42 search results for “diversiteit” in the Staff website
Masterclass: inclusieve communicatie met Edwin Hoffman
Course, Masterclass
Masterclass: inclusive communication
Course, Masterclass
Studieavond: de complexiteit van diversiteit en inclusie bij de politie
Going beyond gender diversiteit en inclusie
Going beyond gender diversiteit en inclusie wetenschap
What’s Your Story?: diversiteit in een kaartspel
The JEDI Fund supports projects that promote diversity and inclusivity within the university. One of these projects is the card game called ‘What’s Your Story?’, developed by university lecturer Tingting Hui.
‘We moeten diversiteit minder vieren, het moet vanzelfsprekend zijn’
Op welke manieren kan inclusieve communicatie ervoor zorgen dat mensen zich welkom voelen? Hierover ging het D&I-symposium van Universiteit Leiden.
App on Gender Equality Launched at FGW: 'We have to do it together'
Male scientists owe their position to their brilliance, women to their hard work. Or do they? The Equalista app helps staff and students at the Faculty of Humanities to become aware of gender equality.
Three students nominated for an ECHO Award: ‘I want to make the world a better place’
A more inclusive and diverse society is what Talisha Schilder, Hawra Nissi and Chiraz Hassoumi spend many hours a week working towards. Their hard work led them to being nominated for the ECHO Award.
- Faculty Board FGGA statement on the results of the D&I survey 2022
Feeling safe at Humanities: an all-gender toilet in every building
The university is committed to providing an accessible learning and working environment for students and staff. They should be able to feel at home at our faculty. That is why there is now an all-gender toilet in every humanities building to contribute to that feeling of recognition and safety.
Faculty D&I training: 'You're never too old to learn this'
A variety of Diversity & Inclusion training courses are offered at faculty level on topics such as prejudice, diversity in the workplace and inclusive education. During these courses, participants have the opportunity to talk about their experiences.
Van willen naar zijn. De ambivalentie over diversiteit en inclusie
Inaugural lecture
Faculty of Humanities joins 'Hidden Disabilities Sunflower'
A hidden disability can make studying a considerable challenge, partly because of the disability itself, but also because others may not realise that extra support is justified. To overcome this problem, the Faculty of Humanities is introducing the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower.
JEDI Fund: ‘We’re now showing clearly that the community is diverse’
If you have a plan that could improve the education or the learning environment of the Faculty of Humanities in terms of diversity or inclusion, you can apply for a grant from the faculty’s JEDI Fund. This year, Nasreen has been helping to develop a new syllabus for the first-year Ancient History co…
Man, woman and more: 'Why does my passport have to say I'm a woman?'
Protests against textbooks on trans persons in America and against a reading hour by drag queens in Rotterdam: it has been raining protests recently against people with a gender expression that does not match their birth sex. Why does this evoke such resistance? We asked Professor by special appointment…
Veel Meer tussen 1 en 0; Opmaat voor een Antropologie van Digitale Diversiteit
Inaugural lecture
Alumna Tessa Schiethart: 'If I could go back to my student days, I’d go right away'
That Tessa Schiethart finished her bachelor's degree in International Studies with a thesis on Indonesian women's reasons for veiling was a coincidence. Or so she thought. Six years later, her book Seeing and Being Seen, in which she writes about her life with a wine stain and vision loss, is in the…
Eight projects receive funding from JEDI Fund
From a queer art exhibition to a podcast about people with disabilities, the JEDI Fund this year again honored several projects that contribute to diversity and inclusion.
Diversity in society: ‘We are looking for a new approach to an existing phenomenon’
What is the best way for us as a society to deal with all the different forms of diversity? Professor Marlou Schrover will use the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) to explore this question with colleagues and the public.
Unlocking Diversity Awareness at FestiWell – through an Escape Room Game!
A group of postdoc and PhDs at our Focus on Emotions lab organized an escape room for staff and students to increase their awareness of diversity and accessibility matters. It was designed particularly for this year’s EUniWell FestiWell, which ran under the headline “Towards global sustainable well-being”.…
Depot or place of honour: what to do with Nobel laureates in the museum?
What do you do with a museum collection full of individual white Nobel laureates at a time when diversity, inclusion and teamwork reign supreme? Ad Maas, professor by special appointment, and researcher Hilbrand Wouters have been awarded an NWO Museum grant to answer that question.
‘The university has many roots in the colonial past. How deep and wide were they?’
Historians recently started preliminary research on Leiden University’s role in colonialism and historical slavery. Our knowledge about this is too limited and fragmented. They are looking with fresh eyes at Leiden’s archives and collections. An interview with historians Alicia Schrikker and Ligia G…
Nominate students for the ECHO Award 2023
Nominate a student for the ECHO Awards 2022
Gender-inclusive communication: check the new tips and guidelines
ICT, Organisation
See the Teaching Guide for help developing inclusive teaching practices
- week tegen eenzaamheid
Vacatures Raad van Advies
De Raad van Advies bestaat uit leden die een binding hebben met de faculteit. Daarnaast zijn zij goed thuis in de wereld van de advocatuur, de rechterlijke macht, de overheid en het bedrijfsleven. Het faculteitsbestuur gebruikt de adviezen van de Raad van Advies bij de beleidsontwikkeling van de faculteit…
- FSW Education fair 2024
Diah Angendari
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
d.a.d.angendari@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
A wheelchair in the Old Observatory
Yesterday marked the start of the National Accessibility Week. How accessible is Leiden University for people with a disability? We asked Lucia Langerak, disabled herself and working at the Honours Academy, about her experiences: ‘Significant improvements are being made.’
A quick call with Ella Picavet on affordable period products
Many will add them to their shopping list without a second thought, but what if you don't have enough money to buy period products each month? The university has recently started providing packs of affordable sanitary pads and tampons in the SchoolSupply vending machines. ‘It's just like providing toilet…
Anti-Asian racism deserves much more attention
Racism and discrimination come in many different shapes and forms – in the Netherlands too. Verbal attacks, stereotypes and violence: some people are confronted with these on a daily basis. A group that is often not included in research and the debate on racism is people of Asian descent. The Diversity…
Making room for conflicting feelings will help police promote diversity and inclusion
Diversity and inclusion within the police creates opportunities but also meets resistance. Professor by special appointment and former police officer, Saniye Çelik, emphasises how ambivalent feelings about D&I are essential to the learning process and can lead to informed decisions and real change.
One thesis research project: two articles and a fact sheet: 'I was able to get so much more out of my thesis'
How do you turn your thesis into an academic article? That's a question Floortje Fontein, who conducted research into inclusive leadership, can answer. She looked at how public managers manage a diverse team. She got a 9 for her thesis and is currently working on several articles based on the results…
White Balls on Walls
How do we engage with experiences of war and displacement within our university community
Roundtable discussion
Child Interethnic Prejudice in the Netherlands: Social Learning from Parents and Picture Books
PhD defence
News in a Glasshouse: Media, Publics, and Senses of Belonging in the Dutch Caribbean
PhD defence
Diversity symposium 2021: small steps can increase inclusion
‘Culture change takes time,’ said Vice-Rector Hester Bijl at the closing panel of the University’s Diversity Symposium on 26 January. She talked about the road to a diverse and inclusive university. The symposium provided plenty of concrete examples of small steps that can already be taken.
Inclusivity with Law: What does it mean to look at diversity and inclusion from a legal perspective?
Conference, D&I Symposium
D&I Symposium 2023
Conference, D&I Symposium