786 search results for “disaster management” in the Public website
Crisis and disaster management
Training and Exercising in Crisis management and Emergency Control
The Government of Disasters: State Formation and Disaster Management In South Africa
In this book, Lydie Cabane examines the history of disaster management in South Africa.
Editorial: Sanity and Resilience in Times of Corona
This editorial to RHCPP discusses how COVID-19 can be seen as a 'creeping crisis' according to the authors of its lead article (Boin et al, 2020) and how resilience may depend on the real heroes behind the scenes of response to disaster and adversity.
Spontaneous hospitalization in the immediate aftermath of the Manchester arena bombing
This article presents an evidence-based investigation of spontaneous hospitalization and distribution of patients after the Manchester terrorist attack.
Optimization of Patient Flow through EMT Facilities Applying Dynamic Behavioral Simulation Models
This study aims to explore the use of a behavioral-design-based approach in simulating patient flow through EMTs. It provides a dynamic behavioral simulation model to assess the interactions between patients, staff members, and the related dynamic movements/interactions with the health care facility,…
A renewed awareness: Reinvigorating preparedness research for crisis and disastermanagement
In this article Jeroen Wolbers and Sanneke Kuipers take a closer look at disaster preparedness to reinvigorate the academic debate.
Museums of themselves: disaster, heritage, and disaster heritage in Tohoku
The 2011 disasters precipitated widespread concern among heritage scholars about the fate of Tohoku’s cultural properties, tangible and intangible. Damage to not only buildings and landscapes but also ‘formless’ heritage, some worried, could weaken social infrastructure and thus slow or undermine re…
Arjen Boin
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
boin@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2233
Protecting against disasters: interdisciplinary perspectives on the notion of protection
What does it mean to protect against disaster in the context of climate change and other cascading environmental crises?
Public Risk and Disaster
The world’s population increasingly has to deal with risks related to ever-evolving challenges. How humanity as a whole prepares for, responds to, and manages these grand challenges is crucial for the world’s future. In this minor, you will explore and unravel these grand challenges, and look for possible…
A bibliometric review of COVID-19 research in the crisis and disaster literature
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the pressing question is how this global health emergency impacted the research agendas of the field of crisis and disaster science. This article reviewed contributions in ten important crisis and disaster journals in the two and a half years following the COVID-19…
In the hands of a few: Disaster recovery committee networks
This study examines recovery planning committees across Japan's Tohoku region.
Ruins for the future: Critical allegory and disaster governance in post-tsunami Japan
Andrew Littlejohn published the article 'Ruins for the future: Critical allegory and disaster governance in post-tsunami Japan' in American Ethnologist about the ruins left by Japan's 2011 tsunami.
Cabane explores how the South African state bureaucracy reacts to disasters
Lydie Cabane, Assistant Professor in Governance of Crises at the Institute for Security and Global Affairs, recently published the book The Government of Disasters. In this book Lydie explores how the South African state bureaucracy reacts to disasters.
The Leiden University Crisis Research Center
Explaining the origins , patterns and outcomes of crisis management efforts.
Fairness matters when responding to disasters: An experimental study of government legitimacy
This article by Honorata Mazepus and Florian van Leeuwen in the journal Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions looks at how evaluations of authorities were influenced by four aspects of a governmental response to a hypothetical disaster.
Real-time foresight: preparedness for dynamic innovation networks
Promotor: H.J. van den Herik, B.R. Katzy, Co-promotor: K. Sailer
After the Tsunami: Disaster Narratives and the Remaking of Everyday Life in Aceh
The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami caused immense destruction and over 170,000 deaths in the Indonesian province of Aceh. The disaster spurred large-scale social and political changes in Aceh, including the intensified implementation of shari‘a law and an end to the long separatist conflict. After the Tsunami…
Embodied narratives of disaster: the expression of bodily experience in Aceh, Indonesia
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute published Annemarie Samuels' article on the 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean. It's a detailed ethnographic account of the experiences of three Indonesian survivors.
loss: reassembling heritage and reconstructing the social in post-disaster Japan
Attitudes towards cultural heritage have long been characterised by an ‘endangerment sensibility’ concerned with preventing losses. Recently, however, critical heritage scholars have argued that loss can be generative, facilitating the formation of new values and attachments. Their arguments have focused…
Organizational and Institutional Crisis Management
This article offers a typology for organizational and institutional crisis management that portrays three sorts of crises: a crisis in an organization, a crisis to the organization and a crisis about the organization.
Crisis and Security Management (MSc)
Crises arising from terrorism, cyber threats, and natural disasters dominate world news and make Crisis and Security Management a heavily politicized and hotly debated topic at the top of the national and global societal and governance agenda.
After the tsunami: how Aceh returned to everyday life
A devastating tsunami engulfed large coastal areas in Asia and East Africa in 2004. With over 170,000 dead, the Indonesian province of Aceh was hardest hit. The survivors proved to be remarkably resilient as they returned to everyday life. Anthropologist Annemarie Samuels went to live in Aceh, and has…
Humanity's End As A New Beginning: World Disasters in Myths
In Humanity’s End As A New Beginning, Emeritus Professor Mineke Schipper reflects on myths about ‘the end’.
Gül Aktürk Hauser
Faculteit Archeologie
g.akturk.hauser@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
ANZUS cooperation in humanitarian assistance and disaster response in the Asia-Pacific: ships in the night?
In this article Vanessa Newby discusses how the ANZUS states of United States, Australia, and New Zealand that sit on the fringes of the Asia-Pacific, are increasingly using their armed forces to deliver Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Response (HADR) as a way of engaging with the region.
Disaster Relief Funds
On Thursday 30 June Janet van de Bunt will defend her doctoral thesis entitled ‘Disaster Relief Funds’. The defence will commence at 16.15 hrs in the Academy Building of Leiden University, Rapenburg 73. The supervisor is Professor A.G. Castermans.
Get to know Crisis and Security Management
Crises arising from terrorism, war, violence, cyber threats, and natural disasters dominate world news and make crisis and security a heavily politicised and hotly debated topic at the top of the national and global societal and governance agenda. This master Crisis and Security Management focuses on…
Get to know Crisis and Security Management
Crises arising from terrorism, war, violence, cyber threats, and natural disasters dominate world news and make crisis and security a heavily politicised and hotly debated topic at the top of the national and global societal and governance agenda. This master Crisis and Security Management focuses on…
Organisations often learn too little from disasters and crises
From recurrent oil disasters to the outbreak of contagious diseases or major fires. Public organisations often learn too little from such crises, according to public administration specialist Wout Broekema. Staff frequently fail to communicate information adequately, which means that lessons are often…
- Crisis Management / Crisis Diplomacy
Petra van den Bekerom
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
p.e.a.van.den.bekerom@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
How Europe can reduce flood risk
Europe is expected to experience a greater frequency of severe floods. Paul Hudson discusses the challenges of flood management The Conversation.
Flooding and Management of Large Fluvial Lowlands
Paul Hudson, Associate Professor of Physical Geography at Leiden University College, examines human impacts on lowland rivers in his new book.
Letters of Johan de Witt give a glimpse behind the scenes at the Disaster Year 1672
The government, the people and the country were in desperate straits. This about sums up the state of affairs in the Disaster Year of 1672. It was 350 years ago, and to mark the occasion PhD candidate Roosje Peeters collaborated on a series of letters to and from a key political figure Johan de Witt,…
Eduard Schmidt
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
j.e.t.schmidt@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Tsagkroni: Radicalisation and Crisis Management
This book discusses theories of crisis management and the radical right, to shed light on how responses to crisis influence radical right parties in their presence, discourse, and evolution. The book offers a comparative perspective by examining case studies with various traditions of radical right…
‘The disaster in Japan may turn out to be a turning point’
‘There is no such thing as a timeless Japanese soul,’ says newly appointed Professor in Modern Japan Studies Katarzyna Cwiertka. The first month of her professorship turned out to be a crucial test: Japan was hit by a destructive earthquake and tsunami, and Cwiertka had to keep her head in the midst…
Data Management
LACDR adheres to strict data management rules, with the aim to make our data findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable. For this reason all LACDR PhD candidates are required to prepare a data management plan and to implement data management rules accordingly. All PhD candidates follow a data…
Management teams
The management teams lead the department and consist of a General Manager, an Outreach Manager, an Instrumentation Manager, an ICT/Housing Manager, a HR/Finances Manager and an Education Manager.
Corporate venture management in smes
Promotor: Prof.dr. B.R. Katzy, Prof.dr. H.J. van den Herik, Prof.dr. G.H. Baltes (University of Applied Sciences Konstanz)
Valerie de Koeijer
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
v.j.c.de.koeijer@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 8206
Crisis management
Training and Exercising in Crisis management and Emergency Control
Code red: we're barely prepared for a borderless crisis
Worldwide, countries are barely prepared for major borderless crises such as extreme natural disasters or other unexpected calamities that destabilise society, Professor of Political Science, Arjen Boin, warns. In his inaugural address on 23 October he makes some recommendations.
Collaborative Crisis Management Before and During International Summits
Peak Performance: Collaborative Crisis Management Before and During International Summits. This comparative case study probes into conditions for collaborative governance in the security organisation of international summits.
Hirschmann, Crisis Management in International Organisations
Using the League of Nations’ responses to early crises as an explorative historical case study, Political Scientist Gisela Hirschmann investigates how international organisations perceive and respond to existential threats.
Management van de Publieke Sector: Politiek, Beleid en Management (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying Management van de Publieke Sector: Politiek, Beleid en Management? Learn more and watch thevideos. Please note that this programme is taught in Dutch.
Inspirational practices in cultural heritage management: fostering social responsibility
This catalogue is the result of the EU_CUL project (2018-2021), which explores the use of cultural heritage in Europe for fostering academic teaching and social responsibility in higher education.
Data Management Protocol
The Data Management Protocol is an elaboration of the Leiden University Data Management Regulations for research that takes place within the Leiden Institute of History. It is intended for researchers who are starting a research project and / or researchers who are going to submit a proposal to external…
Biomedical Sciences Management
In the Biomedical Sciences Management specialisation you gain knowledge and skills in the area of management, business and entrepreneurship with focus on science- and research driven companies. You will combine research in biomedical sciences with different aspects of business studies and learn to build…