147 search results for “have” in the Organisational structure
Josephine van der Have
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
j.c.van.der.have@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7840
I have an invention, what should I do?
During your research for the university it is possible you discover something completely new, such as a therapeutic target, a new compound, a device, or a specific technique. You believe this discovery could ultimately be very useful to society. In that case we recommend you contact the Luris Business…
Michael Richardson
m.k.richardson@biology.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5215
Martijn Bezemer
t.m.bezemer@biology.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5158
Lara Wierenga
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
l.m.wierenga@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3787
Language policy
The Guidelines on Language Policy set out agreements on the level of language competence of lecturers, staff and students, the language of instruction, the dual language of our communications and the language used within the University administration. Dual language university English is the lingua…
Programme Committee
Our programmes BSc Security Studies (BaSS) and MSc Crisis and Security Management (CSM) have a joint Programme Committee, composed for the half of students, and half of lecturers. The Education Committee monitors the quality of the programmes and advises the Programme Directors and the Dean on this…
Appeals procedure
Students who disagree with a student-related decision can lodge an appeal with the Examination Appeals Board (CBE). You can read about the steps you need to take to lodge an appeal in the Appeals procedure document. Who can lodge an appeal? If your interests been directly affected by a decision…
University elections
From 12 to 15 May, you can vote online for the student positions of the University Council, the student and staff positions of all Faculty Councils, the LUMC Student Council and all Employee Councils. Why vote? Leiden University regards co-participation as extremely important: the right to take part…
Employee Council Student and Educational Affairs (SEA)
The Student & Educational Affairs (SEA) Employee Council represents all SEA employees and consults regularly with management. Its focus is the proper functioning of the organisation. The Employee Council contributes to the smooth running of the department, promotes the well-being and interests…
Strategy 2023 - 2027
An institute that conducts leading research and education and that is able to make a difference in society That is the Institute of Psychology, and that is our mission. We operate in a societal context filled with opportunities, but also with challenges. Behavioural issues have never…
Board of Examiners
The Board of Examiners determines in an impartial and competent manner whether a student possesses the knowledge, understanding and skills required to obtain a degree, as set out in the Course and Examination Regulations (OER).
Staff and student participation
Participation organs serve as bodies for consultation, information, communication and advice. They promote the welfare and interests of students and staff. A number of bodies at the University have the right to consent and advise, the Faculty Councils on faculty matters and the University Council on…
Employee Council ICLON
The Employee Council is composed of employees who represent the ICLON staff. The council serves a body for consultation, advice, information, and communication. The council conducts consultations with the ICLON management on behalf of the ICLON staff. The Employee Council promotes the welfare and…
Education Committee
Our programmes have a joint Education Committee, composed for the half of students, and half of lecturers. The Education Committee monitors the quality of the programmes and advises the Director of Education and the Dean on this matter. It also functions as a sounding board. Students and staff can make…
Agreements for meetings
There are several ways in which the participation body can support board/council members who do not speak Dutch or do not speak it well. In addition to the translation tool and a language buddy, agreements can be made with the chair or secretary to help non-Dutch-speaking members before, after and during…
Department of Bachelor's Education
De Afdeling Bacheloronderwijs ABO bemenst het werkgroeponderwijs en borgt de kwaliteit van het lesgeven van het werkgroeponderwijs in de bacheloropleiding psychologie.
Internationalisation and Community
There are many Liberal Arts & Sciences colleges in the world, but we posit that LUC is unique, both in terms of our globally conscious focus and also due to our increasingly diverse community. We contend that part of what makes LUC exceptional and distinctive is its global profile and we take pride…
ICLON Research Ethics Committee
The IREC provides advice on matters relating to ethical conduct in research by ICLON staff. All research involving the collection, analysis, and/or storage of data from individuals must be submitted to IREC. IREC reviews research proposals against criteria for research ethics.
Educational Service Centre
The Educational Service Centre (OSC) of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs oversees the student and course administration and the faculty-level support for all educational administration and content systems at our faculty. The OSC is also responsible for organising all education-related…
External PhD candidates
Leiden Law School offers the possibility of becoming an external (non-funded) doctoral candidate. External PhD candidates should have a research proposal that fits one of the faculty's current research programmes and the expertise of the intended supervisor(s).
Ombuds officer
The University Ombuds Officer deals with complaints from students who believe they have not been treated fairly by a university staff member or administrative body. Students can submit a complaint up to 12 months after the incident occurred, even if they have since completed their studies. The Ombuds…
Student counsellors
Leiden University’s student counsellors assist students in matters concerning regulations and legal provisions.
Leiden Learning & Innovation Centre
LLInC supports innovative and high-quality education, within Leiden University and in partnership with academic and social organisations. We have a multidisciplinary team of learning and innovation designers, developers, media and data experts, and project managers. We train, coach and advise teachers,…
Faculty Council
The Faculty Council is the main consultation and advisory body within the Faculty of Archaeology and plays an intermediary role between different segments of the organization of the Faculty. The Council has rights of approval and advice on a variety of issues concerning the Faculty. Its members also…
Do you have a comment or a suggestion you would like to discuss with the Dean? Make an appointment with the Dean, Professor Suzan Stoter, by contacting the Dean’s office or by phone: 071-527 7612.
Defending the interests of PhDs and postdocs at Leiden University
Institutes Councils
Institutes have an Institute Council, consisting of a representation of the scientific staff and members of the management staff of the institute. This council has the task: advising the Faculty Board on the composition of the Institute's board and consulting with and advising the Institute's…
Leiden University Regulations on postponing graduation
The law dictates that the Board of Examiners confers a degree certificate upon students once they have passed their final examination. However students may wish to defer conferral of their degree.
Employee participation bodies represent the welfare and interests of employees and students. Within the FSW: The Faculty Council and the Institute Councils have the right of consent and the right to give advice. The Programme Committees and the Student Sounding Board Group give the various boards…
Code of ‘Good Governance’
Leiden University - just like the other universities in the Netherlands - attaches great importance to transparency of and accountability for the university’s management. The universities have therefore drawn up and signed a code of ‘Good Governance’. You can consult this code on the VSNU website. &…
SEA Sustainability
In 2018, the SEA Employee Council is placing an emphasis on sustainability. With this in mind, the Foot Print Challenge has been launched. The university believes it has a social responsibility to work towards a better understanding and awareness of environmental measures, together with its…
Nomination procedure
Nomination is open to managers and colleagues of team members. Also, programme committees can nominate.
Plexus Advisory Group
Plexus Student Centre is there for the needs of all students. The Plexus Advisory Group advises Plexus management during regular meetings. All manner of day to day issues are addressed, from smoking by the exit, to requests for subsidies (SOS) and facilities for student organisations. Both independent…
Sectoral Regulation on Reporting Suspected Malpractice Dutch Universities (Whistleblower Policy 2025)
The Dutch universities attach to having a proper and coherent integrity policy and, as part of this, a proper procedure for reporting suspected malpractice regard to the Whistleblowers Protection Act and the EU Directive on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (Directive EU 2019/1937),…
University committees
If you have a complaint or if you experience problems at work, we hope you can find a solution in consultation with your supervisor or one of the confidential counsellors. If this is not the case or if there are other reasons preventing you from seeking help, you can also contact one of the committees…
Leiden Law School
Faculty Board and Office The Faculty is managed by the Faculty Board with assistance from the Faculty Office. Institutes Research and teaching at the Faculty is organised within 5 institutes. Administrative Bodies and Committees An overview of the various administrative bodies and committees…
Guidelines thesis and papers
The papers and thesis have to be written according to the Faculty of Archaeology's standards, as explained in the guidelines. More information on thesis and papers.
Institute for Philosophy
The members of the Institute for Philosophy study all aspects of philosophy. In our research we seek a fruitful interaction between systematic and historical approaches to philosophy, and we thrive on intensive national and international collaboration. Our research focuses on Political Philosophy and…
Alcohol policy FGGA
Leiden University takes the position that work and alcohol are not compatible. An employee's performance decreases and the risk of workplace accidents increases. In addition, an addiction can have negative consequences for cooperation, work environment and reputation. This view is expressed for all…
Honours Academy Joint Regulation
Education in the Honours Academy at Leiden University offers additional challenges to regular university education. It is specifically aimed at motivated, critical and academically ambitious students with a capacity for self-reflection. You can read what the faculties have jointly agreed to in the Honours…
Academic framework basic teaching qualification (BKO)
Teachers, lecturers, associate professors and professors need a Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO). The Basic Teaching Qualification consists of the skills which every teacher at Leiden University must have mastered in order to teach well. What this means for you, you read in the Academic framework…
University management
The Executive Board is responsible for the efficient and effective management of Leiden University. The Board of Governors monitors the Executive Board and appoints its members. The Executive Board regularly consults the University Council, which advises the Executive Board and has a say in important…
Strategic Plan Leiden Law School 2022 - 2027
The Strategic Plan 2022 - 2027 is an elaboration of the university strategic plan. It is based on the same four core values: connecting, innovative, responsible and free. Six faculty strategic ambitions have been formulated in this plan. These ambitions are the substantive guidelines for the choices…
Leidse Academische Gemeenschap
What do we want? Our main goal is simple: a healthy academic community at Leiden University, one in which its members –students and staff members from every segment of the university alike – feel at home and where their voices are heard and listened to. Our goals To help establish…
Cookie declaration The Leiden University website (universiteitleiden.nl) uses cookies. Cookies are small files that are placed on your computer, tablet or phone when you visit the website. For example, we use cookies to analyse visits to our website in order to improve ease of use. By law, we are allowed…
FLO - ICT in Education
The Future Learning Office (FLO team) supports the use of ICT systems and tools in education within this faculty. FLO is, among other things, the first point of contact for Brightspace and is responsible for the Weblectures in the lecture halls. If you have a question, don't hesitate to ask. You can…
Distinguished Fellows
Distinguished Fellows of Leiden University College The Hague are acknowledged for their extensive and outstanding expertise in the private or public sector, and for their intellectual contributions to LUC’s academic programme and scholarly community. After having been appreciated members of LUC’s academic…
Privacy Notice Prospective Students
You want to start a bachelor’s or master’s programme. It is important that you have the right information. Leiden University wants to assist you as well as possible in making the right study choice, e.g. by informing you about programmes, organising information activities or other topics that are related…
Regulations relating to the ombudsperson
All students of Leiden University have the right to request the ombudsperson in writing to instigate an investigation into the way in which an adminstrative unit or employee of the university has acted in a particular instance towards them. Article 1: Definitions Article 2: The ombudsperson Article…