5 search results for “breast cancer metastasis” in the Public website
Hanneke Leegwater
h.leegwater@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5276274
Pulling the strings on anti-cancer immunity
Promotores: J. Jonkers, K.E. de Visser
Tracking genes to fight breast cancer
PhD student Esmee Koedoot studied the underlying processes responsible for metastases in a dangerous type of breast cancer. She hopes to find new possibilities to fight the disease. In December 2019 she obtained her doctorate cum laude.
700,000 euros for the fight against aggressive breast cancer
To inhibit proteins that contribute to the growth of aggressive cancer cells, that’s the plan of Professor Bob van de Water and his team. They will receive over 700,000 euros from the KWF Dutch Cancer Society for their research. Researcher Maaike Vreeswijk and pathologist Danielle Cohen are affiliated…
How oxygen deprivation causes cancer cells to spread
In breast cancer, metastasis rather than the primary tumour is the cause of death. A lack of oxygen in the tumour cells promotes this metastasis, accompanied by a reprogramming of the cell's metabolism. PhD candidate Qiuyu Liu investigated these alterations to get more knowledge about the actionable…