59 search results for “host-microbe interactions” in the Public website
Plant-microbe interactions
Which microorganisms live near and inside plant roots? How do they contribute to plant health? Can microorganisms be employed in plant protection?
Cryotomographic visualization of symbiosis initiation in the Euprymna scolopes-Vibrio fischeri association
The overall aim of this project is to understand, on the molecular level, how the bacterium V. fischeri cells interacts with their squid host.
Anna Roseboom
j.m.roseboom@biology.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4395
Jesse Ouwehand
j.ouwehand@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Microbial hitchhiking
How do nonmotile microbes leverage communal motility?
plant-mediated changes in soil communities on aboveground plant-insect interactions
We examine how soil-derived legacy effects of plants structure natural ecosystems, determine aboveground plant insect interactions, and how we can use soil legacy effects to restore degraded ecosystems.
Cryo-EM of cholera infection
The structure of bacterial cells provides crucial clues about their interaction with their host. What are the key structural features of a bacterial cell that determine pathogenicity? What roles do these structures play in the life cycle, and how do they change during the infection process?
Plant Latex: A Potential Resource of Bioactive Chemicals
How and why latex bearing plants select specific chemical compounds for eco-chemical interactions with its biotic factors?
Efficient and flexible platform to isolate and study bacteriophages
We aim to develop a microfluidic platform that can parallelize testing the performance and characteristics of pure, mixed and environmental bacteriophage samples.
Manipulating plant metabolomic profiles by seed and plant cutting treatments to enhance plant protection against western flower thrips
How can we manipulate the biotic and abiotic environment to increase thrips resistance in tomato and chrysanthemum? More specifically we ask: How can plant secondary metabolites that are not soluble in water be delivered to plants in seed coating or root dipping treatment? Can bacteria be used to…
Marker assisted breeding for thrips resistance in tomato
Which plant leaf characteristics are involved in thrips resistance in tomato?
Linking aboveground-belowground interactions and plant-soil feedback to improve pest control and sustainability in greenhouse cut-flowers
We examine how soil inoculation influences aboveground organisms (i) directly, and indirectly via (ii) its effects on plant chemistry or volatile emission, or via (iii) mediating the effects of belowground pathogens on aboveground organisms via the shared plant.
The serosa: an evolutionary novelty in insect eggs
What is the function of the insect serosa?
The evolution of the diversity of secondary metabolites
Why do plants produces always produced so many slightly differing metabolites within a particular chemical class?
Harnessing the soil microbiome for improved stress tolerance in crop plants
Which compounds and microorganisms that live near and inside plant roots are beneficial? Can we use this knowledge to improve the health and growth of crop plants?
Unwiring beneficial functions and regulatory networks in the plant endosphere
How do plants lure microscopically small 'support teams' into their roots for protection against diseases? And what functions are activated in the microbes and the plants?
Spreading the Fire: Why is Pyroptotic Cell Death Contagious?
The word ¨pyroptosis¨ can be understood as ¨fiery falling¨, which describes the bursting of pro-inflammatory signals from the dying cell. Our observations indicate that pyroptosis also ¨spreads like wildfire¨ and once a cell dies via pyroptotic cell death, neighbouring cells are more prone to die as…
Targeted biomolecule production for therapeutic use
We aim to develop a drug-delivery method based on the production of biomolecules directly at the target site.
A metabolomics resistance test
Can metabolomic profiling be used to predict resistance against insect herbivores in plants?
MARBLES - Marine Biodiversity as Sustainable Resource of Disease-Suppressive Microbes and Bioprotectants for Aquaculture and Crop Diseases
To explore the potential of marine microorganisms as producers of novel antimicrobial agents and as bioprotectants in aqua- and agriculture, using an integrative, ecology-based strategy for bioprospecting.
Inflammafish: Cross-talk between inflammation and autophagy in tuberculosis
Effective host defence against tuberculosis bacteria depends on a properly balanced level of inflammation. The Inflammafish project uses zebrafish larvae to study how autophagy controls this inflammation and vice versa.
Conquering the fortress: New strategies for the treatment of tuberculosis
Can we exploit the cell death machinery of the host to develop new host-directed anti-TB treatments?
TRANSAUTOPHAGY: European network for multidisciplinary research and translation of autophagy knowledge
TRANSAUTOPHAGY is a European COST action to promote multidisciplinary research on autophagy and translation of knowledge to applications.
The mechanism of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of eukaryotic cells
We aim to unravel the molecular mechanisms involved in the transformation of eukaryotic cells by Agrobacterium.
MycobacteriumXL: The intracellular fate of pathogenic mycobacteria
How do mycobacteria subvert the defenses of host immune cells?
Efficient gene-targeting during meiosis
Efficient gene-targeting during meiosis
Nitric oxide in defence against mycobacterial infection
Can we enhance the capacity of host immune cells to kill mycobacteria via production of reactive nitrogen species?
INFLANET - Training European Experts in Inflammation: from the molecular players to animal models and the bedside
How is inflammation in tuberculosis controlled by interplay between autophagy and inflammasome signalling?
Staphylomics: Identifying host factors involved in staphylococcal infection
How can Staphylococcus aureus bacteria subvert the host immune system?
Agrobacterium-mediated protein therapy for genome editing
Is translocation of nucleases possible via Agrobacterium T4SS and is it efficient enough for mutagenesis?
Silva Nova – Restoring soil biology and soil functions to gain multiple benefits in new forests
We will study how inoculation of former arable land with soil (including the microbiome, soil fauna and seeds/rhizomes of ground flora) from old forests along with planting targeted tree species mixtures will improve productivity and more rapidly restore forest-adapted communities and ulttimately result…
Chemokine signaling in Tuberculosis and Salmonella infection
Who benefits from CXCR/CXCL chemokine signaling during infection: host or pathogen?
Understanding plant transgenesis
How is Pol θ responsible for T-DNA integration, and how do other DNA double-strand break repair pathways interact with Pol θ? How may we manipulate T-DNA integration to stimulate error-free integration at a predetermined genomic site?
From stress to success: how actinobacteria exploit life without a cell wall
The central question of this Vici proposal is to investigate if, and how actinobacteria exploit life without a cell wall.
Mycobacterial cell wall-deficiency and its role in the persistence of tuberculosis
What is the role of cell wall-deficiency in the persistence of tuberculosis?
Development of new antibiotics from plant-originated products
Utilization of plant-originated products as new antibiotics
COMMUNITY: unraveling the regulatory networks in Streptomyces that switch on antibiotic production on demand
Through his project we will unravel the global regulatory networks that control gene expression in Streptomyces bacteria and allow them to properly respond to major changes in the environment; we will then harness this knowledge to activate and identify novel antibiotics
Microbial Induction of Plant Resilience to Drought Stress (MicroRes)
What are the genes and molecular mechanisms involved in bacteria-mediated plant drought tolerance?
Imaging of biomaterial-associated inflammation and infection using zebrafish
Which immune mechanisms are involved in host defense against Staphylococcal infection?
FishForPharma: Training network on zebrafish infection models for pharmaceutical screens
How can zebrafish models be used to gain a better understanding of host-pathogen interaction mechanisms and to screen new drugs for infectious disease treatment?
ZF-HEALTH - Zebrafish Regulomics for Human Health
How can zebrafish research help understanding human diseases?
Innate immune defence against intracellular pathogens
What are the host immune defence mechanisms that control intracellular infections and how are these subverted by pathogens?
Caterpillars listen to voicemail by eating soil
Leaf-eating caterpillars greatly enrich their intestinal flora by eating soil. Even effects of plants that previously grew in that soil can be found back in bacteria and fungi in caterpillars. Researchers from the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) and Leiden University write about this discovery…
Bacteria inside plant roots battle fungal disease
Two bacterial species team up inside the plant root system to rescue their host from fungal infection. This was discovered by a team of microbiologists and bioinformaticians from the Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Wageningen University, and the Institute of Biology Leiden. They also identified the…
Versatile SNP genotyping
The SNP genotyping line offers flexible genotyping for small and large projects at affordable price and high quality. The use as SNPs as molecular markers is very versatile and can be used for a wide variety of scientific questions ranging from paternity analysis, conservatuion genetis towards QTL…
Boosting the immune system to fight anitibiotic resistant Tuberculosis
Can small molecule drugs restore the immune system’s ability to fight tuberculosis by boosting autophagy?
How do plant defense genes get activated?
T-DNA integration and DNA repair of DSBs in plants
Identification and characterization of components of DNA repair pathways and their role in Agrobacterium T-DNA integration and repair of CRISPR/Cas induced DSBs.
Fungi add flavour to vanilla
Fungi living in vanilla plants play a role in the development of the taste and smell of vanilla, according to Shahnoo Khoyratty of the Institute of Biology Leiden. PhD defence on 27 October.
The quest for new medicines against tuberculosis
Can drug screening for tuberculosis treatment be made more efficient?