82 search results for “the nederlands” in the Student website
Nederlands Instituut Marokko (NIMAR)
Avenue Mohamed El Fassi (ex. Av. Marrakech) 3, Rabat
Block 8, 9 & 10 October in your agenda for the LUVE Graduation Show 2021
On 8, 9 and 10 October 2021 'Share the LUVE' takes place. During this graduation show the works of this year's graduates of the Visual Ethnography master of Leiden University will be screened. So mark your agenda and enjoy three days full of film, photo, artwork, exhibitions, good conversations and…
Thijs Bosker in the Media on Microplastics and Whale Poop
Several media published articles on the latest research from a team including Thijs Bosker, Associate Professor Environmental Sciences, last week. The research has shown that whales in the vicinity of Auckland New Zeeland consume three million microplastics a day.
Confidentiality clauses with penalty clauses should not be invoked when misconduct is reported
Confidentiality clauses that contain penalty clauses in television production contracts are common, permissible and useful, but can never be invoked against disclosing misconduct, such as unacceptable behaviour. This is claimed by Dirk Visser, Charlotte Vrendenbarg and Richard Trouborst in their article…
Wouter Hins on NPO Radio 1 about revoking licence of Ongehoord Nederland
The Dutch public broadcasting organisation NPO has asked State Secretary for Culture and Media Gunay Uslu to revoke the licence of Ongehoord Nederland. Wouter Hins, emeritus professor of media law, explains how unique the NPO’s request is.
Mag Nederland internationale studenten toegang weigeren?
Minister Dijkgraaf van onderwijs wil het aantal internationale studenten terugdringen. Maar mag Nederland dat wel? En zo ja, is het ook wenselijk? Deze vragen behandelde Mark Klaassen, universitair docent bij het Europa Instituut, tijdens de slotbijeenkomst van het Honours College Law op 12 juni.
In pictures: ‘Groot Nederlands Student Kampioenschap’ student games for the first time in The Hague
The 'Groot Nederlands Student Kampioenschap' student games have been held for the first time in two cities, Delft and The Hague. To make this happen our Campus The Hague worked together with The Hague University of Applied Sciences and Inholland University of Applied Sciences. Three students look back…
Wim van den Doel
College van Bestuur
h.w.van.den.doel@bb.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2922
Study associations
A study association is a good way to combine study-related activities with pleasure. Every faculty has one or more study association.
Dagelijks leven in Nederland voor en na het jaar 0
- Important contacts
13th International Congress of Egyptologists, 2023
A minor allows you to develop your knowledge beyond the boundaries of your study programme, or to specialise further in your own field of study. You can follow a minor in Leiden and also in Delft or Rotterdam.
Study associations
A study association is a good way to combine study-related activities with pleasure. Every faculty has one or more study association.
Other associations
As well as study associations, Leiden University also has a number of other associations through which you can develop your skills and gain experience that will come in useful in your later professional life.
Politieke Vervalsingen en Complottheorieën in Nederland - Toen en Nu
Have you recently graduated and do you dream of a career as an entrepreneur? Did you find a gap in the market and are you looking for ways to exploit it? Do you have a creative, innovative idea for solving a problem, but need help developing it into a full business plan?
Sex, power and colonialism: 'Marriages and sexuality were fundamental to colonial power'
Sex and power are closely linked, and this was certainly true in the former Dutch colonies. PhD student Sophie Rose investigated how sexual and love relationships influenced eighteenth-century power structures there. 'You can see that there was constant fighting over who stood where in the social hi…
- Daring questions in Islam
Peer contact for students who have experienced sexual harassment: register by April 7
Thesis and papers
When writing a thesis or paper you must make good use of the insights you have gained during your lectures and studies so far. You should also refer to relevant literature and carry out your own research on the topic.
Coen van 't Veer
Faculty of Humanities
c.b.van.t.veer@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Support for your well-being
Good mental health provides a strong foundation for study and work. It is important to seek help if you are not doing well. There are a range of ways in which you can work on your mental well-being. You can also turn to others for help and guidance. Take a look at the various options available.
Healthcare and insurances
Hopefully it won’t be necessary but should need to access healthcare during your studies, you can find all the necessary contact information here. Make sure you also have adequate health insurance. This is a legal requirement in the Netherlands. We also highly recommend that you take out liability i…
Extensive media attention for research into income inequality
On behalf of trade union FNV, Egbert Jongen and Heike Vethaak from Leiden University conducted a study on income distribution over the past 40 years. Dutch national media outlets have given extensive news coverage to their study.
Researchers Tax Law in Trouw on potential tax avoidance Cargill
Dutch newspaper Trouw investigated the tax position of multinational Cargill. Their conclusion? Cargill appears not to pay taxes over their profits. Trouw asked Jan van de Streek, Professor of Tax Law, and PhD candidate Josephine van der Have for an explanation. Prior to this, Van der Have had also…
University couple marries ‘in front of all of Leiden’ on 3 October
They have known each other since they were small but Rianne and Tom first fell in love when working together at the university. That love culminated in a fairytale wedding amid all the revelry last 3 October.
Kabinetsvoorstel voor lager bindend studieadvies: geen goed plan
De Universiteit Leiden vindt de aanpassing van het bindend studieadvies geen verstandig plan.
Wei Chu receives SNMAP funding for dating earliest dwelling structures in Ukraine
At some point in the deep past the first known dwelling structures were built out of mammoth bones in a country we now know as Ukraine. Archaeologist Wei Chu would have visited the site in summer 2022, were it not for the war. Now he has received funding from SNMAP with the aim to better establish the…
Unacceptable behaviour
This page provides information on what to do if you have been subjected to unacceptable behaviour.
Come to first Living Library Leiden on 11 February
Organisation, Social
Bart Schermer about attack on citizens' right to demonstrate
Media outlets Investico, de Groene Amsterdammer and Trouw reported on the wide-scale collection by the Dutch police of personal data of demonstrators and their family members. Bart Schermer, Professor of Privacy and Cybercrime, commented on the issue.
Ten questions for alumnus Dion Latten
Studying law and then working in sales … Dion Latten loves Leiden and he loves law, but what he loves most is working for BMW. Currently Legal Counsel at BMW, he’ll soon be joining the sales team. ‘Don’t be swayed by the fear of making the wrong choices.’
Better treatment of skin diseases thanks to NWA grant of 11.7 million euros
Patients with skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis, sometimes spend a lifetime searching for the right medication. To help these patients faster and better, scientists across the country are joining forces. The Next Generation ImmunoDermatology (NGID) project, with LACDR professor Robert Rissmann…
Apply now for one of six LDE Thesis Labs
European Commission appoints Joris Larik to pool of arbitrators
The European Commission has appointed Dr. Joris Larik, Assistant Professor of Comparative, EU and International Law at Leiden University College The Hague, to a new pool of individuals ‘suitable for appointment as arbitrator’ in the framework of the European Union’s bilateral trade agreements.
Last places available for Thesis Labs: apply now!!
Graduation ceremony of the LL.M. Advanced Studies in International Children’s Rights 2022-2023
On Wednesday, 30 August 2023, the graduation ceremony took place in Leiden University’s Academy Building. The ceremony was a momentous occasion, attended by distinguished guests, faculty members, and the proud families and friends of the graduates. The event celebrated the hard work, dedication, and…
Hendrik den Heijer
Faculty of Humanities
h.j.den.heijer@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1646
Rick Honings
Faculty of Humanities
r.a.m.honings@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2126
What to watch during LUVEfest: three suggestions
On 8, 9 & 10 October Share the LUVE takes place, the graduation show with the work of this year’s graduates of the Cultural Anthropology master Visual Ethnography. In three days 22 films, a graphic novel, artwork and photos will be presented in De Buurt, close to Leiden Central Station. If you don’t…
Funding for science communication on deaf community and on losing your way
Two Leiden University science communication projects have been awarded a WECOM grant through the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA). One project is a study of the history of the deaf community in the Netherlands and the other is of a condition that causes people to lose their way.
- Support for earthquake-hit Turkey and Syria
From International Relations to combatting financial crime
Vivian Ng came back to Leiden last June to finally sign the walls of the Sweat Room. Graduated in 2020 during the pandemic, she missed out on this wonderful tradition, like so many others. While enjoying a day off in Leiden, we talked about her time as a student and her current job.
Festive opening LAFV and Leiden Law School exhibition: 'Intersection of Art and Science'
On the initiative of Leiden Law School’s Art Committee, the festive opening of the photo exhibition of the Leiden Amateur Photographic Society (LAFV) took place on Friday 20 May 2022 in the C corridor of the Kamerlingh Onnes Building.
'Have an answer ready! A fallacy if need be...'
The As-Soennah mosque in the Schilderswijk, The Hague. The mosque where young Muslims of all kinds, moderate to orthodox, find a place. We, students from the Honours Class Denktank: Islam in Nederland (Think tank: Islam in The Netherlands), paid a visit to the mosque and went to talk with its imam.
Werkbezoek communicatieafdeling bij adviesbureau KPMG
Career and apply for jobs
Interview with Rector Hester Bijl: ‘There is no place for antisemitism here’
Leiden University is under fire: it is allegedly doing too little to tackle antisemitism. Rector Hester Bijl responds to this accusation and to a video from 2014 on social media in which extreme remarks are made. ‘We can be short about such comments: they are unacceptable. The university is and always…
Rechtspraktijk in beeld
Woensdag 7 september bezochten de nieuwe eerstejaarsstudenten Rechtsgeleerdheid en Criminologie de Stadsgehoorzaal voor een College Tour met als thema: Strafzaken en de media. Presentatrice Annemarie Brüning, bekend van Hart van Nederland, ging hierover in gesprek met professionals uit het vakgebied…
Tunnel vision alarm in the search for more efficient hydrogen cells
A tenacious postdoc researcher persuaded Professor Marc Koper to research the oxygen reduction reaction. In Koper's eyes, there was little of interest there. But they promptly discovered a whole new way to improve fuel cells on hydrogen and oxygen. Their article appeared in Nature Catalysis on 07 Ju…