153 search results for “migration” in the Public website
- Leiden Interdisciplinary Migration Seminars
Citizenship, Migration and Global Transformations
Globalization, migration, technological innovation and climate change pose challenges to citizens in European countries. These challenges test the limits of cross-national and cross-generational solidarities, touching upon the very foundations of governance and society. This research program aims at…
The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration
The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration provides a complete exploration of the prominent themes, events, and theoretical underpinnings of the movements of human populations from prehistory to the present day.
The Complicit Politics of EU Migration Diplomacy
Lecture, LIMS seminar
Cities, migration and global interdependence
The key subject of the research programme Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence 1500-now (CMGI) is Inequality (at local, national and global levels). We study this from an intersectional perspective: gender, class, ethnicity or race, religion, sexuality, age, ability/disability, citizenship and…
Postcolonial Displacements: Migration, Narratives and Place-making
Postcolonial Displacements explores the multiple ways in which migration in South Asia contributes to the imagining, questioning, subverting and reframing of territories, nations and communities. The project focuses on the contested fringes of the politically divided South Asian subcontinent, across…
Differences that make all the difference. Gender, migration and vulnerability (migration to the Netherlands 1945-2005)
The proposed project evaluates how the vulnerability of migrant men and women was constructed in political, public and media discourses, and how differences in the constructed vulnerability influenced the decision to migrate, the migration process, and the subsequent settlement process.
Migration and Mobility in the Early Roman Empire
Migration and Mobility in the Early Roman Empire by Luuk de Ligt and Laurens E. Tacoma (Eds.)
Differences that make all the difference: Gender and Migration
Subproject of
IIMIGRATI: Ireland and Italy’s migration experiences since 1945 compared
How has migration affected Irish and Italy society since 1945?
Departing from Java. Javanese Labour, Migration and Diaspora
From colonial times through to the present day, large numbers of Javanese have left their homes to settle in other parts of Indonesia or much further afield. Frequently this dispersion was forced, often with traumatic results.
Moving Romans. Urbanisation, migration and labour in the Roman Principate
To what extent was labour-induced migration important to the functioning of the towns and cities of Roman Italy?
The Encyclopedia of Migration and Minorities in Europe. From the 17th Century to the Present
Although migration and integration have become important concepts today as a result of globalization, migration movements, integration, and multiculturalism have always been part of the history of Europe. Few people realize how many ethnic groups participated in migration within Europe or into Europe…
LA cuidadora: Latin American female migration and elderly home-care work in Europe
Through a lens that examines the intersection of ageing, gender, class, and migration, this project addresses the 'care deficit' in European countries and the employment of migrant women from Latin America to fill this deficit.
Night Spaces: Migration, Culture and Integration in Europe (NITE)
How are night spaces imagined, produced, experienced and narrated by migrant communities in Europe? This research project considers this question in eight European cities: Aarhus, Amsterdam, Berlin, Cork, Galway, Lisbon, London, Rotterdam. Authorities have historically wrestled with the issue of night-time…
Flux:Investigating Transboundary Cinema in Tunç Okan’s Trilogy of Migration
How do we define the works of a film director whose films cross many established boundaries at once?
The impact of migration: Migrant-related change in the ancient Near East
This project aims at investigating the multidirectional effects of forced and voluntary forms of migration in the ancient Near East.
Migrants in between. The construction of illegal and temporal migration, 1945-2000
Subproject of
Forced Choices: Migration, Identity, and Belonging in the South Tyrolean Option (1939-1955)
Lecture, LIMS seminar / Austrian Studies Seminar
Gender, Migration and Categorisation: Making Distinctions between Migrants in Western Countries, 1945-2010
This volume is pubished in the IMISCOE-AUP Series and edited by Marlou Schrover and Deirdre M. Moloney.
Brian Shaev
Faculty of Humanities
b.shaev@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6658
On the margins. Crime, gender and migration in early modern Frankfurt am Main, 1600-1800
The central aim is to systematically study differences in crime patterns and social control between migrants and non-migrants in early modern Frankfurt am Main.
Living on the Other Side: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Migration and Family Law in Morocco
What are the rights of migrants in Morocco and how do this receiving state and migrants deal with them in practice?
Vertical interventions? The local politics of migration management and policing in intra-Schengen borderlands
What is the role of local authorities and communities in shaping how inter-Schengen borders are understood and dealt with?
The political effects of intra-EU migration: Evidence from national and European elections in seven countries
This article examines how immigration from Central and Eastern Europe influences political support for Eurosceptic parties.
Exile memories
This subproject examines how memories of flight and persecution shaped new social and religious identities in the Netherlands.
Kate Kirk
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
k.m.kirk@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 6 2889 4828
Amadou Adamou
Faculty of Humanities
a.adamou@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Nadia Bouras
Faculty of Humanities
n.bouras@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2088
‘Migration is more about hope than economy’
Afghans who came to the Netherlands in a hurry, refugees who were used as leverage by Belarus and boat refugees who tried to reach Europe in an increasingly desperate manner: the newspapers were once again filled with news about migrants. Today, on International Migrants Day, we talk to professor Marlou…
How can the law influence migration, asylum, integration? LL.M. in Governance of Migration and Diversity
Are you considering a master’s degree in 2025? Join our Governance of Migration and Diversity (LL.M.) Online Webinar on 16 December!
New Master: Governance of Migration and Diversity
In September 2016, the Leiden University Institute for History starts with a new MA sub-track 'Governance of Migration and Diversity'. This so-called LDE Master (a joint program of Leiden, Delft and Erasmus) is part of the MA History specialization Cities, Migrations and Global Interdependence (CMGI…
‘Migration’, ‘migrazione’ and ‘migracja’: Free teaching modules on migration in six languages
Social scientists from Leiden University have worked with an international team to create teaching modules on migration.
New LL.M. Migration and Diversity with a Succesfull Start
On 30th September 2024, the newly established LL.M. track of the multidisciplinary Governance of Migration and Diversity Master Program welcomed its pioneer students during the GMD academic year opening event at the Wijkpaleis in Rotterdam. During the informative and day, students met the academic coordinators…
Soukaina Chakkour
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
s.chakkour@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3451
A unique perspective on (pre)historical migration using linguistics
Migration is not only reflected in DNA, but also in language. By tracing changes in language, we learn more about the lifestyle of the people that speak it. University lecturer Tijmen Pronk (40) conducts linguistic research into (pre)historical migration.
Colonisation and migration in New-America
Migration is nothing new. A lot of people immigrated to the United States after it was ‘rediscovered’. The Netherlands also colonised a part of the New World and gave it the name New Netherland. Pepijn Doornenbal, a master’s student History, conducts research in the United States about how different…
Stefano Bellucci
Faculty of Humanities
s.bellucci@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3473
Citizenship, Migration & Global Transformation: an interdisciplinary research project
A research team of fifteen people – representing domains such as political economy, international relations, law, history and public administration - will work on the interdisciplinary programme Citizenship, Migration and Global Transformation. Leiden University has granted 3.5 million euro's to the…
Leo Lucassen
Faculty of Humanities
l.a.c.j.lucassen@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2724
Eugenio Cusumano on Euronews about EU's migration dilemma
A tv crew from Euronews came to Leiden to interview Eugenio Cusumano about his work on migrant rescue operations in the Mediterranean. Eugenio is an expert on international relations.
The Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health of LGBTQIA+ child asylum-seekers
Lecture, LIMS seminar
Mark Klaassen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
m.a.k.klaassen@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7420
Beyond Dissemination: Hindustani Identifications at the Nexus of Tradition and Modernity
An interdisciplinary cultural analysis of how the Hindustani double migration informs contemporary processes of identification and problematises the juxtaposition of tradition and modernity.
Law track launched for master's in Governance of Migration and Diversity
The master's programme in Governance of Migration and Diversity has expanded to include a Law track (LL.M.). Law students can now enrol in this master's programme, while students from other disciplines can gain exposure to the legal perspective.
Olaf van Vliet on NPO Radio 1 about the consequences of labour migration for the economy and society
The European Commission sees increased labour migration as a solution to the growing personnel shortages, but the Dutch Labour Inspectorate argues that this is not a tenable business model. Professor of Economics Olaf van Vliet discusses the advantages and disadvantages of labour migration for the economy…
'If you weigh up the state of migration today, the outcome isn't bad'
Professor Leo Lucassen often adds his voice to the public debate on his specialist field. If there is talk of a 'flood of migration', he feels compelled to give the issue some historical perspective. 'Concerned? Yes, I am.'
How migration policy in autocracies and democracies differs from what we expect
What is the effect of a certain regime on a country’s migration policy? Political scientist Katharina Natter compared the migration policy of autocratic Morocco with that of democratising Tunisia. Her findings challenge some of the core assumptions.
''Governing Crime and Migration' combines theory and real-life experience'
During last summer, the Faculty of Law offered an Honours Class about the theme 'Governing Crime and Migration'. Hillary Mellinger, one of the participating international students, tells us about her experiences.
Gender in ethnically mixed relationships of immigrants from Dutch former colonies in the Netherlands, 1945-2005
Subproject of