977 search results for “first world war” in the Public website
Introducing: Wouter Linmans
Wouter Linmans is working on a PhD thesis on visions and fears of future warfare in Dutch society (1918-1939).
Secret Intelligence and Public Diplomacy in the Ukraine War
In this article, Thomas Maguire, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, examines why states use intelligence to influence external audiences.
Paul Meyboom
Faculteit Archeologie
p.g.p.meyboom@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1997
Rights, Democracy Promotion, and US Interventionism in the Late Cold War
In Freedom on the Offensive, William Michael Schmidli illuminates how the Reagan administration's embrace of democracy promotion was a defining development in US foreign relations in the late twentieth century.
Second World War victims commemorated in Hour of Remembrance
On 4 May, Leiden University remembered the victims of the Second World War from our university community. Alumni, students and present and former staff of the University came together for this Hour of Remembrance.
Open-source research and the war in Ukraine: intelligence for the people by the people?
Who are open-source intelligence activists and how reliable are their contributions to public understanding of Russia’s war in Ukraine?
War, Entrepreneurs, and the State in Europe and the Mediterranean, 1300-1800
This edited volume by Jeff Fynn-Paul pushes forward the debate on the role of entrepreneurs in making war and building states in Europe and the Ottoman Empire.
Beyond the Pale: Dutch Extreme Violence in the Indonesian War of Independence, 1945-1949
On 17 August 1945, two days after the Japanese surrender that also brought an end to the Second World War in Asia, Indonesia declared its independence. The declaration was not recognized by the Netherlands, which resorted to force in its attempt to take control of the inevitable process of decolonization.…
Bart van der Boom
Faculty of Humanities
b.e.van.der.boom@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2762
Early modern war narratives and the Revolt in the Low Countries
By the end of the sixteenth century, stories about the Revolt in the Low Countries (c. 1567-1648) had begun to spread throughout Europe. These stories had very different authors with very different intentions.
The balkan war (1912-1913) and visions of the future in Ottoman Turkish literature
Engin Kiliç defended his thesis on 11 june 2015
Dutch Post-war Fiction Film through a Lens of Psychoanalysis
This week 'Dutch Post-war Fiction Film through a Lens of Psychoanalysis' by Peter Verstraten was published by Amsterdam University Press, the sequel to Humor and Irony in Dutch Post-war Fiction Film from 2016. Each chapter in his 482-page new study begins with a title of Fons Rademakers who made films…
Reframing the Diplomat. Ernst van der Beugel and the Cold War Atlantic Community
In Reframing the Diplomat Albertine Bloemendal offers a unique window onto the unofficial dimension of Cold War transatlantic relations by analyzing the diplomatic role of the Dutch Atlanticist Ernst van der Beugel as a government official and as a private diplomat.
The Reagan Administration, the Cold War, and the Transition to Democracy Promotion
Robert Pee, William Michael Schmidli (Eds.) This book posits that democracy promotion played a key role in the Reagan administration’s Cold War foreign policy.
Protagonists of War: Spanish Army Commanders and the Revolt in the Low Countries
A new vision on the Revolt of the Low Countries through the eyes of Spanish commanders
The Fate of Freedom Elsewhere. Human Rights and U.S. Cold War Policy
This is the 2017 paperback release of William Michael Schmidli's The Fate of Freedom Elsewhere, which won the 2013 Foreign Affairs Magazine Best Book of the Year.
Subjecthood?’ the Inclusion of Imperial Citizens in the Dutch Post-War Welfare State
Emily Wolff, PhD candidate at Leiden University, wrote a paper about the inclusion of imperial citizens in the Dutch post-war welfare state.
Imperium: United States Foreign Policy and Human Rights in Post-Cold War Southeast Asia
Does foreign aid promote human rights?
Workers or Working Women? Comparing Labour Supply Policies in Post-War Europe
This paper written by Alexandre Afonso, Assistant Professor and Researcher at Leiden University, argues that gender norms and the political strength of the left were important structuring factors regarding why European countries choose migrant labour to expand their labour force in the decades that…
The Great War Analogy and the Sino-American Security Dilemma: Foreboding or Fallacious?
Drawing on the analogical lessons of the Great War, this article uses applied history to analyze how the four parallels discerned can help us make sense of contemporary Sino-American rivalry
Military legitimacy during the Cold War: The Dutch army and its criticasters
Subproject of
Student in war time
Jacques Waisvisz (98) is one of our oldest living alumni. As a Jewish student in the Second World War, he was forbidden from completing his studies. How does he look back at that time, and what was life like afterwards? ‘No one thought that the situation here would become so bad.’
guard? Evaluating how external experts in Germany warned about Russia’s war on Ukraine
This article reviews how external expertise supports intelligence production and crisis decision-making with Germany's response to the Russio-Ukrainian war.
‘Stolpersteine’ at the University Library to commemorate Leiden war victims
Two Stolpersteine (stumbling stones) have been placed in front of the University Library in memory of the Jewish Cosman family. At the time of the Second World War, they lived in one of the houses where the library is now located.
Crossings: Indian activists and the Afro-Asian movement in the early Cold War era
Southern Crossings: Indian activists and the Afro-Asian movement in the early Cold War era
Forged in the Great War : people, transport, and labour, the establishment of colonial rule in Zambia, 1890-1920
The territories that would make up what is today the Republic of Zambia officially became British in 1891. However, this did not equate to an on-the-ground presence of colonial authority capable of affecting the destiny and daily lives of people.
Exchanges. Scholarships and Transnational Circulations in the Modern World
Exchanges between different cultures and institutions of learning have taken place for centuries, but it was only in the twentieth century that such efforts evolved into formal programs that received focused attention from nation-states, empires and international organizations.
How Leiden University reopened after the war
Students were able to continue their studies in September 1945 after the University had been closed for several years during the Second World War. This moment was celebrated for four days, with the traditional cortège, commemorative services and a party in the Botanical Garden. Queen Wilhelmina was…
Rumours of Revolt: Civil War and the Emergence of a Transnational News Culture in France and the Netherlands, 1561–1598
This book explores the reception of foreign news during the late sixteenth-century civil wars in France and the Netherlands.
Why are governments sharing intelligence on the Ukraine war with the public and what are the risks?
In this article, Thomas Maguire, assistant professor at the Institute of Governance and Global Affairs, examines the intelligence of the US, British and Ukrainian governments and NATO partners concerning Russia and its war against Ukraine. This article discusses how and why governments communicate intelligence…
Pedagogies of Prohibition: Time, Education, and the War on Drugs in Rio de Janeiro’s Zona Norte
Benjamin Fogarty-Valenzuela published the article 'Pedagogies of Prohibition: Time, Education, and the War on Drugs in Rio de Janeiro’s Zona Norte' in Cultural Anthropology 37. The article’s three sections focus on three forms of temporal control—busyness, punctuality, and rhythm—and each demonstrates…
Babylonia: Creating a New Context for Understanding the Emergence of the First World Empire
The Persian Empire (539-330 BCE) was the first world empire in history. At its height, it united a territory stretching from present-day India to Libya - and it would take 2,000 years before significantly larger empires emerged in early modern Eurasia. This territorial sweep is both a source of fascination…
Digital warfare in the Sahel: popular networks of war and Cultural Violence
This interdisciplinary study focuses on (trans)national ethnic and popular networks, combining historical-ethnographic and computational methods to understand the ‘workings’ of networked conflict interfering in the increasingly violent conflict in the Sahel (Africa) and beyond. The project focuses on…
A broader perspective on the war
Leiden researcher Ethan Mark has a mission, he explains in the alumni magazine Leidraad. He wants us to take off our Eurocentric glasses when we study the Second World War. We have focused on ourselves for far too long; after 75 years, it’s about time we listened to stories from the rest of the worl…
Maps That Made History: 1000 Years of World History in 100 Old Maps
1000 Years of World History in 100 Old Maps.
What did resistance look like in Indonesia during the Second World War?
Stories of resistance in the Second World War are widely covered in Dutch historiography: Hannie Schaft, Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema, and Professor Cleveringa are some of the best known. But these accounts largely focus on the Dutch domestic perspective. On the other side of the world, a complex colonial…
Frans Osinga
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
f.p.b.osinga@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9506
Roos van der Haer
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
r.van.der.haer@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3886
Privilege, Economy and State in Old Regime France: Marine Insurance, War and the Atlantic Empire under Louis XIV
This book closely analyses the rise and fall of Louis XIV's marine insurance institutions in Paris, which were central to the French monarchy's efforts to stimulate commerce, colonial enterprise and economic growth.
Corinna Jentzsch, 'Here are 4 reasons why Mozambique isn’t a post-war success story' (blog)
Political scientist Corinna Jentzsch (Leiden University) explains why Mozambique is not (yet) a success story.
Mexican drugs world pans out into hybrid war
Drugs-related violence in Mexico is similar in terms of dynamics and strategy to the IS hybrid war in the West. This is the claim made by Teun Voeten. PhD defence 20 September.
Mystical and Religious Concepts in the Persian Poetry of the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88)
The chief aim of this study is to explore how classical Persian poetry and the Persian mysticism that is interwoven with the poetry have been used in the new politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially during the Iran-Iraq war.
A hornets’ nest: Leiden University during the Second World War
‘That hornets’ nest in Leiden must be destroyed,’ said Dutch National Socialist Party member Robert van Genechten in November 1942. He was referring to Leiden University. Why this hatred? Emeritus Professor of University History Willem Otterspeer has written a book about Leiden University during the…
‘War history of Eduard Meijers warrants place in memorial culture’
A group of confidants including a former student of Meijers managed to avert his deportation to a death camp. In her lecture on 27 November, Cleveringa Professor Marjan Schwegman revealed the history of the persecution of the Jewish Professor Eduard Meijers.
ruptures: Zande identity, governance, and tradition during cycles of war and displacement in South Sudan and Uganda (2014-2019)
On 1 June 2022, Bruno Braak defended his thesis entitled 'Overcoming ruptures: Zande identity, governance, and tradition during cycles of war and displacement in South Sudan and Uganda (2014-2019).' The doctoral research was supervised by Prof.dr. J.M. Otto, Dr.ir. C.I.M. Jacobs, and Dr. C. Leonardi…
World Archaeology
The researchers in the World Archaeology department of the Faculty of Archaeology concentrate on a range of different periods and regions: from humanity’s origins to the Middle Ages and the modern age, and from Asia to South America.
Capitalism, Migration, War and Nationalism in an Aegean Port Town: The Rise and Fall of a Belle Époque in the Ottoman county of Foçateyn
This dissertation describes the history of the Ottoman county of Foçateyn as a case study of the process of transition from the Ottoman Empire to nation states.
World Archaeology
The department of World Archaeology combines research and education about regions all over the world, from Human Origins to the Middle Ages, and from Europe, to Asia, Africa and the America’s. That broad range in time and space makes the department a dynamic pluriform community with many different approaches,…
Languages and Cultures of the world
When it comes to languages and cultures, Leiden University is the university. The global expertise present places our university at the top. In Leiden and The Hague, we study languages and cultures from all regions of the world and from prehistory to the present day. In this way we create a broad view…
Images Of The Indonesian War Of Independence, 1945-1949/Beelden Van De Indonesische Onafhankelijkheidsoorlog, 1945-1949/Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia
Four years of protracted negotiations and bitter warfare passed between the declaration of Indonesian independence on 17 August, 1945, and the official transfer of sovereignty on 27 December, 1949.