53 search results for “cognitieve psychologie” in the Public website
This programme video is presented in Dutch
Proefstuderen Psychologie
Study information
Jennifer Becker
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
j.m.becker@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Looking for those ‘butterflies in the stomach’
Put two single people in one place and what do you get? Science! Psychologists at Leiden University will be conducting research on human attraction at the Lowlands festival on the 19th of August.
In the Media
Our research regularly receives attention in the (Dutch) popular media. Here is an overview.
Presentations and Lectures
Members of our research team give different types of presentations and lectures.
Larger pupils? You might just have gained someone’s trust
Synchrony in heart rate, skin conductance and pupil diameter plays a big role in human social interactions, such as gaining trust or being attracted toward each other. This is what Eliska Prochazkova found in several lab and field experiments. PhD defence on 4 March 2021.
The Executive Committee consists of the following members:
Meta-ethiek. Methode, theorieën, ontwikkelingen
Do objectively correct solutions to ethical dilemmas exist? Or is ethics always a matter of your opinion against my opinion? How do you know what to do? What kind of thing is ethics anyway? Can you be an expert in ethics?
Sociaal gedrag als onderdeel van coping styles in zebravis
Zijn sociale aspecten van anxiety-like gedrag bij zeer jonge zebravissen al aanwezig? Zijn deze afhankelijk van de coping style (persoonlijkheid) van het individu? Zijn deze gedragingen endocrien te moduleren, bv door oxytocine?
Schadenfreude: Understanding Pleasure at the Misfortune of Others
Leiden psychologist Wilco van Dijk and communication scientist Jaap Ouwerkerk of VU University Amsterdam published a book about the emotion Schadenfreude. The authors describe what the emotion Schadenfreude really is, when people experience the emotion, and what role it plays in social relations.
The comparative biology of language learning
A theoretical project on the insights gained by human (including infant), nonhuman animal and computational studies on artificial grammar learning; identifying the critical questions for future research by developing novel experimental and computational approaches to address these issues.
Humans of Psychology
For Humans of Psychology, students and staff will be put into the spotlight. At our institute prizes are won, exiting research is conducted, knowledge is harnessed, public meeting are organised and open science is highlighted. Take a look behind the scenes.
The bachelor's programme in Psychology in Leiden covers the full breadth of psychology. Our bachelor's students have the opportunity to specialise. Our master's students prepare themselves for a career as a ‘scientist - practitioner'. In the one year master's programme the emphasis is on practise; in…
Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ)
CERQ is a questionnaire measuring cognitive coping strategies developed by Dr. Nadia Garnefski and Dr. Vivian Kraaij.
Hall of Fame 2023
In 2023, many of our students and staff won great prizes and secured important research grants.
Psychology (MSc)
he master’s programme in Psychology focuses both on in-depth study of theory and on the acquisition of professional and research skills. The distinctive feature of the Leiden master’s programme is that the teaching is not restricted to only the functioning of psychological processes; these processes…
Elk jaar organiseert het LIBC in samenwerking met de gemeente Leiden een Publieksdag over hersenonderzoek.
Social decision making in humans and great apes
Efficiently responding to others’ emotions has great survival value, especially for social species, such as primates, who establish close, long-term bonds with group members. The closest living relatives to humans are the chimpanzee and the bonobo. Studying these species, and comparing them on the exact…
Open Science
On this page you find all the ways through which the Institute of Psychology aims to foster Open Science.
Functional architecture of the brain revealed
An international partnership of brain researchers from 35 research centres - from the US to China - including the Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC), has collected resting-state functional MRI data from more than 1400 healthy volunteers and put the information online so that it is available…
Knighthood for Prof. Willem Heiser
On 31 January 2014 Professor Willem Heiser (Psychology, Statistics and Data Theory) was awarded the distinction of Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion. After his farewell lecture he received the royal honour for his exceptional academic, social and administrative achievements.
Eveline Crone: 'Stay healthy'
Eveline Crone: 'Many thanks to my amazing Brain and Development Research Center colleagues. I am so thankful for the 15 fantastic years. It is also extremely exciting and energizing to start at Erasmus University Rotterdam with the Society, Youth and Neuroscience Connected SYNClab.'
Social Resilience and Security
Social resilience and security has never been more important. Over the last 2 years, the COVID-19 pandemic has created a considerable disturbance to our personal and social lives. As a result, the general population reports more stress, loneliness and decreased quality of life. At the same time, there…
Schadenfreude and the role in social relations
Leiden psychologist Wilco van Dijk and communication scientist Jaap Ouwerkerk of VU University Amsterdam published a book about the emotion Schadenfreude. The authors describe what the emotion Schadenfreude really is, when people experience the emotion, and what role it plays in social relations.
Iron-immune interactions in Alzheimer's disease
PhD defence
Fear of choking and fear of falling in middle and end stage patients with Huntington’s disease
PhD defence
FAQ clinical specialisations of the Master in Psychology
Below you will find the answers to some of the frequently asked questions about admission to the clinical specialisations of the Master in Psychology.
FAQ clinical specialisations of the Master in Psychology
Below you will find the answers to some of the frequently asked questions about admission to the clinical specialisations of the Master in Psychology.
FAQ clinical specialisations of the Master in Psychology
Below you will find the answers to some of the frequently asked questions about admission to the clinical specialisations of the Master in Psychology.
FAQ clinical specialisations of the Master in Psychology
Below you will find the answers to some of the frequently asked questions about admission to the clinical specialisations of the Master in Psychology.
FAQ clinical specialisations of the Master in Psychology
Below you will find the answers to some of the frequently asked questions about admission to the clinical specialisations of the Master in Psychology.
Leren door te doen? Ervaringen van nieuwsgebruik en de ontwikkeling van mediawijsheid bij jongeren
Lecture, Journalism Studies Seminars
Measuring, knowing, and then what?
There is a lot of measuring going on in mental healthcare, but not enough use is being made of the information from these measurements. This is what Edwin de Beurs concludes in his inaugural lecture ‘Measuring, knowing and then what?' on 27 November. The professor by special appointment of ROM and Benchmarking…
Reconciling conflicting interests
A far-reaching understanding of human behaviour is necessary to get to grips with conflicts in society and to encourage parties to meet each other halfway. Psychologists, anthropologists and political scientists from Leiden are making invaluable contributions to that understanding. You can find out…
Four Vici grants for Leiden University researchers
Four researchers from Leiden University have been awarded prestigious Vici grants the Dutch Research Council (NWO) has announced. The honoured applications are from researchers at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden Observatory, the LUMC and the Faculty of Archaeology.
Leiden-Delft-Erasmus collaboration brings self-learning healthcare system a step closer
More effective diagnosis and prognosis than ever, with less intrusive medical screening? Scientists from Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam are well on the way to achieving just that. Imaging professors Serge Rombouts and Wiro Niessen are working on an extremely rigorous, self-learning adviser for radiologists.…
Speed-dating to find your thesis supervisor
Four talented students will have the opportunity to progress smoothly from their master’s study programme into a research career. Master’s students in Applied Statistics can compete for one quarter of the € 800,000 grant recently awarded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).…
Hebben reumapatiënten met hulp van placebotechnieken minder medicatie nodig?
From painful joints to intense fatigue: a third of rheumatism patients suffer serious effects from this chronic condition and rely long-term on medication. Leiden psychologists are to receive a subsidy from the Netherlands Arthritis Foundation to investigate whether placebo techniques can help patients…
ERC Consolidator Grants for six Leiden researchers
From the effects of hormone fluctuations in women via the interior structure of giant planets to the prehistory of the languages: six Leiden researchers have been awarded a Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council.
Onzekerheid omarmen - een tijdreis van de Oudheid naar de digitale toekomst
Onzekerheid beïnvloed - de rol van emoties tijdens conflicten en strafbepaling
Een onzekere wereld - van complottheorieën naar alarmsignalen in ons brein
Onzekerheid opzoeken - risicogedrag in pubers en zebravissen
SRS seminar series: The use of neuropsychological information and virtual reality within forensic psychiatry
Seminar series
LIBC Publieksdag Brein & Recht
SRS seminar series: Deep history of violence and security
Seminar series
Scholarly publications
Below are some of the scholarly works published within the context of the Institutions for Conflict Resolution programme.
SRS seminar series
Seminar series
SRS seminar series: Deep history of violence and security
Seminar series