417 search results for “meeting point” in the Staff website
Back to Leiden for the Science Run: ‘As founder, I just have to participate'
Once a year, former employee and avid runner Dennis Hoencamp returns to his old workplace. That’s when he competes in the Leiden Science Run. As an event coordinator, he once devised the relay race as an anniversary activity. It grew into an annual event for the entire University and the Bio Science…
Assembly points
The University buildings have their own evacuation assembly point. Make sure you know where to find the assembly point of the building you are currently in.
Privacy Service Point
The Privacy Service Point is responsible for the application of and compliance with privacy legislation.
Service Point Personnel
The Personnel Service Point can answer all your personnel and administrative questions. It is the front office of the Personnel department of the ASSC (Administrative Shared Service Centre) expertise centre.
Financial Service Point
The Financial Service Point can answer all your questions relating to the university’s financial administration. It is the front office of the Financial department of the ASSC (Administrative Shared Service Centre) expertise centre .
Classical ballet Pointes advanced
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
Tailoring support for refugee students: ‘They are amazed at the number of options’
Many people have fled to the Netherlands since the outbreak of war in Ukraine, including students. But even before this war, students with refugee backgrounds were eager to study at Leiden University. How does the University help young people from various backgrounds find their way around the Dutch…
Meeting rooms
The Faculty Club offers various rooms where meetings can be held in a quiet setting. These rooms are also suitable for receptions or drinks. The style of the rooms is in keeping with the ambience of the Academy Building.
Introductory meeting
Welcome to Leiden University. Perhaps you already know that the university has 7 faculties and that you can end up in the city of Leiden or The Hague? And do you know that our university is the oldest of the Netherlands and what the motto Praesidium Libertatis means?
New University Sports Centre reaches highest point
In a topping out ceremony on Thursday 30 January, the new sports centre celebrated reaching its highest point and looked ahead to the future. The university will have a spacious and sustainable sports building by the start of 2026.
Meetings and events
Are you organising a symposium or event and are you looking for a professional and experienced team to take care of the arrangements? Looking for a great venue in Leiden or The Hague, or will the event be taking place online? The Events Office is here to help.
Tips & tricks for online meetings
Most of us are spending more time looking at computer screens due to remote working and online meetings. Video calls have become a popular way of keeping in touch for professionals but it’s not without its problems. The two most frequently heard complaints are a general sense of fatigue and a lack of…
Online meetings and conference calls
If you want to hold a group discussion, a video conference call or make calls online, the information below sets out the possibilities.
Meetings and events
Are you organising a symposium or event and are you looking for a professional and experienced team to take care of the arrangements? Looking for a great venue in Leiden or The Hague, or will the event be taking place online? The Events Office is here to help.
Fieldwork pre-departure meeting Archaeology
To ensure the safe and solid fieldwork season, the faculty board requests your participation in a fieldwork pre-departure meeting on November the 2nd, from 15:30 to 17:00 in room E00.3A of the Van Steenis building. Please note that participation in a fieldwork pre-departure meeting is compulsory for…
Introductory meeting
Welcome to Leiden University. Perhaps you already know that the university has 7 faculties and that you can end up in the city of Leiden or The Hague? And do you know that our university is the oldest of the Netherlands and what the motto Praesidium Libertatis means?
Introductory meeting
Welcome to Leiden University. Perhaps you already know that the university has 7 faculties and that you can end up in the city of Leiden or The Hague? And do you know that our university is the oldest of the Netherlands and what the motto Praesidium Libertatis means?
Meet your Graduate School - Graduation formalities
Study information, Graduate School
Meet your Graduate School - Graduation formalities
Study information, Graduate School
Our quality assurance procedures: share your point of view on 20 January
Meet your Graduate School – Supervisor and getting your PhD candidate started
Study information, Graduate School
Meet your Graduate School – Supervisor and the final phase of the PhD track
Study information, Graduate School
Meet your Graduate School – Supervisor and the final phase of the PhD track
Study information, Graduate School
Call to attend: action meetings of WOinActie and trade unions
Meet your Graduate School – Supervisor and getting your PhD candidate started
Study information, Graduate School
Meet your Graduate School – Start of your PhD
Study information, Graduate School
Meet your Graduate School – Start of your PhD
Study information, Graduate School
Una Europa Community Meet-up for Students
Community Meet-up & Networking
Meetings and events
Are you organising a symposium or event and are you looking for a professional and experienced team to take care of the arrangements? Looking for a great venue in Leiden or The Hague, or will the event be taking place online? The Events Office is here to help.
Important points after evacuation exercise Van Steenis
Meet the Faculty’s new Student Assessor: Imen el Idrissi
After two years in the Faculty Board, Student Assessor Zoë van Litsenburg makes room for a successor per September 1, 2022. Let’s meet the new Student Assessor Imen el Idrissi. ‘I want to focus on the communication between the Faculty and the students.’
Research project into environmental tipping points receives €10 million
Arjen Doelman (Leiden University), Max Rietkerk (Utrecht University), Ehud Meron (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) and Isla Myers-Smith (University of Edinburgh) received an ERC Synergy grant of 10 million euros with their RESILIENCE project. The researchers will investigate whether and how tipping…
Gorlaeus Building construction workers spotlighted at highest point celebration
On Thursday 8 December, the project teams of Leiden University and Heijmans Utiliteit, together with the construction workers of the project, celebrated reaching the highest point of phase 2a of the Gorlaeus Building. An important milestone in the construction and traditionally the moment to put the…
Meet our international students!
The Week of the International Students, from 14 – 18 November is an initiative of Nuffic. The aim of this week is to showcase the importance of an international experience for both Dutch and international students. This year’s theme Meet the world, make the change highlights the positive change students…
EUniWell Rectors meet in Leiden
The Rectors of the eight European EUniWell universities met in July in Leiden. During the meeting they discussed the future of this alliance that focuses on joint research and education in the area of health.
Kick off meeting RESOCIAL project
On 20 September 2024, Leiden University colleagues Associate Professor Gianclaudio Malgieri (Main Applicant), Assistant Professor Michael Klos (Co-Applicant), Professor Simone van der Hof (Co-Applicant), Constanta Rosca, Maria-Lucia Rebrean and Maëlle Picout gladly welcomed RESOCIAL’s consortium members…
- Tips for multilingual meetings with international colleagues
Workshops and meetings for lecturers 2024/2025
Meeting participants provide input for Strategic Plan
In its Strategic Plan Leiden University sets its direction for the coming years. A new plan will be presented next year, and in the runup to this we are organising different forms of student and staff consultation within the scope of LDN FWD (‘Leiden Forward’). A series of meetings were recently held…
- Young Academy Leiden meets the Science Faculty
'Start to teach' meeting for new teachers
Sign up for the online Veni meeting
Five years of ‘Meet the Professor’
For the fifth year in succession, on the foundation day of the university, Leiden professors taught a lesson at primary schools as part of the ‘Meet the Professor’ programme.
How seals point to an undocumented prehistoric language
Language can be a time machine: we can learn from ancient texts how our ancestors interacted with the world around them. But can language also teach us something about people whose language has been lost? PhD candidate Anthony Jakob investigated whether the languages of prehistoric populations left…
Byzantine consumers focal point of a new publication
Recently Professor Joanita Vroom’s book Feeding the Byzantine City was published by the prominent academic publishing house Brepols. This volume is the fifth in a series called Medieval and Post-Medieval Mediterranean Archaeology, of which she is the editor. ‘This series aims to offer new perspectives…
Alumni meet students in Psychology Methodology & Statistics
On February 15th 2018 former students in Methodology & Statistics (M&S) of Leiden University share their current and previous professional activities to provide M&S students an insight into their career perspectives.
Meeting place for and by all students: That is POPCorner, The Hague
The POPCorner The Hague festive opening week has been postponed due to the more restrictive corona measures, but the website is online, its’ employees are roaring to go, and there are plenty courses and workshops available to take part in. High time to get to know more about this meeting point for and…
Faculty Council FGGA: meet the student members
Attention to education and culture at lowest point in 20 years
After an extensive content analysis of the coalition agreement, a sharp fall can be seen in the focus on education & culture, science & technology and defence. This is the conclusion of university public administration professors Gerard Breeman and Arco Timmermans. They compared the content with all…
Come to the Medical Delta Societies introduction meetings