591 search results for “universe” in the Organisational structure
Odile Hoogzaad
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
o.t.c.hoogzaad@library.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272035
Marijke van Kester
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
m.j.j.van.kester@library.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3626
Mariëtte Keuken
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
m.w.keuken@library.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272039
University Council
The University Council (UR) is a democratically elected participation body in which students and staff of the University are represented. The Council is composed of eight staff members and eight student members from all faculties and supporting services. Leiden University currently has three staff…
University elections
From 12 to 15 May, you can vote online for the student positions of the University Council, the student and staff positions of all Faculty Councils, the LUMC Student Council and all Employee Councils. Why vote? Leiden University regards co-participation as extremely important: the right to take part…
University management
The Executive Board is responsible for the efficient and effective management of Leiden University. The Board of Governors monitors the Executive Board and appoints its members. The Executive Board regularly consults the University Council, which advises the Executive Board and has a say in important…
University Council
The Council monitors the activities of the Executive Board, issues solicited and unsolicited advice and has a say in important decisions. Read more about the University Council >>
University committees
If you have a complaint or if you experience problems at work, we hope you can find a solution in consultation with your supervisor or one of the confidential counsellors. If this is not the case or if there are other reasons preventing you from seeking help, you can also contact one of the committees…
University website - Disclaimer
Disclaimer Leiden University regularly monitors and updates the information on this website. Whilst we endeavour to ensure that the information on this website is correct, we do not warrant its completeness or accuracy. Should you identify any inaccuracies on this website, please notify the web editors…
University Sports Centre
The University Sports Centre offers a range of 67 different sporting activities, through which it makes a positive contribution to the personal development of Leiden University's students and staff. Good nutrition, a healthy state of mind and physical fitness all have a positive influence…
Leiden University Libraries
Leiden University has several libraries, united in one organisation: Leiden University Libraries (UBL). Please find more information on our dedicated UBL webpages.
University Services Department
The University Services Department (in Dutch: Universitair Facilitair Bedrijf, UFB) provides facility services for the entire university. By working both in a customer-oriented and market-oriented manner, the UFB contributes to a pleasant working environment for employees and students.
University Council Procedural Regulation
The University Council Procedural Regulation consists of various components. From the style of meetings to agenda setting, and from the voting procedure to reporting. This document is only available in Dutch.
Leiden University Data Management Regulation
Leiden University is revamping its policy with regard to the management, storage and provision of (research) data. The Leiden University Data Management Regulation is intended as a university framework for a viable data management policy. It is up to each faculty board to determine how the regulation…
Regulations of the University Council
The University Council is the central co-participation body of the University. Composition, term of office, elections, powers, rights and obligations are defined in these regulations.
Electoral regulations on University Council
You can vote for your representatives for the University Council during the elections. You can read about the organisation of the election in the electoral regulations.
Leiden University Archive Management Regulation
Leiden University applies rules with regard to archive management, based on applicable laws and regulations. You can read about the rules in the Leiden University Archive Management Regulation. This document is only available in Dutch.
Medicine/Leiden University Medical Center
The Faculty of Medicine / LUMC has a strong interdependence with the clinical care of the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), and because of this, a specific character and organisational structure. The faculty has about 70 research programmes that are linked to the clinical departments, often several…
Online Proctoring Protocol Leiden University
The Online Proctoring Protocol describes the procedure and the rules and criteria for online proctoring when examinations are taken online. The possibility of online proctoring is described in Article 4.1 of the Course and Examination Regulations (OER), and the criteria are laid down in this present…
Leiden University College The Hague
Leiden University College The Hague is the international Honours College of Leiden University and offers an innovative Liberal Arts & Sciences programme to highly talented and motivated students from all over the world. LUC teaching is intensive and small-scale, offered in a residential setting…
Institute Council
The Institute Council consists of scientists, support staff and PhD candidates. They represent the rest of the staff and give the Institute Board solicited and unsolicited advice on all matters on the Institute level relating to teaching, research, and organisation. The Institute Council is elected…
George Miley
miley@strw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5849
Anita Keizers
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
a.g.m.keizers@library.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272039
Leiden University regulations on special leave
These regulations supplement the provisions of the Work and Care Act (Wet Arbeid en Zorg; WAZO), the Working Hours Act (Arbeidstijdenwet) en de Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities (Collectieve Arbeidsovereenkomst Nederlandse Universiteiten; CAO NU) Employees must consult their (line) manager…
Mare, Leiden University’s weekly newspaper
Mare, Leiden University’s weekly newspaper, reports on developments within Leiden University and in the field of higher education and academic research. The Mare’s independent editorial team is made up of professional journalists. Its editorial policy is reviewed regularly by an editorial…
Composition of University Library Employee Council
The Employee Council represents the staff of the University Library and holds regular consultative meetings with management. The proper functioning of the organisation is the main objective here. To the best of our ability, we speak up for the interests and well-being of our staff members and seek…
Leiden University Regulations on postponing graduation
The law dictates that the Board of Examiners confers a degree certificate upon students once they have passed their final examination. However students may wish to defer conferral of their degree.
Plexus Student Centre and University Shop
Plexus is the Latin word for nerve centre: it means both a collection and a meeting point. The goal of Plexus is to offer optimal services to students of Leiden University. Within Plexus can be found the Student Information Centre help desks, the University Shop, lecture rooms, meeting facilities, a…
HOVO (University of the Third Age, U3A)
HOVO organises academic courses for people who are aged 50 and older. These courses do not result in a diploma, nor do they train participants for a profession. This means that there is ample opportunity for learners to pursue their personal interests. People attend HOVO courses…
International Office
The International Office is responsible for coordinating faculty exchange programmes (incoming and outgoing).
The Study Advisors
The study advisers form an important link between the Faculty of Law and the student. They encourage and advise students in setting goals and making responsible choices.
Study Advice
The Study Advice Department guides students during their studies and gives advice on, for example, srudie planning.
Education Coordinators
Education Coordinators are responsible for the educational organisation within a programme.
Board of Examiners
The executive board of the Board of Examiners consists of the following members: Jan Jansen (chair) Jasmijn Rana Mark Westmoreland Sissy Hofmeester (secretary) Freek Colombijn (external member)
Student Information Desk
The Student Desk Humanities can help you with questions about course registration, minors, grades, PhD applications, official transcripts en contract courses
Career Service Humanities
Career Service Humanities helps students and recent graduates with career issues. The internship coordinator is also part of this team.
Education Administration Offices
The Education Administration Offices perform the supporting tasks associated with the educational process.
Student Affairs
The Student Affairs teams provide practical, administrative and contextual support to the teaching of the Faculty of Humanities.
Recognition procedure study associations Leiden University - Faculty of Archaeology
Study associations form a very important part of the academic community within Leiden University and the faculties. This policy document is about the recognition of study associations within the Faculty of Archaeology.
Regulations of the Faculty of Medicine at Leiden University
Chapter 1: Administration and composition of the Faculty of Medicine Chapter 2: Consultation Chapter 3: Student conduct in relation to future professional activity Chapter 4: The online complaints desk
Secretariat Board of Examiners
Secretariat Board of Examiners is responsible for handling student requests related to their studies, dealing with fraud cases and monitoring test quality.
Patrick Gouw
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
p.gouw@library.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7749
Willem Otterspeer
Faculty of Humanities
w.otterspeer@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5271646
Sectoral Regulation on Reporting Suspected Malpractice Dutch Universities (Whistleblower Policy 2025)
The Dutch universities attach to having a proper and coherent integrity policy and, as part of this, a proper procedure for reporting suspected malpractice regard to the Whistleblowers Protection Act and the EU Directive on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (Directive EU 2019/1937),…
Regulations for the use of University buildings, grounds and other facilities
Anyone who uses buildings, grounds or other facilities at Leiden University must comply with the house rules. In the Regulations for the use of university buildings, grounds and other facilities you can read which rules there are, how they are enforced and what happens in the event of a violation.…
Facility Regulations of the University Council, Faculty Councils and Employee Councils
In order to be able to do their job properly, the members of the University Council, Faculty Councils and Employee Councils are entitled to certain facilities. In this document, you read more about these facilities.
Regulation governing the Committee on disputes concerning university staff and student participation matters
Leiden University has a committee for disputes concerning university staff and student participation matters. In this regulation, you can read everything that is important about the composition, work method and functioning of this committee. This document is only available in Dutch.
Regulation for the provision of alcoholic beverages at the student bar in Leiden University College The Hague
The provision of alcoholic beverages at the student bar in Leiden University College The Hague, Anna van Buerenplein 301 in The Hague, is bound by certain rules. You can read about these in this regulation. This document is only available in Dutch.
Regulation for the provision of alcoholic beverages at the staff and student café in Leiden University College The Hague
The provision of alcoholic beverages at the staff and student café in Leiden University College The Hague, Anna van Buerenplein 301 in The Hague is bound by certain rules. You can read about these in this regulation. This document is only available in Dutch.
Pieter Slaman
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
p.j.slaman@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3097