79 search results for “teams” in the Organisational structure
Luris teams
Business Development Tying opportunities and Leiden possibilities together by: * early involvement in researchers’ ideas and projects * supporting for strategic decisions at departmental level * supporting commercial development * managing strategic alliances * managing existing accounts * identifying…
Team FB O&S
Functional Management Team O&S is responsible for supporting educational planning, scheduling, enrollment, study guidance, result processing and certification processes. Applications that full under the management of Team FB O&S Student app The Leiden University app Prospectus Studiegids…
Functional Management ATIE is responsible for supporting student application, admission and exchange processes. Applications that fall under the management of Team ATIE Student information system uSis Basic Register for Higher Education BRON HO National application system Studielink Contact For…
Functional Management DLO is responsible for supporting the following processes: provision of and participation in teaching, testing and matching activities. Applications that fall under the management of Team DLO Interactive presentations Wooclap Feedback, assignments, discussions and other…
Communication Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
At the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, our communication team writes, edits, and keeps our websites up to date. We are happy to help you with the promotion of your events and the visibility of your research.
Catarina Antunes Mantas
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
c.antunes.mantas@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Leo de Sonneville
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
l.m.j.de.sonneville@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Bernard Bernards
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
b.j.t.h.bernards@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9014
Hanna Swaab
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
hswaab@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5274060
Maximilian König
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
m.konig@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Student Affairs
The Student Affairs teams provide practical, administrative and contextual support to the teaching of the Faculty of Humanities.
Nomination procedure
Nomination is open to managers and colleagues of team members. Also, programme committees can nominate.
Personnel Shared Service Centre
Responsibility of the department The Personnel Shared Service Centre (PSSC) is responsible for the processes relating to the University's personnel and salary administration, and for handling questions from managers and employees. What does the department do? Processing all personnel mutations…
Casimir Prize
The Casimir Prize is an appreciation of teaching teams that achieve renewal and innovation in education. The Casimir Prize is awarded to teams of minimum 2 and maximum 10 people, all employed by FSW. The prize consists of €1500, to be spent on team building, knowledge sharing or exchange with interns…
Infra & Workspace Services
DevOps teams The Infra team is responsible for the management and development of the technical infrastructure: network, telephony, servers and storage. The management and development of our private cloud LUCI also falls under the responsibility of this team. The Workspace team is responsible for the…
Education Administration Offices
The Education Administration Offices perform the supporting tasks associated with the educational process.
Customer Relations
The Customer Relations department is responsible for the contact with users and clients of ISSC services. Service Managers maintain the contacts with our customers, conclude SLAs and ensure that the Business Service Catalogue (BSC) is kept up to date. The ICT Process Tools section within the DevOps…
Support Staff
The educational programme, academic staff and students are supported by LUC’s support staff. The support staff is organized in three teams, each with a team lead.
Het Servicepunt is het eerste loket waar je als medewerker terecht kunt voor al je vragen over onder andere de afhandeling of betaling van je factuur of declaratie, VVV-kaarten, personele wijzigingen, het aanvragen van een werkgeversverklaring en vragen over je salaris. Niet alleen is het Servicepunt…
Internal Communication
The Internal Communication team helps ensure the information provided to and communication with students and staff is clear. Its staff advise, facilitate and support their colleagues in online and offline communication. They do so by, for example, writing, rewriting and translating web and other texts,…
Ethics Review Committee
The Ethics Review Committee of the Institute of Education and Child Studies oversees the ethical approval procedures for research conducted within the institute. Research must be reviewed by the Ethics Committee before it carried out. The main task of the Ethics Review Committee is to evaluate…
Administrative processes and systems
De afdeling Functioneel beheer van de faculteit Geesteswetenschappen, Universiteit Leiden, is technisch verantwoordelijk voor de onderwijssystemen die binnen de faculteit worden gebruikt.
FLO - ICT in Education
The Future Learning Office (FLO team) supports the use of ICT systems and tools in education within this faculty. FLO is, among other things, the first point of contact for Brightspace and is responsible for the Weblectures in the lecture halls. If you have a question, don't hesitate to ask. You can…
Information Management
The Information Management team is responsible for implementing and communicating the Faculty IT policy. Additionally, the team provides support for using digital teaching applications such as Brightspace, Kaltura, Zoom, ANS, etc. They also offer assistance with data management in research projects…
Employee Council LLInC
As the Employee Council of LLInC, we represent the interests of all LLInC staff. We monitor issues such as employee wellbeing and workload, and we review important documents such as budgets and business plans.
Information Management
This team manages the information systems (including Planon and Erbis) as well as the digital drawing file.
Administrative Shared Service Centre
Every employee and student needs professional support they can rely on to help them navigate processes, systems and document management. The Administrative Shared Service Centre (ASSC) provides high-quality support to all staff and students. Around 135 people work within the ASSC, supporting staff and…
Faculty Board
The Faculty Board is responsible for the administration of the faculty as a whole and with its management. Its main tasks are to give direction to, coordinate and stimulate the faculty as a whole and the various (research) centres in particular.
Communications and Marketing
The team Communications and Marketing is responsible for the Faculty's communications in the broadest sense of the term, both internal as well as external. The team supervises the social media channels of the Faculty, composes newsletters to staff, students, and alumni, aims to let new students enroll…
Policy, Advice and Strategy
The Policy, Advice and Strategy department assists the Faculty Board in developing and implementing its policies and procedures. The department is staffed by employees who deal with a variety of specific policy issues, as well as project managers, and administrative support personnel. The Board Secretary…
Human Resources
Our team of versatile HR professionals give creative recommendations and solutions that contribute to the organisational goals, job statisfaction and a healthy work climate for all staff at Humanities. The core values of HR: Approachable, independent, honest, making connections and development-orien…
Contact the Faculty HR department via hr@arch.leidenuniv.nl. HR advises managers, management assistants, Faculty Board and Department Chairs on personnel policy. If you have any questions about working conditions, please contact the Servicepoint Personnel first. Depending on your question, they can…
PhD Council
The PhD Council represents the interests of all LUCAS PhDs, internal, external, and otherwise contracted. It consists of five members who are appointed by the Academic Director for a period of two years. The Council meet every two months with the LUCAS Management Team to discuss matters concerning the…
Communication & Marketing
More information on communications and marketing can be found on the staff website. The team is based on the fifth floor, Wijnhaven, The Hague. Please e-mail your questions about communication to communicatie@fgga.leidenuniv.nl.
Core Vision Bachelor's Programmes
Core vision Bachelor's programme
Educational Advice and Quality Assurance
The Educational Advice and Quality Assurance team offers advice and support in formulating and implementing the Faculty policy in the area of education. The education policy involves everything relating to teaching & curriculum development, quality assurance, supervision and follow-ups of the external…
ICT Shared Service Centre
Every member of staff and student needs reliable ICT facilities. As the central ICT service provider, the ICT Shared Service Centre (ISSC) provides high-quality ICT facilities to all staff and students. The 130 members of the ISSC provide support for the University’s teaching, research and business…
Exam Support
Team Toetssupport Cleveringa onderwijs tentamen hulp
Introduction weeks
The introduction weeks team organises the introduction weeks for prospective students. The aim is to introduce prospective students to study, city and student life, and university-wide themes such as student welfare, safe study climate, sustainability, D&I through the introduction weeks. It does…
Support Faculty Board
The Department Bestuursondersteuning (Administrative Support) supports the Faculty Board, the Faculty Bureau, the Faculty Council and the faculty as a whole in the policy and decision-making cycle, the meetings that go with it and administrative communication to prepare and follow up on it.…
Customer Applications Services
The Customer Applications Services (CAS) department experiments with, develops, facilitates, advises and directs innovative ICT services, tools and ideas that contribute to achieving the University’s ambitions in the area of excellent academic research, research innovation and efficient business…
Student Information Desk
The Student Desk Humanities can help you with questions about course registration, minors, grades, PhD applications, official transcripts en contract courses
International Office
The International Office is responsible for coordinating faculty exchange programmes (incoming and outgoing).
Human Resources
The HR department (Human Resources) of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences proactively provides advice and feedback on the development, implementation and operation of HR policies. Society is evolving. This demands a different way of working and collaborating, and new skills that prioritise…
Corporate Communications
With our corporate communications, we communicate about the university as a whole. The cornerstone is expressing our identity and creating the image we wish to convey. Enhancing and maintaining the university’s reputation is a key goal of corporate communications.
Management Affairs
Responsibilities The responsibilities of Management Affairs include preparing and coordinating the meetings of the Board of Governors, Executive Board, University Council, Management Team and Employee Council. Rector's Office The Rector’s Office is part of Management Affairs and is responsible…
Institute Office
The Institute Office offers logistical and organisational support to the education and research programmes of the Institute of Political Science.
Management support and secretaries
The Board Secretary supports the Faculty Board with preparation, minuting, and processing of all board meetings. In addition, the Board Secretary advises the Faculty Board on both policy content as well as procedures. The secretariat provides support to the Faculty Departments, the Departmental…
Administrative Shared Service Centre (ASSC) Staff Committee
On 1 January 2021, the Administrative Shared Service Centre (ASSC) appointed its own Staff Committee. The Staff Committee represents all ASSC staff and consults regularly with the Centre’s managers to ensure that the ASSC continues to run smoothly. The Committee focuses on relevant matters such as working…
Student Information and Administration
The Student Information and Administration department assists students and staff with questions regarding enrollment, tuition fees, admission, and immigration. Within the department, various teams work together to provide (prospective) students with the best possible guidance throughout the process…