960 search results for “must” in the Staff website
Israël must alleviate plight of Palestinians now
The International Court of Justice has issued an interim ruling calling on Israel to take immediate action to prevent genocide. South Africa had accused Israel of violating its obligations under the Genocide Convention, which both countries are a party to. Professor of Public International Law Larissa…
Dinko Fabris appointed professor: 'Music must live'
Musicologist Dinko Fabris has been appointed professor at the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA). He started on 1 September. 'I’m looking forward to making a connection with society.'
Researchers agree: the future of AI must be human
What rules should regulate AI, who should make them, and how will they be enforced in the digital arena?
Minister Dijkgraaf: ‘We must narrow the gap between science and society’
The speed at which science is changing our lives gives rise to tensions and concerns. In his talk at Leiden University, Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf (Education, Culture and Science) said we should talk more about science’s relationship with society and political decision-making.
Statement on collaboration with the fossil fuel industry: businesses must demonstrably commit to ‘Paris’
Leiden University will not enter into any new research partnerships with companies in the fossil fuel industry that are not intensively and demonstrably committed to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. Current projects can, however, be completed.
Historian Ronald Kroeze: 'We must view political integrity from a historical perspective'
The democratic rule of law is under pressure due to a series of scandals and integrity issues, as seen in the recent parliamentary inquiries. Professor Ronald Kroeze explains: 'Public office holders are expected to show complete dedication, but that norm is quite absolute, and what we mean by it is…
IPBES: Positive outcomes for people and nature are feasible, but we must act now
Changes to halt further biodiversity loss are more urgent than ever and feasible, says IPBES, the United Nations biodiversity panel. In two reports released this week, the panel calls on governments worldwide to develop coherent policies that address biodiversity, climate change, water, food and health.…
Tsolin Nalbantian receives Comenius grant: 'We must bridge the gap between education and society'
In academia, the mention of Wikipedia might be met with suspicion. However, for Tsolin Nalbantian, university lecturer Modern Middle Eastern Studies, the encyclopedia is an opportunity to broaden the skills of her students and to increase public knowledge. She received a Teaching Comenius Fellowship…
Taboo on raising social safety issues must go because we really need to do better
Last year, 15.8% of all employees of Leiden University experienced undesirable behaviour. This is one of the findings of the 2021 Personnel Monitor. ‘That number is far too high. We have to get rid of the taboo on raising this issue and addressing offenders,‘ says Martijn Ridderbos, in an open and…
'The show must go on, but making politics less tedious is an almost effortless job these days!'
After almost a year of working from home during this Covid pandemic, Scientific Director Paul Nieuwenburg conveys how the Institute of Political Science is sailing through waves and lockdowns: from transformation to bi location to 'non location', from teaching on the beach to teaching to 'black cubes'…
Who was the owner of the drowned books near Texel? 'It must be someone who travelled a lot'
When hobby divers revisited a nearly 400-year-old shipwreck off the coast of Texel, they discovered more than 1,000 objects in wooden boxes. Eight years later, postdoc Janet Dickinson used recovered books to compile a profile of the mysterious owner.
promotes the interests of contract and external PhD candidates: ‘We must level out the playing field’
The University wants to improve its support for contract and external PhD candidates. A taskforce headed by Dean of FGGA Erwin Muller has made over fifty recommendations, varying from an improved PhD portal and flexible work places on the campus to the right to vote in employee participation bodies.…
Informed consent
If you handle personal data, there are a number of legal grounds on which this can be done. One example involves obtaining consent from the person in question, also known as 'informed consent'. This informed consent must adhere to several requirements.
Dissertation layout requirements
The layout of a dissertation must meet certain requirements. Special rules also apply if the dissertation was written with others or if a commercial edition will be published.
Reporting sick and guidance during sick leave
If you are unable to come to work due to sickness, find out below how to report sick and how the University guides its employees on sick leave.
Comenius programme
The Comenius innovation programme for higher education and universities of applied science gives teachers the resources to implement their vision for education. Every year, the programme creates the conditions for a wide range of teaching innovations to flourish. The government’s aim with this programme…
Data management refers to creating, saving, updating, making available, archiving and long-term storage of research data. The final goal of this process is often defined in terms of the FAIR principles: 'Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable'.
Data processing register
A data processing register is a record of which personal data you process and who you share this data with. If you collect personal data for your research, you must record this in the data processing register.
Career policy for academic staff
Leiden University wants to attract the best academics. What requirements does it set for new academic staff members? What requirements must you meet for a career in academia? Read more about our career policy for academic staff.
The Board of Examiners
Each programme has a Board of Examiners. This is a legal requirement. The board determines whether students meets the conditions of the Course and Examination Regulations (OER) and whether they possess the knowledge, understanding and skills required to pass the final examination for that programme.
When projects are financed by the second and third sources of funding (national / EU grants and private sector), invoices must be sent to grant providers and/or clients. To ensure that the invoicing and payment processes run smoothly, we apply a number of basic principles. You supply the information,…
NL Scholarship - Outgoing
Bachelor, Master
Relocation expenses
If you relocate for your work or if the University requires you to move, you may qualify for a relocation allowance or bonus.
Bindend Studieadvies
Bindend Studieadvies
- Submitting grades to the SSC
Retention and archiving of exam files
An exam file contains all relevant information about an exam or assignment and must be kept according to legal guidelines. This page provides the procedures for archiving exam files and the responsibilities of the examiner.
Registering new programmes
If you have an idea for a new degree programme, be aware that the registration procedure is complex and time-consuming. Your faculty, the Executive Board, the Efficiency Committee for Higher Education (CDHO) and the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) must all approve.
Finalisation and PhD defence ceremony
When the PhD research has been completed and the dissertation is (nearly) finished, there are several more steps to take before you can defend it. For example, you must submit your manuscript and make preparations for the PhD defence ceremony.
Prices and total cost price
When performing contract research or providing courses for a third party, you must charge a fee. This fee must be at least equal to the total cost price.
Project reports
Financial reports are an important aspect of project funder reports. Grant providers generally require an auditor’s report. This is the opinion of an external auditor on the financial statement for a project.
Research using personal data
If your research project involves collecting private or otherwise sensitive data, you must ensure adequate data protection measures are taken. Research must be conducted in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In terms of patient data, for instance, when used for research carried…
For a 38-hour week you have 232 vacation hours per year. If you make use of the flexible hours option, you will have more or fewer vacation hours. If you work part-time, your vacation credit is proportionate to your contracted hours. If you are in salary scale 11 or above, you may choose to conclude…
Leiden University Excellence Scholarship (LExS)
Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO)
Are you a senior lecturer and do you play an active role in the university’s educational development and innovation? If so, you are eligible for the Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO). This qualification shows that you possess strong didactic and educational skills and that you contribute to the development…
Organising assessments
From assessment periods and deadlines to invigilators and organising digital assessments. Everything you need to think about for planning, organising and communicating assessments.
LUSTRA+ Scholarship
Bachelor, Master
Reimbursement of expenses for business trips abroad
If you travel abroad for your work, you can claim expenses for lodging, meals, minor costs and transport. The amount reimbursed depends on the country you travel to. You must have approval to travel from your manager.
Teaching academic integrity
Within all bachelor’s and master’s programmes, depending on the type of programme, attention is paid to ensuring that academic research is carried out scrupulously. For each programme, this is done in a way that is appropriate for the discipline in question.
Once every three years, you can offset the cost of purchasing a bicycle for yourself or a battery for your own electric bike through the Terms of Employment Individual Choices Model. .
Minor programme
Leiden University gives its students the opportunity to assemble part of their programme themselves, which enables them to choose their own areas of emphasis. One way in which they can do this is to follow a minor, a coherent package of courses worth 30 credits.
Projects relating to second- and third-party income streams
Is your project financed by second and third-party sources of funding (national / EU grants and the private sector)? You will find information on what to take into account in the Regulations on Working for Third Parties. There, you will also find information about (financial) project management, such…
Frequently asked questions Kiem-beurs
Do you have questions about the Kiem grant? You can find answers to frequently asked questions on this page.
Work disability
In case of short-term or long-term illness, we will together do our best to ensure you can return to work shortly. You will be guided through this process by your immediate supervisor, the P&O department and the University doctor. In some cases, however, reintegration in your own or another position…
LDE Governance of Migration and Diversity Seed Fund
Master, PhD
At Post you will find information about the services offered by the Central Post room (Centrale Postkamer), postal rates and delivery rounds. If you have any special requests, please get in touch with the Post room.
Compulsory identification
The Compulsory Identification Act (WID) stipulates that employers must establish the identity of employees when they enter their employment. This also applies for employment agency staff and interns. When you start work at the University, you therefore have to show a valid identity document. A copy…
Leiden Register of Programmes
The Leiden Register of Programmes lists all degree programmes that the University offers. The Executive Board is responsible for these programmes. There are two sections to the Register. The first section comprises a framework document that describes the nature of the teaching at Leiden University…
Data processing agreement
If you bring in a (new) person who will be processing personal data for you, this person is not allowed to use this information for his or her own purposes. You need to formalise this in a data processing agreement. The university will usually have an agreement in place.
If you cycle to work, you can use the University’s bicycle racks or lockable bicycle sheds; to use a lockable shed, however, you need a bicycle pass. At some locations you can also borrow a staff bicycle.