1,956 search results for “harmonisatie of education logistiek” in the Public website
As many as a hundred ideas in minor Living Education Lab
Students presented the prototypes of educational tools they made in the first ten weeks of the new minor Living Education Lab. We asked two students and a teacher about their first experiences in this minor.
Peter Stevenhagen put forward for LSR Education Prize
Since 2000 the Leiden Student Council (LSR) yearly awards a prize for the best teacher of the university at the Dies Natalis.
Join the protest against the higher education cuts
Students and staff from Leiden University are protesting in The Hague on 25 November against the billions in cuts to higher education. ‘The cuts are a terrible idea and we want to show why’, says Claire Weeda from WOinActie. ‘Research and teaching are essential to society.’
New programme brings education 'to the midst of society'
In November a new extracurricular programme will begin: the Impact Challenges. Students will work together in small groups to solve problems, put forward by partner organisations. In this way, they train their practical skills and make a contribution to society.
An educational tool? Japanese children's books were more than that
It was long thought that the early development of Japanese children's books served mainly as a propaganda tool of the state: the literature was supposed to have been written to shape children into perfect citizens. PhD student Aafke van Ewijk nuances this image. Children's book writers wanted to have…
Conversation leads to understanding: influence of peer-educators on thoughts about LHBT persons
A peer educator intervention can give pupils more knowledge and awareness about their LGBT peers, and sometimes also a more positeve view. This is the subject of Marieke Kroneman's dissertation. Defence on 15 September.
The Institute of Education and Child Studies is part of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Leiden University. The institute is governed by an Institute Board under the direction of a rotating chairman, i.e. the Scientific Director and an Director of Studies. The Institute Board is…
The institute is lead by the Scientific Director, prof.dr.ing. Martina G. Vijver, Director of Operations: Drs. Paul C. de Hoog and Director of Education Dr. Stefano Cucurachi in collaboration with the Management Team.
Appreci8: working on youngsters’ perspectives together
How do young people pursue their interests in and across multiple contexts while participating in tailor-made programs in vocational education and training (VET) and social enterprises to regain perspective in school and work?
The Institute of Education and Child Studies is located in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences of Leiden University near Central Station.
‘Discoverer of the Year’, best dissertation and Education Award 2014
At the New Year’s reception of the Faculty of Science on 6 January, it was announced that Annelien Zweemer, Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research, has been awarded the ‘Discoverer of the Year 2014’ prize. Matteo Brogi, Leiden Observatory, wrote the best dissertation in 2014 and Dennis Claessen, Institute…
Felix Ameka
Faculty of Humanities
f.k.ameka@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
sky is not the limit: 230 000 people reached by Leiden University educational space project
Science education project Space Awareness engaged 230,000 people in 68 countries with the excitement and challenges of space sciences and technologies. After three years, the project coordinated by Leiden Observatory came to an end in March and has now been evaluated.
SURF Education Award for Marja Verstelle
Marja Verstelle has received the SURF Education Award 2020. This prize is awarded each year, to five education professionals who have contributed to innovation in education, both within the Netherlands and beyond.
Curriculum Perspective Perceptions within Higher Design and Engineering Curriculum Innovation
Higher design and engineering educators have different views on what a new or renewed curriculum should entail, content-wise as well as pedagogically. This research aims to describe how these ‘curriculum perspective perceptions’ influence working definitions, end goal formulation, and the scope of results…
Pieter Slaman: German occupation lengthened mandatory education
Assistant professor and dual PhD candidate, Pieter Slaman writes in Binnenlands Bestuur about the fact that the German occupier lengthened the period of mandatory education in The Netherlands.
Leiden hosts Space Education International Workshop
More than 100 teachers, educators and policymakers from 25 countries gathered in Leiden from 18 October for the Space Education International Workshop. Their goal is to inspire children using astronomy and space sciences.
Student agency in secondary school: The development of student agency in secondary schools
Student agency is defined as the ability to increasingly take control of the learning process. It is associated with better grades, well-being, motivation and self-confidence. This research aims to provide teachers tools to stimulate student agency and to monitor its growth.
The Executive Board and the Board of Education of the Institute of Psychology are responsible for the organisation. A number of committees offer specialised knowlegde, such as the Research Ethics Committee. Students have a say in programme committees.
Launch Middle Ages for Educators (MAFE)
Princeton University has officially launched its website, MAFE: Middle Ages for Educators. MAFE is aimed at university and secondary students and educators and, more broadly, at anyone who is interested in studying, teaching, or learning more about Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages.
Students Ruşen and Rana fight for diversity in higher education
Two Leiden students stand a chance of winning the ECHO Award for Higher Education. Deniz Rana Kuseyri (Rana for short) and Ruşen Koç are two of the six finalists for this annual national prize that is awarded to students who promote diversity and inclusion in their own discipline.
Hossam Ahmed: ‘Listen to your students’
Three Humanities lecturers received the Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO) this year. Lecturer Hossam Ahmed is one of them. What does he think makes for good education?
Differentiated instruction in practice: a teacher perspective
Many teachers in secondary education take differences between pupils into account . PhD research by Saskia Stollman (ICLON) shows that they need room to experiment and the support of the school management
Education for Professionals at a glance
The new Education for Professionals portal went live. This is where professionals who want to broaden their horizons will find the complete range of programmes, courses and masterclasses.
Gender beliefs father bigger difference on education
Gender beliefs father make bigger difference
Neoplatonism, the philosophy of the commentators
This project studies the theory and practice of moral education in the (Neo)Platonic tradition.
Marion Boers wins Humanities Education Award 2016
Art history lecturer Marion Boers was awarded the Humanities Education Award at the opening of the academic year this afternoon. Every year, the most inspiring teacher receives the award. The judges praised Boers for her enthusiasm and sense of humour.
Management Team and Daily Board
Daily management at the Institute of Biology Leiden is executed by the Scientific Director, the Director of Education, the Director of Operations and the Management Assistant. Research and education are managed collaboratively, with strategic input from various representatives and gremia, including…
Career prospects
Once you have completed the specialisation Educational Science, you will be an expert in the field of education and child development in the school context. You will be up to date on the newest scientific insights into learning, language and arithmetic skills, brain development and application to teaching.…
Innovative education in EU Policymaking and Implementation
Feeling nostalgic, Professor in Public Administration Science Bernard Steunenberg explains how some years ago he would occasionally show a TV broadcast to his students, first removing the videotape from its big box and putting it in a VHS player. Today, a student from Maastricht, sitting in the train…
Protest against higher education cuts: ‘This government is turning its back on the world’
Over 20,000 students, lecturers, administrators, support staff and many others protested on 25 November against the plans to make billions of cuts to higher education. Students and staff from Leiden University also travelled to The Hague to voice their objections to the disastrous plans.
The program group Forensic Family and Youth Care Studies is located in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences of Leiden University near Central Station.
The programme group Research Methods and Statistics is part of the Institute of Education and Child Studies. This group is located in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences of Leiden University near Central Station.
The programme group Clinical Neurodevelopment Sciences is located in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences of Leiden University near Central Station.
The programme group Parenting, Child Care and Development is located in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Leiden University near Central Station.
The directorate of Leiden Observatory consists of the Scientific Director, the Director of Education and the Director of Operations.
About the programme
The specialisation Educational Science focuses on the nature of educational contexts and learning processes of children and adolescents from a cognitive-psychological, social-emotional, and neuro-scientific perspective. Both general learning as well as learning in specific tasks (e.g., reading, science,…
Christopher Green wins Education Prize 2024
Christopher Green has won the Teaching Prize 2024. The assistant professor of Korea Studies was presented with the prize during the opening of the faculty year in the Hortus.
Mili Gabrovšek wins Education Award 2015
English Language and Culture lecturer Mili Gabrovšek has won the Education Award 2015. In the report, the jury praised Gabrovšek's humor and enthusiasm. Each year the award is presented to the most inspiring lecturer of the faculty at the opening of the academic year.
Supporting medical teachers' learning: redesigning a program using characteristics of effective instructional development
In this research project characteristics of effective instructional development were identified that are appealing to medical teachers and relevant for medical education.
Improving education with videos and humour
To better prepare students for lab sessions, a team from the BSc-programme Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences (BFW) creates interactive videos. These videos use humour and examples to show students basic skills and commonly used procedures. 'We want to make education more efficient and fun.'
The role of research in university teaching: A comparison of Chinese and Dutch teachers
The main interest of this research concerns the beliefs and perceptions of Chinese and Dutch university teachers regarding the role of research in university teaching, and how these beliefs and perceptions can be explained by their cultural, institutional and individual background characteristics.
Yearly educational conference Institute of Public Administration
Thursday 18 January, the annual educational conference for the staffmembers of the Institute of Public Administration took place. This year it was about research-based learning. The conference was divided in three parts: research-based learning in Public Administration programs, organising Master theses…
New education director for LST: 'I want to guard the quality of this unique programme'
Marco van Eijk is the new Educational Director of the Bachelor's Life Science and Technology (LST). Since 1 September he has been responsible for ensuring the quality of the programme. ‘LST is a unique programme and everyone has to keep working hard for that. That is my main task.’
Anne Land-Zandstra
a.m.land@biology.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5343
Culturally responsive teaching in Dutch multicultural secondary schools
Unraveling culturally responsive attitudes, noticing skills, knowledge and reasoned practices of expert teachers.
The identity of islamic primary schools
How does the religious identity of islamic primary schools in the Netherlands relate to the social demands?
European Education project on skills Humanities students
With what skills do Humanities students distinguish themselves on the labour market? How can we offer students insight into their personal profile? Can they train and monitor their skills and increase their chances on the labour market this way?
Brechtje Paijmans appointed as endowed professor at Leiden University
Stichting Onderwijsgeschillen (Foundation for Educational Disputes) is pleased to announce that it has established an endowed chair ‘Conflictoplossing en rechtsbescherming in het onderwijs' (conflict resolution and legal protection in education) at Leiden University.
The surprising tradition of fables in French education: 'It builds bridges between generations'
In the Netherlands, people probably grew up with De Fabeltjeskrant (a children’s show, ed.), but in France an introduction to fables plays a much more important role in a child's upbringing. PhD candidate Céline Zaepffel studied the role of fables in French education and teaching methods. It turns out…