out of the blue by another group of Dutch tourists on the Spanish island of Mallorca. One of the victims later died as a result of his injuries. The Spanish police know who the suspects are, but those men are in the Netherlands.
'Ongelijkheid mannen en vrouwen versterkt door kunstmatige intelligentie'
Ontwerpers en onderzoekers gaan bij het verzamelen van data vaak uit van mannen als ze mensen bedoelen. Dat is onhandig en onveilig.
Film by CADS alumna Loes Moree screened at Field Recordings in Rotterdam
The film MعLMIN made by Visual Ethnography alumna Loes Moree will be screened during the fourth Fieldrecordings event. Field Recordings is an annual event for visual anthropology, sound art and landscape film.
Launch Leiden University Dialogue in Education Network (LUDIEN)
On July 3rd the Leiden University Dialogue in Education Network (LUDIEN) has officially been launched. The network welcomes all who are interested in dialogue as a tool for connection and improved student wellbeing in higher education. The dialogue method is moreover useful to talk about sensitive issues…
Living room KOG: a space to relax and connect
The Student Living Room at the KOG will soon officially open its doors. All Leiden Law School staff and students are welcome to come and see this new space during the official opening event on Tuesday 23 May at 12.00 hrs. A free lunch will be provided for all, we’ll raise a toast with a glass of bubbles,…
Take It Easy Tuesday
The first day of the Online Well-being Week covered the topic of your mental health. And more specifically, how to not be too hard on yourself and how you might feel in these weird times.
Annual Report 2023 published
In its new Annual Report 2023, Leiden University reviews its research and teaching, as well as its ICT, staffing, finances, real estate, impact and knowledge transfer.
Ayokunu Adedokun launches Future-Ready Coaching Academy
The academy is designed to promote student well-being and to prepare students for the labour market.
Coaching sessions by psychology master's students?
Are you interested in working on your well-being, work-life balance or stress levels? Leiden Psychology students are offering a series of 5 individuals coaching sessions. The sessions are free of charge and confidentiality is guaranteed.
Sylvana Simons to give Annie Romein-Verschoor Lecture
Every year on or around International Women’s Day on 8 March, Leiden University holds its Annie Romein-Verschoor Lecture. This year’s lecture will be given by Sylvana Simons, MP and leader and parliamentary chair of the BIJ1 party. What does International Women’s Day mean to her and which challenges…
Sex, power and colonialism: 'Marriages and sexuality were fundamental to colonial power'
Sex and power are closely linked, and this was certainly true in the former Dutch colonies. PhD student Sophie Rose investigated how sexual and love relationships influenced eighteenth-century power structures there. 'You can see that there was constant fighting over who stood where in the social hi…
Media attention for research into Dutch financial health
Research conducted by Deloitte, with advice from Leiden University and Nibud (National Institute for Family Finance Information), shows that six out of ten households in the Netherlands are financially unhealthy. National media paid much attention to the report.
Love, war and... football: 2024 in Leiden stories
A new government, conflicts around the world and obviously a lot of science: these are the five stories about Leiden University that you enjoyed reading in 2024.
Extraordinary Merovingian cemetery excavated by Leiden University
In the last weeks of May 2017 a team of students, PhD’s and postdocs of Leiden University led by prof. Frans Theuws excavated a small but exclusive cemetery from the late 7th and early 8th century in the town of Veldhoven in the southern Netherlands. Leiden University cooperated with the Town of Veldhoven,…
Student Members discuss Faculty Council: You get to know the organisation from a different perspective
What does a student member of the Faculty Council do? What is it like to be a member of this representative body and how useful is it to be a member? Students Rassoul Coelen (FC 2020-2021 and presently member of the University Council) and Max Garcia Hoogland (FR 2021-2022) talk to us about their experiences.…
‘There couldn’t be a better time to launch EUniWell’
On 17 November, the European academic community will be a partnership richer, when EUniWell, the European University of Well-Being, is launched. Within EUniWell, Leiden University and six other universities are working together on well-being challenge. Four Leiden researchers explain the benefits of…
University buildings
What is Leiden University doing to make its buildings future-proof and independent of fossil energy?
International Women's Day: the visibility of women in archaeology
On 8 March, International Women’s Day, equal opportunities for women worldwide, empowerment, and gender equality take centre stage. For years, the role of women in the past has been nearly invisible. Four archaeologists reflect on this inequality of focus, from hunter-gatherers in the palaeolithic to…
Siberian 'unicorn' takes centre stage in radio interview
The publication in Nature Ecology & Evolution about the so-called Siberian unicorns took centre stage in a Dutch radio interview.
Pedro Russo on gender preconceptions on Times Higher Education
Three in four scientists depicted in primary school science textbooks are men, according to a recent study by Observatory scientist Pedro Russo. In an interview he explains how this might impact children's later careers.
University elections: student parties introduce themselves
Better links with the job market, diversity, quality of education, student well-being and free coffee. All these are issues that the student parties taking part in the University elections will be fighting for. The candidates are keen to tell you a bit about themselves. Between 9 May and 13 May you…
Belittling and threats are part of everyday life for outspoken women
In a fiery Annie Romein-Verschoor lecture, Sylvana Simons opened up about her experiences as a woman in politics. The leader of the BIJ1 party is regularly the subject of belittling comments and threats. Writer Aafke Romeijn, who reflected on the Simons’ lecture, has also been threatened frequently…
What crime reporting can teach us about women’s history
How can you learn about women’s history if they are under-represented in historical sources? Look at news coverage of crime, says Clare Wilkinson, PhD candidate in gender and history. ‘Historical crime reporting offers a glimpse into forgotten groups.’ The doctoral defence will take place on 23 Apri…
Link between Rembrandt and the University
There are various links between Rembrandt and Leiden University
Working at the Faculty of Science
Working for a top faculty? Discover the vacancies at the Faculty of Science and apply immediately.
Afgrond zonder vangnet
Onlangs verscheen het boek ‘Afgrond zonder vangnet’ van Yra van Dijk, hoogleraar Moderne Nederlandse Literatuur. In haar boek analyseert ze verschillende thema's in het werk van Arnon Grunberg.
Project for Innovation of Teaching Adat Law (PINTAL)
How can legal education in Indonesia become more relevant for graduates who will work in contexts of legal pluralism, aiming for social justice and providing legal services that common citizens need?
LGBT+ Network
The LGBT+ Network offers a platform for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer staff and students at Leiden University.
Healthy ageing
The elderly accept may minor discomforts like stiffer muscles and getting tired more quickly, but they do want to go to their children's birthdays independently. Preventive elderly care helps people with that. The goal is to let people grow old while maintaining their self-reliance and independence…
Udhruh Archaeological Project
The hinterland of important centres like Petra (Southern Jordan) can provide essential information that contribute to the understanding of their rise, expansion and decline.
The combination of global questions and a wide range of local sources characterizes the Leiden University Institute for History.
Previous SAILS Workshops
SAILS likes to occasionally organise workshops about topics that relate to our programme. On this page you can find more information about previous workshops.
Access to Justice in Libya (A2JiL)
This 48-month project is to contribute to a solid, accessible, domestically owned knowledge base for people-centred interventions aimed at strengthening access to justice in Libya (A2JiL), and to disseminate such knowledge among stakeholders, enhancing awareness and the capabilities required to provide…
Regulating Relations: Controlling Sex and Marriage
Regulating Relations: Controlling Sex and Marriage
Barbarians at the Gates?
Subproject of
Memory boost: A novelty-exposure intervention to counteract memory decline.
This project aims to identify which aspects of exploring a novel environment produce beneficial effects on memory. The effects of novelty will be investigated across the lifespan, including children, adolescents and older adults.
Punishment or refuge? ‘Women sometimes aimed to be convicted’
Over a thousand women ended up in a State workhouse between 1886 and 1934. This was a place for vagrants, beggars and drunkards: people who were said to be too lazy to work. Who were these women who were sent there? PhD candidate Marian Weevers found out.
Diversity and Inclusion
LIACS aims at being a diverse and inclusive research institute. To reach this goal, two instances are working on addressing diversity related issues.
Prestigious Edinburgh Medal awarded for ‘Astronomy for Development’
The Edinburgh Medal 2016 had been awarded to both Kevin Govender of the Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD) and the International Astronomical Union (IAU). The award is a recognition for furthering education and technological capacity worldwide through the inspirational science of astronomy. The…
The protagonist of horror is the ghost of modern consumer society
Who doesn't love to turn on a horror film on a rainy evening? Fortunately, it is only fiction - or is it? According to university lecturer Evert Jan van Leeuwen, modern horror says more about our society than we think. He has been nominated for the Klokhuis Science Prize for his research into addiction…
- Meeting on Ukraine for students
Jelle van Buuren discusses the threat of terrorist attacks in Europe in Dutch newspaper Parool
As a result of two attacks in Germany and one attack in France within only one week, fears of new terrorist attacks in Europe have reignited. In France a radicalised police agent stabbed and killed four people. In Germany a man from Syria drove his car into a line of cars wounding sixteen people and…
Olympic silver for master student LST Stef Broenink
Not one, but two Olympic rowing medals with a Leiden-Delft touch. Master student Life, Science and Technology Stef Broenink won silver in the double pair. He and partner Melvin Twellaar were in front for a long time, but were overtaken by the French at the last minute.
Gender beliefs father bigger difference on education
Gender beliefs father make bigger difference
Marieke Liem discusses jealousy and murder on Dutch television channel NPO 3
On Friday 24 May, Marieke Liem, Associate Professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs of Leiden University, appeared on the NPO 3 television programme ‘Vreemdgaan met Filemon’ (Cheating with Filemon). Liem discussed the link between jealousy and murder referencing scientific research into…