5 search results for “dieren” in the Student website
MSc Thesis presentation Timon van Dieren on Wednesday 15 February @ 9:30 am via Zoom
MSc Research presentation Timon van Dieren on Wednesday 9 August @14h30 in Oort 276 (Casimir Room)
Which Leiden alumni are in the Dutch House of Representatives?
Of the 150 elected representatives, 24 studied or conducted their PhD research in Leiden. Who are they and which degrees are most popular among these MPs?
Recap second Night of the Lobbyist: a diverse group of guests and new insights
On Thursday 10 November, the Night of the Lobbyist was held. During this public event, organised by Leiden University and the Public Affairs Academy, many insights were shared regarding the different aspects of lobbying and the diversity of the world of the lobby.
Short prison sentences: More recidivism and expensive
Dutch political parties have presented their own 'solutions' to make society 'safer'. How do the party positions compare with scientific research on crime reduction?