56 search results for “been into” in the Organisational structure
Eline Been
e.been@lic.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4472
Jim Been
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
j.been@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 8569
Michael Richardson
m.k.richardson@biology.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5215
Marco Cinelli
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
m.cinelli@luc.leidenuniv.nl |
Nomination procedure
Nomination is open to managers and colleagues of team members. Also, programme committees can nominate.
Board of Examiners
The Board of Examiners determines in an impartial and competent manner whether a student possesses the knowledge, understanding and skills required to obtain a degree, as set out in the Course and Examination Regulations (OER).
Strategy & Facilities
Strategy Architecture ensures coherence between business strategy and the provision of information, and shows clearly and logically the relationship with ICT. Security/privacy aims to guarantee the continuity of both information and the way information is provided, while at the same time keeping…
By its very nature an interdisciplinary field of research, the Leiden Archaeology Faculty has been very active in creating networks all over the world, collaborating across and within the borders of disciplines. This is best visible in how its researchers collaborate among and beyond the faculty’s three…
Employee Council Student and Educational Affairs (SEA)
The Student & Educational Affairs (SEA) Employee Council represents all SEA employees and consults regularly with management. Its focus is the proper functioning of the organisation. The Employee Council contributes to the smooth running of the department, promotes the well-being and interests…
SEA Sustainability
In 2018, the SEA Employee Council is placing an emphasis on sustainability. With this in mind, the Foot Print Challenge has been launched. The university believes it has a social responsibility to work towards a better understanding and awareness of environmental measures, together with its…
WOO requests
Met ingang van 2022 publiceert de Universiteit Leiden alle Wob-verzoeken en Wob-besluiten geanonimiseerd op deze webpagina.
Reglement Honours Academy
The Honours Academy Regulation has been established on the basis of the Joint Regulation. The formal affairs of the Honours Academy are laid down in this regulation, such as the Academy’s board, structure and education. This document is only available in Dutch.
Strategic Plan Leiden Law School 2022 - 2027
The Strategic Plan 2022 - 2027 is an elaboration of the university strategic plan. It is based on the same four core values: connecting, innovative, responsible and free. Six faculty strategic ambitions have been formulated in this plan. These ambitions are the substantive guidelines for the choices…
Ethics Committee
The ethics committee gives binding advice on ethical issues in research. Using the checklist, researchers are to determine whether their research needs to be presented to the committee for an ethics review. Grant applications will not be reviewed by the committee. Only research for which funding is…
Boards of Admission
Every MA programme has its own Board of Admissions, which determines, on the basis of the requirements of the MA programme concerned, whether a student can be admitted to that programme; if a student does not meet the requirements, the Board of Admissions specifies how he/she can still meet the…
Netherlands Institute Morocco (NIMAR)
NIMAR is the Netherlands expertise centre for Moroccan Studies. NIMAR has been a part of the Faculty of Humanities of Leiden University since 2016. NIMAR organises lectures, facilitates research and actively adds to the knowledge of Moroccan languages, cultures and society in The Netherlands. The…
Distinguished Fellows
Distinguished Fellows of Leiden University College The Hague are acknowledged for their extensive and outstanding expertise in the private or public sector, and for their intellectual contributions to LUC’s academic programme and scholarly community. After having been appreciated members of LUC’s academic…
Psychology Research Ethics Committee
The Psychology Research Ethics Committee considers applications for ethical approval for research conducted within the Institute of Psychology. All studies and experiments conducted in psychology first must obtain ethical approval in order to protect participants' interests. Judy Veldhuijzen – Health,…
Faculty Council
The Faculty Council is the faculty’s advisory council and has both advisory rights as well as the right of consent on various matters concerning the faculty. As such, the council represents both students and staff and acts as a sounding board for the Faculty Board. The tasks and privileges of the council…
Board of Admissions
The Board of Admissions for Master's programmes of the Institute of Education and Child Studies assesses whether students are admitted to the (research) Master's programme. The Board of Admissions for Education and Child Studies has been appointed by the Faculty Board to assess whether…
Appeals procedure
Students who disagree with a student-related decision can lodge an appeal with the Examination Appeals Board (CBE). You can read about the steps you need to take to lodge an appeal in the Appeals procedure document. Who can lodge an appeal? If your interests been directly affected by a decision…
FLO - ICT in Education
The Future Learning Office (FLO team) supports the use of ICT systems and tools in education within this faculty. FLO is, among other things, the first point of contact for Brightspace and is responsible for the Weblectures in the lecture halls. If you have a question, don't hesitate to ask. You can…
Board of Examiners
The Board of Examiners is responsible for guaranteeing the quality of the bachelor's and master's programmes of the Faculty of Archaeology. The Board of Examiners is independent and its tasks are amongst others appointing examiners, approval of study programmes, dealing with complaints about…
Meijers Lectures
Each year a current legal issue is the topic of the Meijers Lecture. This lecture has been held since the establishment of the E.M. Meijers Institute for Legal Research (today the Department of Research) in 1997 in honour of the person the institute was named after, who was also the founding father…
Meijers Medal
Meijerspenning Eduard Meijers Rechtsgeleerdheid
Housing, Energy and Sustainability
The Housing, Energy and Sustainability Department has tasks at a strategic policy level and an operational level. Strategic Level Initiating the university housing strategy. Develop university housing sustainability strategy. Developing university complexes. Developing university management…
Programme Committee
The Programme Committee of Cultural Anthropology/Development Sociology (CADS) consists of lecturers and students.
Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee promotes ethical research by providing advice on ethical issues and reviewing all new research conducted by staff in which ethical issues might occur. Are you starting a new research project? By using the checklist, you can determine whether your research needs to be presented to…
Who owns my intellectual property?
Any intellectual property that you may generate within employment of Leiden University of LUMC is owned by Leiden University or LUMC. Since 2010, Leiden University has issued official regulations on working for third parties which state the rules on several topics involved, like the sharing of net proceeds…
Board of Examiners
The executive board of the Board of Examiners consists of the following members: Jan Jansen (chair) Jasmijn Rana Mark Westmoreland Sissy Hofmeester (secretary) Freek Colombijn (external member)
Ombuds officer
The University Ombuds Officer deals with complaints from students who believe they have not been treated fairly by a university staff member or administrative body. Students can submit a complaint up to 12 months after the incident occurred, even if they have since completed their studies. The Ombuds…
Honours and Excellence
As an Honours College, LUC holds high academic standards for all its students. Every single member of our community has already demonstrated something special about themselves, something that sets them apart from their peers. You have been selected because we believe in your potential. LUC offers an…
Local Consultative Body
The Local Consultative Body is a form of consultation between the employer (the Executive Board) and unions. The Executive Board is represented by the member who holds the HRM portfolio and University employees are represented by three unions. These unions also participate in negotiations on the…
PhD Deans
The Department of Research has a Deanship of PhD Studies, supported by the Graduate School Office. The PhD Deans supervise the progress of individual PhD candidates’ research and provide them with solicited and unsolicited advice.
Department of Research
The department of research is responsible for organisational and policy support of research within Leiden Law School. The department manages the registration of faculty research and is responsible for (internal) evaluations for the purpose of research assessments. The department provides…
ICLON Research Ethics Committee
The IREC provides advice on matters relating to ethical conduct in research by ICLON staff. All research involving the collection, analysis, and/or storage of data from individuals must be submitted to IREC. IREC reviews research proposals against criteria for research ethics.
Committee Ethics and Data
The Committee’s main task is to review research proposals on criteria concerning ethically responsible scientific conduct. The conditions and principles applied by the Committee are set out in the Regulations that have been drawn up for this purpose. Ethical review can be relevant in cases concerning…
Plexus Advisory Group
Plexus Student Centre is there for the needs of all students. The Plexus Advisory Group advises Plexus management during regular meetings. All manner of day to day issues are addressed, from smoking by the exit, to requests for subsidies (SOS) and facilities for student organisations. Both independent…
PhD Regulations
The PhD Regulations are established by the Doctorate Board. The regulations set out who is eligible to be a PhD candidate, what the tasks of the supervisor and co-supervisor are and which criteria the dissertation has to meet. 2024 PhD Regulations The 2024 PhD Regulations became effective…
Committee on Teaching
The standing Committee on Teaching advises the Faculty Board – on request or on its own initiative – about all aspects of the Faculty’s education policy. It also fulfils the role of Department Teaching Committee for the core curriculum courses: it analyses the student evaluations and provides the Faculty…
Standing as a candidate
Candidates who stand for election accept the responsibilities that come with a potential council seat. Students receive financial compensation, while staff members are granted time off from their regular duties. The responsibilities vary depending on the council: The University Council meets every…
- Frequently Asked Questions
Strategy 2023 - 2027
An institute that conducts leading research and education and that is able to make a difference in society That is the Institute of Psychology, and that is our mission. We operate in a societal context filled with opportunities, but also with challenges. Behavioural issues have never…
External PhD candidates
Leiden Law School offers the possibility of becoming an external (non-funded) doctoral candidate. External PhD candidates should have a research proposal that fits one of the faculty's current research programmes and the expertise of the intended supervisor(s).
Collegial Support Team (CST) at FGGA
At Leiden University, staff may encounter traumatic incidents in the workplace. To provide appropriate support and aftercare in such situations, the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) has established a Collegial Support Team (CST) as a pilot project.
Committee for Appeals and Objections
You can contact this Committee in the following cases: If you wish to object to a written decision that affects you directly, such as a negative assessment or if your job is to be discontinued, you can lodge an objection within six weeks of the date of the decision. If you disagree with…
If, on the basis of the checklist, your research needs to be presented to the Ethics Committee, you are required to take the following steps: Contact a data steward from the faculty via researchsupport@hum.leidenuniv.nl at least six weeks before the deadline of the Ethics Committee (dates given below)…
Cookie declaration The Leiden University website (universiteitleiden.nl) uses cookies. Cookies are small files that are placed on your computer, tablet or phone when you visit the website. For example, we use cookies to analyse visits to our website in order to improve ease of use. By law, we are allowed…
Educational Service Centre
The Educational Service Centre (OSC) of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs oversees the student and course administration and the faculty-level support for all educational administration and content systems at our faculty. The OSC is also responsible for organising all education-related…
Board of Examiners
The Board of Examiners of the Institute of Political Science has been legally appointed to organise and coordinate examinations. Its main powers are described in the programme’s Course & Examination Regulations (CER), as well as its own Rules and Regulations.