871 search results for “mexican archaeology” in the Public website
The Ikūn-pîša Letter Archive from Tell ed-Dēr
This volume sees the publication of fifty-six early Old Babylonian letters from ca. 1880 BCE. They were found by legendary Iraqi archaeologist Taha Baqir in 1941 at the site of Tell ed-Dēr, ancient Sippar-Amnānum, in central Iraq.
Here it is. A Nahuatl translation of European cosmology
Context and contents of the Izcatqui manuscript in the Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam
Creating capitals
The rationale, construction, and function of the imperial capitals of Assyria
LOCVS. Memory and Transience in the Representation of Place From Italic Domus to Artistic Environment
This study links up the concept of place with memory, with the idea of transience and the transition from life to death.
- Blog Posts
The archaeology of face masks: ‘Face masks layers will be a huge help for future archaeologists’
From one year to the next, face masks have started to appear in the environment. As the masks are discarded, they end up in the top soil, in sediment layers, and in refuse heaps. In a couple of generations archaeologists will study the layer that has already been labeled the Face Mask Horizon. Current…
successful pilot with bring your own device exams at the Faculty of Archaeology
At Leiden University, more and more exams are being done digitally instead of on paper. Originally, Leiden University would provide the large quantities of laptops needed for these exams. With rising demand for digital exams, however, the limits of this system were in sight. Now the Faculty of Archaeology…
New method for extracting human DNA from archaeological objects yields success
An international team of researchers led by Leiden archaeology professor Marie Soressi and Leipzig senior geneticist Matthias Meyer has recovered the DNA of a woman belonging to an Ancient North Eurasian population from a 20,000-year-old pendant. This is the first time DNA analysis has been used to…
Materials from the past contain lessons for today
Studying ancient materials and the way they were made can give us groundbreaking insights into the past. Not only that, the interplay between people and materials is highly relevant for society today, says Ann Brysbaert, Professor of Ancient Technologies, Crafts and Materials, at the Faculty of Archaeology.…
Archaeological excavations in Romania show life of earliest modern humans in Europe
In a new article in the journal Scientific Reports, Leiden archaeologist Wei Chu and colleagues report on recent excavations in Western Romania at the site of Româneşti, one of the most important sites in southeastern Europe associated with the earliest Homo sapiens. The site gives an important glimpse…
Nathalie Brusgaard
Faculteit Archeologie
n.o.brusgaard@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6048
Milco Wansleeben
Faculteit Archeologie
m.wansleeben@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2930
Tijm Lanjouw
Faculteit Archeologie
t.j.r.lanjouw@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Mette Langbroek
Faculteit Archeologie
m.b.langbroek@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Sandrine Gallois
Faculteit Archeologie
s.l.gallois@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6086
Annelou van Gijn
Faculteit Archeologie
a.l.van.gijn@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2389
Marie Kolbenstetter
Faculteit Archeologie
m.m.kolbenstetter@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Joanne Mol
Faculteit Archeologie
j.a.mol@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2427
Quentin Bourgeois
Faculteit Archeologie
q.p.j.bourgeois@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2453
Carina van den Hoven
Faculty of Humanities
c.van.den.hoven@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2036
Nina Jaspers
Faculteit Archeologie
n.l.jaspers@arch.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Sam Botan
Faculteit Archeologie
s.a.botan@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Caribbean archaeology in times of corona: ‘Instead of fieldwork, our students worked on an online exhibition’
Recently, in the midst of coronavirus situation, Professor Corinne Hofman and her team became part of the NWO project Island(er)s at the Helm. Both the application process as well as the start of the project were challenged by the limitations set by Covid-19. ‘As a preparation we travelled through the…
Of Islanders and Foreigners? Tracing local identities and cultural encounters in the Gulf of Fonseca, Central America (AD 400-1521)
How did local lifeways and crafting practices persist and develop in the diverse environments of the increasingly interconnected Gulf of Fonseca (AD 400-1521)?
Organising a sustainable academic event at Archaeology: ‘You will be surprised how many people actually enjoy it’
At Leiden University many staff members and students value making sustainable and responsible choices in their personal lives. Making these choices in our professional lives may feel a bit more complicated. But is that feeling justified? Archaeologists Gerrit Dusseldorp and Roos van Oosten share their…
Resilience as Human–Environmental Engagement: Sustainability in Pre-Columbian Central America
How can archaeological datasets reveal the interplay between past indigenous understandings of the surrounding world and resilient and sustainable ways of life in the Isthmo-Colombian Area?
Houses for the living and the dead
Organisation of settlement space and residence rules among the Taino, the indigenous people of the Caribbean encountered by Columbus
The Rome Hinterland Project
This project aims to integrate three of the largest survey databases in the Mediterranean to study the impact of the megalopolis Rome on its direct hinterland.
Deconstructing stability. Modelling changing environmental conditions and man-land relations in the Pleistocene landscape of Twente (2850 - 12
The project Deconstructing Stability aims to improve reconstructions of late prehistoric landscapes and predictive models for the purpose of archaeological heritage management.
Active Acquaintance for new Archaeology students: ‘Wellbeing, study succes, and having fun is all connected’
Every year the newly arriving Archaeology students are invited to join an introduction day during which they get to know the Faculty and each other. This year, however, for the first time, the students were invited to join in on introductory activities of a less static and more fun nature, organised…
Active Acquaintance for new Archaeology students: ‘Wellbeing, study succes, and having fun is all connected’
Since 2023 the newly arriving Archaeology students are invited to join an active introduction day during which they get to know the Faculty and each other in a playful and fun way. The activities are organised by Study Adviser Cleody van der Eijk. ‘It helps people to loosen up and get to know each o…
Archaeology students play important role in visit indigenous Ka’apor people
As part of Mariana Françozo’s BRASILAE project, a group of representatives of the Ka’apor people was invited to visit Leiden. The Ka’apor, an indigenous people from Brazil, are some of the present-day relatives of the Tupi-speaking peoples who used to live in the northeastern region of Brazil, claimed…
Beavers had a big influence on how people in the Stone Age lived
For thousands of years, beavers had a big influence on the Dutch ecosystem and the people that lived there. This is the conclusion of research by archaeologist Nathalie Brusgaard.
Landscapes of Early Roman Colonization
Non-urban settlement organization and Roman expansion in the Roman Republic (4th-1st centuries BC)
Lego Lost at Sea: an archaeological and environmental exhibition at the Van Steenis
At the entrance of the Van Steenis building you may now visit an exhibition on material culture. Unexpectedly, it does not display pottery or tools, but building materials. And recent ones at that! Check out the exhibition on Legos lost at sea, conceived and assembled by PhD candidate Maia Casna. ‘These…
Story from the field: Field School in Aruba
Four bachelor’s students in archaeology have embarked on a month-long field school in Aruba. They will work with Harold Kelly, a local archaeologist at the National archaeological museum of Aruba, and with the research team of Island(er)s at the Helm.
Excavation of Roman villa on Mallorca covered by Catalan and Spanish news outlets
The Villa Son Sard archaeological project aims to determine the boundaries of the Roman and post-Roman villa at Son Sard on Mallorca. While the team was excavating in the summer of 2023, several news outlets covered the findings.
Anita Casarotto receives LUF grant for unlocking Mediterranean legacy survey data
Mediterranean archaeologist Dr Anita Casarotto has been awarded a grant of € 5,800 from the Byvanck Fonds for her research on unlocking important data for regional archaeological investigations in the Mediterranean. In collaboration with Leiden University and the KNIR (Royal Netherlands Institute in…
Bourgeois to succeed Joanita Vroom as Head of the Department of World Archaeology
Joanita Vroom's term as Head of the Department for World Archaeology runs out on March 1, 2023. Quentin Bourgeois will succeed her. In this interview, we look both back on the turbulent last three years and ahead at what the future has in store for the department. ‘I am very proud of the World Archaeology…
Luc Amkreutz
Faculteit Archeologie
l.w.s.w.amkreutz@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Arturo García De León
Faculteit Archeologie
a.j.garcia.de.leon@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Scheurrak SO1 in the Maritime-Cultural Landscape
This project combines and reconsiders all the available evidence of the Scheurrak SO1, and use new archival databases and modern archaeological techniques to shed new light on the material culture of the Baltic grain trade and the Holland shipbuilding industry at the turn of the sixteenth century.
International students explore the archaeology of Oss: ‘I was responsible for finding 50% of the pottery sherds’
The Municipality of Oss is a household name in the world of Dutch archaeology. For fifty years, Leiden archaeologists, in collaboration with residents of Oss, have been uncovering the history of the municipality. 2024 is the archaeological year of Oss! In a series of interviews we look back on fifty…
Quantitative paleodietary reconstruction with complex foodwebs: An isotopic case study from the Caribbean
William Pestle and Jason Laffoon recently published a new article entitled 'Quantitative paleodietary reconstruction with complex foodwebs: An isotopic case study from the Caribbean' in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.
Laboratory for Artefact Studies
Commercial enterprises who want to make use of the expertise and facilities are referred to LAB , the commercial unit responsible for specialized laboratory work.
National Museum of Antiquities: 200-year partnership with Leiden University
From Caspar Reuvens to the royal grave in Oss, and from ancient images in the Hortus to a table from Naturalis. The National Museum of Antiquities is 200 years old, and throughout this whole period there have been close contacts between museum and university. Curator Annemarieke Willemsen explains this…
Bringing the ‘credibility revolution’ to archaeological field research
The Minor Centres Project
This five year research project aimed to investigate the role of minor central places in the economy of Roman Central Italy.
Impacting policy through the Faculty Council Archaeology: ‘we are working on the wellbeing of students’
The Faculty Council is the most important co-participatory body of the Faculty of Archaeology. Its members represent staff and students in meetings with the Faculty Board, and they can have a profound impact on the Faculty's policies. We speak with the council's chair, Merlijn Veltman, about the goals…
Operations Niels Laurens: ‘I am grateful there are people who chose to do archaeology as their profession.’
Niels Laurens recently started as the new Director of Operations at the Faculty of Archaeology as well as the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs. We sat down with him for an interview on his background, his drive, and his take on archaeology. ‘My main drive is to enable researchers and lecturers…