95 search results for “roeland” in the Public website
Roeland Dirks
Faculteit Geneeskunde
r.w.dirks@lumc.nl | +31 71 526 9111
Roeland Eelvelt
Customer Relations
r.eelvelt@issc.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Roeland Emaus
Faculteit Archeologie
r.emaus@arch.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Roeland Spruyt
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
r.l.j.spruyt@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Roeland Merks
merksrmh@math.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7106
Mark Roelands
m.roelands@math.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7112
Roeland van der Rijst
rrijst@iclon.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6496
Roeland Merks new director Lorentz Center
Roeland Merks is the new director of the Lorentz Center as of 1 September. He has been appointed for a period of five years. In addition, Merks will remain associated with the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) and the Mathematical Institute (MI) as a professor. Merks succeeds Arjen Doelman, who has…
Roeland Merks wint IgNobel 24/7 battle
The Ig Nobel prize is awarded annually to ten studies that first
Full appointment for Roeland Merks at mathematics and biology
As of 1 July, Professor of Mathematical Biology Roeland Merks has got a full appointment at Leiden University. Before this expansion, he worked one day a week at the Mathematical Institute (MI). Merks will work half of his full appointment at the MI and the other half at the Institute of Biology Leiden…
Roeland Böcker: 'Problems of multilateralism are a never-ending debate'
On 8 December, in honour of Human Rights Week, Roeland Böcker gave a public lecture about his experiences as ambassador to the Council of Europe. Between 2017 and 2021, Roeland Böcker was the representative of the Netherlands in the Council of Europe.
Farewell reception Arjen Doelman - Welcome Roeland Merks
Farewell reception
On the relevance and necessity of research into higher education
Inaugural lecture held by prof.dr. Roeland van der Rijst on the acceptance of the post of professor of educational science at Leiden University on 13 September 2024.
Collaborators and advisors
Collaborators and advisors of the Plant BioDynamics Laboratory
Quantitative biology of polar auxin transport and plant development
The availability of complete plant genome sequences together with the ever increasing amount of data on the molecular, cellular and physiological mechanisms of plant development require mathematical and computational models to obtain a complete overview of and generate new insights into the quantitative…
Educational research
The overarching aim of the research program at Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON) is to improve the quality of teaching-learning situations through a deep theoretical understanding of teaching and teacher learning.
investigating students' motivation and engagement in problem-based and case-based learning in indonesian higher education: A case of preparing
What is students’ engagement in problem-based learning (PBL) and case-based learning (CBL) in teacher certification programs?
FAIR-ASSESS brings together researchers from five different Leiden faculties, as well as experts from outside the university. The project has been initiated by Andrei Poama and is being led by Josette Daemen.
University teachers’ learning paths during technological innovation of education
To what extent are university teachers' individual learning paths influenced by their teaching experience, motivation, and conceptions of teaching and learning through educational technology?
Computational modeling of angiogenesis: from matrix invasion to lumen formation
Promotor: Roeland M.H. Merks
Teaching Prize
Each year, the Leiden University Student Platform (LUS) presents the Leiden Education Prize.
Research into higher education
Research on learning and teaching in higher education
Host-Microbe Interactions in Animal Sciences
Animal Sciences’ contributions to the Host-Microbe Interactions research theme focus on the interaction of animal hosts with pathogenic microbes but also the beneficial role of the gut microbiome.
Luca Giomi Group - Soft and Bio Mechanics
We are interested in understanding the mechanics of soft materials, of which biological materials are prominent examples.
The research-teaching nexus in the sciences: Scientific research dispositions and teaching practice
This dissertation describes several studies concerning the research-teaching nexus in the sciences.
Research primary and secondary education
ICLON conducts research into the foundational levels of education.
Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching
Development & Disease in Animal Sciences
Animal Sciences’ contributions to the Development & Disease research theme include the mechanisms and evolution of embryonic development, the development of cognitive mechanisms, and animal models for understanding mechanisms of human disease.
Mathematics-based strategies for repairing tumour blood vessels
How does the extracellular matrix coordinate endothelial cell behavior during angiogenesis, and how do metabolic waste-products and matrix-degrading enzymes produced by the tumour modify the extracellular matrix so as the change the cellular coordination?
Evolution & Biodiversity in Animal Sciences
Animal Sciences’ contributions to the Evolution & Biodiversity research theme include evo-devo research, the evolution of cognitive and behavioural traits, and the evolutionary mechanisms of stress adaptation. This research involves both indoor and outdoor studies.
The Mathematical Institute has a rather liberal management structure. Tasks and responsibilities are distributed among the staff. Important decisions are taken by consensus. Various organisational divisions are featured below.
Diversity and inclusion
Diversity and inclusion are core values of Leiden University. Leiden University is committed to being an inclusive community which enables all students and staff to feel valued and respected and to develop their full potential. Here we state the vision of the Mathematical Institute on diversity, equity…
SPOT ON: Students with Perspective in Education and Future. Design Principles and Networks
The central issue of this research concerns how students can best be supported in their study choice, study career and future orientation with a view to flexible entry and transitions and perspective in education and work.
Common Practice: a livelihood perspective of economic development in the post-Roman world.
Today’s socio-economic challenges aren’t new. In the centuries after the retreat of the Roman state people with different backgrounds and with different ways of life somehow managed to build and maintain a complex economic system in northern Gaul that would produce the ruling dynasties of Europe. By…
Our people
Some examples of AI-research done at Leiden.
Triceratops Bonebed Excavation
Since 2013, the National Natural History Museum of the Netherlands, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, is unearthing the largest bonebed of the horned dinosaur Triceratops discovered so far. In order to answer questions about sedimentology, taphonomy and palaeobiology, palaeontologists and geologists collaborated…
Rural Riches
The bottom-up development of post-Roman northwestern Europe
Inclusive teaching at European Universities
The aim of this EU+ project is to study and develop instructional tools for inclusive pedagogies in higher education.
Appointment prof. dr. R.H.M. Merks
Roeland Merks is appointed as professor Multiscale Mathematical Biology (0.2 FTE) at the Mathematical Institute as from 15 January 2014.
Frank Takes one of the new Leiden University Teachers' Academy members
Five innovative and excellent teachers have joined the Leiden University Teachers' Academy (LTA). Members of the Academy exchange experiences and share their knowledge and expertise within Leiden University. Frank Takes, assistant professor at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)…
‘Building bridges between scientists: that's what we're good at’
Two directors. Both professors of mathematics, but one of them is a biologist. One comes, and the other goes. Roeland Merks will succeed Arjen Doelman as director of the Lorentz Center in September. What has been accomplished and what are the plans? And above all, what makes the Lorentz Center so un…
Awards and Grants 2018
An overview of awards and prizes granted to our staff and students in 2018, as well as special appointments and royal distinctions.
New technique to study vascular growth
Sonja Boas developed new techniques to study vascular growth computationally. The results of her research provide a better understanding into mechanisms behind vascular growth, which is relevant to the development of medical therapies. She defends her thesis 'Computational modeling of angiogenesis'…
Grant opens door to decipher the secret sensory world of plants
Plants not only sense when they are touched, but they can also adapt to it. For example, by strengthening or defending themselves. But how do plants do this? The Green TE (Green Tissue Engineering) consortium has been granted a Gravitation grant of almost 23 million euros to investigate exactly this…
Cells ‘walk’ to firm ground
A new mathematical model may explain how body cells get their shapes and what makes them move within a tissue. The model provides fundamental knowledge for applications in tissue engineering, amongst other things. Publication in open-access journal iScience.
Mathematical model helps to explain the formation of spine and ribs
Mathematical biologists from Leiden have developed a model that helps to explain how the spine and vertebrae, among other things, form during embryonic development. The same process, the other way around, plays a key role in cancer metastasis. Publication in iScience.
Three VICI grants for Leiden researchers
Three Leiden researchers have been awarded a prestigious Vici grant by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). They each receive 1.5 million Euro to develop their own research project in the coming 5 years.
An Antique Green Desert in the Udhruh Region (Southern Jordan)
In ancient times, the steppe in the hinterland of Petra (Jordan) was transformed into a green oasis. This project tries to shed insights in the agricultural, water management and societal processes resulting in this transformation. This will be accomplished by practicing an interdisciplinary research…
An overview of the research at the Cancer Dug Target Discovery group.
Development & Disease in Plant Sciences
Plant Sciences' contribution to the Development & Disease research theme is to unravel the processes that allow plants to adapt to changing abiotic and biotic environmental conditions or stresses, with the aim to contribute to the sustainable production of food, flowers and bio-based products using…