1,200 search results for “postcolonialism and intercultural communication” in the Public website
Mobility, Globalisation, and Interculturality
Mobility, Globalisation, and Interculturality is one of the six research themes of the LUCAS Modern and Contemporary cluster.
Platform for Postcolonial Readings
The Platform for Postcolonial Readings brings together researchers, especially junior researchers, in Belgium and the Netherlands interested in issues of globalization, inter/transculturality, diversity and inclusivity, intersectionality, and postcoloniality. We are an open group (do join us!) and meet…
Centre for Intercultural Philosophy
Leiden University Centre for Intercultural Philosophy (LUCIP) is housed in the Institute for Philosophy at Leiden University.
Cultural differences in Vietnam
In Vietnam, foreign trade and culture are pervasive. Therefore, the need arises for students to learn more about cultural differences and intercultural communication. This dissertation focuses on improving training in intercultural communication in Vietnamese higher education.
Ghosts Here and There: Spectral Resistance and Dialogue in Postcolonial Literature
The ethics of ghosts, spectres, and mediums in postcolonial literature
MA Specialisation Heritage and Postcolonial Studies
Objects and framings of heritage, archives, and academic knowledge production generate worldwide, fierce societal debates on the legacies of colonial violence, past injustice and present-day institutional racism. Whether bronzes from Benin, daggers from Bali, fossils from Java, photo-albums from…
Toward an Intercultural Natural History of Brazil
The Historia Naturalis Brasiliae Reconsidered
Non-native EFL teachers’ intercultural identities: A comparison of China and the Netherlands
Students in EFL (English as a foreign language) classes may regard their non-native teachers as successful models of intercultural communication and mediators between the cultures of English-speaking countries (ES cultures) and their own cultures. Teachers who are aware of such roles may introduce and…
Dutch Centre for Travel Writing Studies
The Dutch Center for Travel Writing Studies s a scientific center that develops and coordinates initiatives to promote research into travel writing. It actively seeks contact with external (scientific and social) partners to collaborate on issues surrounding cultural / national identity, cultural contact…
Postcolonial Displacements: Migration, Narratives and Place-making
Postcolonial Displacements explores the multiple ways in which migration in South Asia contributes to the imagining, questioning, subverting and reframing of territories, nations and communities. The project focuses on the contested fringes of the politically divided South Asian subcontinent, across…
Migrants, welfare and social citizenship in postcolonial Europe
This paper explores how citizenship is enacted and experienced in welfare encounters for Egyptian migrant parents in Paris, Amsterdam, and Milan, highlighting the importance of social citizenship and personal interactions in shaping belonging.
Teacher identity and teacher’s professional development in an intercultural context
The present project aims to provide valuable insights for the professional development of international teachers, and also for improving the quality of foreign language education.
Alette Vonk
Faculty of Humanities
a.p.vonk@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2746
The Platform for Postcolonial Readings organizes seminars for MA- and PhD-students and researchers in the field of postcolonial and globalisation studies in Belgium and the Netherlands. As an open network, discussion platform, and reading group, our meetings are open to all.
Tlamatiliztli: la sabiduría del pueblo nahua. Filosofía intercultural y derecho a la tierra
The aim of this research is the systematic analysis of the wisdom coined by Nahua people of Mexico, based on the historical sources and archaeological evidence, but also in the knowledge developed by contemporary indigenous communities and the contributions of indigenous scholars.
Intercultural identities of non-native teachers of English: an exploration in China and the Netherlands
Teachers of English as a foreign language in China and the Netherlands have different notions of themselves as teachers in relation to cultures associated with the English language.
Beyond Dissemination: Hindustani Identifications at the Nexus of Tradition and Modernity
An interdisciplinary cultural analysis of how the Hindustani double migration informs contemporary processes of identification and problematises the juxtaposition of tradition and modernity.
Mineke Schipper-de Leeuw
Faculty of Humanities
w.j.j.schipper@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Intercultural training in Vietnam
In Vietnam, foreign trade and culture are pervasive. Therefore, the need arises for students to learn more about cultural differences and intercultural communication. Tran Tran’s (PhD at ICLON) research focused on improving training in intercultural communication in Vietnamese higher education. Defence…
Geert Prins
Faculty of Humanities
g.o.prins@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
The Modern and Contemporary Cluster is the largest within LUCAS and home to more than 100 staff members and PhD candidates. Hosting a diverse group of young and advanced scholars, it offers an especially fruitful and dynamic environment for interdisciplinary collaboration.
Writing the History of Nationalism
What is nationalism and how can we study it from a historical perspective? Writing the History of Nationalism answers this question by examining eleven historical approaches to nationalism studies in theory and practice.
Mardet van Gennip
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
mgennip@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
De postkoloniale spiegel. De Nederlands-Indische letteren herlezen
The Dutch colonial past in Indonesia has had a major influence on literature.
Night Spaces: Migration, Culture and Integration in Europe (NITE)
How are night spaces imagined, produced, experienced and narrated by migrant communities in Europe? This research project considers this question in eight European cities: Aarhus, Amsterdam, Berlin, Cork, Galway, Lisbon, London, Rotterdam. Authorities have historically wrestled with the issue of night-time…
Antique Dealing and Creative Reuse in Cairo and Damascus 1850-1890: Intercultural Engagements with Architecture and Craft in the Age of Travel and
This beautifully illustrated volume investigates the social life of objects moving between the Middle East and the West, revealing the range of agencies and subjectivities involved in their trade and reuse.
Profile of students
Students are educated to become academic professionals and responsible and engaged citizens who are internationally and interculturally competent
Communicating Communities
Unravelling networks of human mobility and exchange of goods and ideas from a pre-colonial, pan-Caribbean perspective
Shifting the compass
Shifting the Compass: Pluricontinental Connections in Dutch Colonial and Postcolonial Literature
Intercultural exchange starts by looking at yourself
On 7 May students from the Leiden Leadership Programme (LLP) and the International Leiden Leadership Programme (ILLP) gathered with an interdisciplinary panel to have a discussion about Intercultural Leadership.
Crisis and Critique Network
This network brings together scholars whose work explores how contemporary frameworks of crisis produce experiences of the present, rehash or disrupt established narratives of the past, and broker specific outlooks on the future. We collaborate in studying these crisis-scapes and exploring how they…
Community & Communication
The community & communication workgroup serves as an umbrella that – in addition to its own activities – works with all three workgroups on the community and communication related aspects of their activities
Measuring science communication impact
What tools can be applied to measure the output, outcome and impact of science communication efficiently and effectively?
Field seminar 'Time Intercultural' in Mexico
The Mesoamerican research group 'Time in Intercultural Context: the indigenous calendars of Mexico and Guatemala' funded by the ERC and directed by prof. dr. Maarten Jansen, met up in Mexico from the 13th until the 23rd of February for a field seminar in the states of Tlaxcala and Hidalgo.
Francette Broekman
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
f.l.broekman@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Special issue of Narrating 'Europe': a Contested Imagined Community
This special issue of Politique européenne 2019/4 (N° 66) contains, among others, a contribution by Astrid Van Weyenberg.
People who can solve problems are urgently needed in an increasingly complex world. Leiden University is a breeding ground for such talented individuals. We help our students discover, develop and use their talents.
The relation between communication and violence in the Guéra and Moyen –Chari regions (Chad) from 1940 to 2010
French title: Communication et violences dans le Guéra et le Moyen-Chari (Tchad) de 1940 à 2010. This research investigates the relationship between the introduction of new means of communication and violence experienced by the local populations in the Moyen-Chari and the Guéra regions in Chad from…
Marieke Bloembergen appointed Professor of Archival and Postcolonial Studies
On 1 November 2018, Marieke Bloembergen was appointed Professor of Archival and Postcolonial Studies at the Institute for History.
- Community
Career prospects
In this time of globalisation, the job market offers plenty of opportunities for people with intercultural competences and a global outlook. Graduates of our International Studies programme not only have expert knowledge of a specific world region, but also possess professional and consultancy skills…
The Liveable Planet programme will serve as a hub for the wide range of relevant research carried out within Leiden University and welcomes interaction with colleagues interested in contributing to the initiative within as well as outside of Leiden University.
Communicative Language Teaching in Georgia
The present investigation aims at exploring whether the instruction provided at secondary schools in the capital meets the requirements of Communicative Language Teaching and whether the aims of improving learners’ communicative proficiency are met.
Merenungkan Gema, Pemjumpaan Musikal Indonesia-Belanda
Indonesian translation of the book Recollecting Resonances from authors Bart Barendregt and Els Bogaerts.
Constructing Communities
Clustered Neighbourhood Settlements of the Central Anatolian Neolithic ca. 8500-5500 Cal. BC
Community & alumni
It is important for students to meet alumni of the program, to see what jobs they have.
Consular diplomacy's first challenge: Communicating assistance to nationals abroad
Jan Melissen, Senior Fellow International Relations and Diplomacy at ISGA, researched the topic of consular diplomacy in a digital age. Specifically: the communicative challenge.
Sanne Willems
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
s.j.w.willems@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Andrea Bartolucci
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
a.bartolucci@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9506
Internationalisation and diversity
A stimulating, international and inclusive learning community is a place where everyone is welcome and where we get the best out of our students. We focus on problems that transcend borders and have a global impact; we welcome a range of perspectives; and we conduct internationally comparative resea…