53 search results for “religious studies” in the Public website
Amirardalan Emami
Faculty of Humanities
a.emami@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272976
Ab de Jong
Faculty of Humanities
a.f.de.jong@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2585
Judith Frishman
Faculty of Humanities
j.frishman@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Kiyan Foroutan
Faculty of Humanities
k.foroutan@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Arie van der Kooij
Faculty of Humanities
a.van.der.kooij@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2171
Hindu Metal Images of Indonesia: Evidence for shared artistic and religious networks across Asia (c.6th-10th century)
Mathilde Mechling defended her thesis on 28 january 2020.
Elly Mulder
Faculty of Humanities
c.mulder@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Elpine de Boer
Faculty of Humanities
e.de.boer@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2562
From art to religious ritual; a study of the integration of performance art in liturgy
This dissertation focuses on a new field of artistic research in which a visual artist takes on the role of researcher. The main research question is whether performance art integrated in an ecumenical service, combined with artistic directions from the artist, can enhance the religious experience of…
KNAW subsidy for the project ‘Religious studies in secondary education'
Markus Altena Davidsen and colleagues Michaël van der Meer, Maurits Berger and Kim Beerden received a subsidy from the KNAW-Pilotfund. They will use the 10.000 € for an inspiration book for teachers religion/worldview.
Eric Jorink
Faculty of Humanities
h.g.m.jorink@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Ernestine van der Wall
Faculty of Humanities
e.g.e.van.der.wall@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2575
Pleading for Diversity: The Church Caspar Coolhaes Wanted
Linda Stuckrath Gottschalk defended her thesis on 6 April 2016.
Retrieving the Past Glory: Social Memory, Transnational Networks and Christianity in Contemporary China
Jifeng Liu defended his thesis on 2 February 2017
Mirjam de Baar
Faculty of Humanities
m.p.a.de.baar@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6416
A Disobedient Diaspora: Living Hinduism in Osdorp, Amsterdam
This project explores the religious lives of a Surinamese Hindu community practicing in Amsterdam at the Sri Radha Krishna Mandir from an interdisciplinary perspective.
The monastery rules : buddhist monastic organization in pre-modern Tibet
This study discusses the position of the monasteries in pre-1950s Tibetan societies and how that position was informed by Buddhist monastic ideology.
A Brief History of Islam in Europe
Thirteen Centuries of Creed, Conflict and Coexistence
Inge Ligtvoet
Faculty of Humanities
i.j.g.c.ligtvoet@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1956
Faithful Protection: The Use of Scripture in Egyptian Amulets (7th – 12th Century CE)
A selected group of unpublished amulets from various collections in the world will be studied and edited.
Coping with Versnel: A Roundtable on Religion and Magic
Henk Versnel's work on ancient religion has been seminal. For his 80th birthday, a group of scholars assembled to celebrate and analyze his oeuvre.
Critical edition and annotated translation of the Niśvāsamukha
This project will lead to a critical edition and annotated translation of the Niśvāsamukha, the opening book of the Niśvāsatattvasaṃhitā.
Arnold Mol
Faculty of Humanities
a.j.w.mol@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
May Shaddel Basir
Faculty of Humanities
m.shaddel.basir@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Maurits Berger
Faculty of Humanities
m.s.berger@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1684
The Flag of Zhenyan Flies Again: The Taiwanese Resurrection of Esoteric Buddhism through Wuguang’s Appropriation of Imperially Imported Shingon
This study elucidates a critical facet of modern global Buddhism that has escaped the attention of the scholarly community by exploring the life, teachings and influence of Master Wuguang 悟光上師 (1918-2000).
Kim Beerden
Faculty of Humanities
k.beerden@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2761
Mobility of Ideas and Transmission of Texts. Vernacular Literature and Learning in the Rhineland and the Low Countries (ca. 1300-1550)
The programme focuses on the medieval dynamics of intellectual life in the Rhineland and the Low countries, nowadays divided over five countries (Switzerland, France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands) but one cultural region in the later Middle Ages.
Theological pamphlets reveal passionate religious debate
They might not have had Twitter, but they did have brochures (pamphlets), the Roman Catholics and ‘modern’ Protestants between 1840 and 1870. In these, they launched a passionate attack on each other’s ideas. Ineke Smit has catalogued the brochures from the collection of the University Library and outlined…
Call for papers: Compassion, Social Engagement, and Discontent: Believing and the Politics of Belonging in Europe Today
Leiden University Centre for the Study of Religion (LUCSoR), Thursday 10 and Friday 11 November 2016
Rethinking Javanese Religion: The Prospect of New Descriptions of Javanese Traditions
This study describes religion in Java.
Markus Davidsen
Faculty of Humanities
m.davidsen@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2582
Jan Wim Buisman
Faculty of Humanities
j.w.buisman@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
New colleague: Corey Williams
It gives us great pleasure to report that the search for a University Lecturer in Christianity in the Modern World has resulted in the appointment of Corey Williams, starting January 2015.
- Framing Late Antique Religion Lecture Series
Radhika Gupta
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
r.gupta@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Sarah Cramsey awarded a KNAW Early Career Partnership
Dr. Sarah Cramsey, University Lecturer Judaism & Diaspora Studies, has been awarded an Early Career Partnership by the KNAW.
Buddhism and Social Justice
From 23-25 April 2014, a conference will be held on the topic of Buddhism and Social Justice. This conference confronts the common perception of Buddhism as intrinsically a tradition of peace and justice, and explores the various ways in which historically Buddhist societies of Asia have shaped, transmitted,…
The mystical kiss of the mouth. The role of images and imagery in medieval spirituality (1100-1500)
How can the importance of the image in late medieval spirituality be understood in the context of the love mysticism inspired by the imagery of the Song of Songs?
Markus Davidsen wins 2021 Impact Prize
Markus Davidsen, assistant professor of Religious Studies, is the winner of the 2021 Impact Prize. He is receiving the prize of 1,000 euros for the material he has developed for religious education in secondary schools.
Interview with Markus Davidsen on his Comenius project
Assistant professor Markus Davidsen has received the Comenius grant, with which he wishes to improve secondary education on religion. In this interview, he will tell more about the content of his project and its aims.
Buddhism and social justice: doctrine, ideology and discrimination in tension
In Sri Lanka, a prominent Singhalese Buddhist monk publicly proclaims that it is not a sin to kill Tamils. In Japan, the family register kept in a Buddhist temple and specifying the outcaste status of a lineage is provided to private detectives investigating the marriageability of a young woman. Throughout…
Bas van Rijn defends PhD dissertation on afterlife research
On 22 September, LUCSoR alumnus Bas van Rijn successfully defended his PhD dissertation entitled “The Experimental Culture of Afterlife Research: Attempts by Spiritual Animal Magnetizers to Prove Life after Death” at Universität Bern, Switzerland. The PhD project was part of the of SNF research project…
Tolkien and fiction-based religions
Markus Altena Davidsen’s PhD dissertation is the first major study of Tolkien Religion. In it, he analyses the religion that is based on the stories by acclaimed British fantasy author J.R.R. Tolkien. He also discusses how fiction itself can become religious. Davidsen will defend his dissertation on…
Ancient Worlds network
The Ancient Worlds Network brings together staff and graduate students in LIAS working on the ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern world.
Annelise Reid wins Speckmann Prize 2017
On March 6, Annelise Reid was granted the Speckmann Prize 2017 for best MA thesis of the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology. Annelise Reid wrote her thesis on the Dutch Pentecostal community. Erik de Maaker was her thesis supervisor.
Princess Beatrix at opening of conference on Chinese Buddhism
Princess Beatrix was a guest at the opening of the conference on ‘Chinese Buddhism and the Scholarship of Erik Zürcher’ in Leiden on 12 February. Buddhism researchers from all parts of the world came together to reflect on the work of Leiden sinologist Erik Zürcher.
International Buddhism conference in honour of Leiden Sinologist Erik Zürcher
Erik Zürcher (1928–2008) is still considered an authoritative source in research on Chinese Buddhism. A new collection of his publications serves as an occasion for an international conference on Buddhism in Leiden. Princess Beatrix, who knew him well, will be in attendance at the opening.
2012 Vrije Competitie Grants for two LUCL members
LUCL is glad to announce that two of its members have been awarded an NWO Vrije Competitie Grant.
NWO funding for history research into Siva Religion in Asia
Professor Peter Bisschop, lecturer in Sanskrit and Ancient Cultures of South Asia, has been awarded a grant by the NWO Free Competition to fund his research into the rapid growth of Saivism in the sixth and seventh centuries in South and Southeast Asia. The research project, entitled ‘From Universe…