1,031 search results for “werkt balance” in the Public website
Evolutionary traps – Balanced lethal systems
How do balanced lethal systems originate and persist in nature?
Work-life Balance
We strive for FGGA staff to feel sufficiently challenged and recognized with an assigned workload that is realistic within their working hours. Besides that, staff should be transparently and correctly informed about their personal career perspectives and growth opportunities within the faculty / un…
Motivating pupils: finding the right balance
Kim Stroet is examining how the interaction between teachers and pupils influences pupils’ motivation. ‘Children need to have the feeling that they are in control of their own learning process.’
Striking a balance between local and global interests
On 2 May, Sophie Starrenburg defended the thesis 'Striking a balance between local and global interests: communities and cultural heritage protection in public international law'. The doctoral research was supervised by Nico Schrijver and Yvonne Donders.
Political, not (just) legal judgement: studying EU institutional balance
This article presents two related arguments. First, the limits of doctrinal analysis cut deeper than many EU lawyers realise. Most would probably accept that legal doctrine does not determine every legal dispute, but lawyers studying EU institutional balance often still assume that it can be deduced…
Ben Wielstra
b.m.wielstra@biology.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5135
Bordetella pertussis Outer Membrane Vesicle Vaccine Reveals Broad and Balanced Humoral Immunogenicity
The current resurgence of whooping cough is alarming, and improved pertussis vaccines are thought to offer a solution. Outer membrane vesicle vaccines (omvPV) are potential vaccine candidates, but omvPV-induced humoral responses have not yet been characterized in detail.
The balancing of general interests in EU State Aid Law: blurred lines between the prohibition and the compatibility of aid
On 5 June, Maarten Aalbers defended the thesis 'The balancing of general interests in EU State Aid Law: blurred lines between the prohibition and the compatibility of aid'. The doctoral research was supervised by Pieter van Cleynenbreugel and Stefaan van den Bogaert.
Public leadership as a balancing act? How leaders’ context influences leadership
Public leadership received increasing attention, but we still do not understand how the context of public leaders affects leadership. This research project delves into public leaders’ perceptions of the leadership situations they find themselves in, which are characterised by multiplicity – one could…
serotherapy in allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation - a delicate balance
Promotor: C.A.J. Knibbe, Co-promotor: J.J. Boelens, R.G.M. Bredius
Meer inbreng in de klas werkt motiverend bij vmbo’ers
Promotieonderzoek van Karin Smit bij het Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen aan de Universiteit Leiden
Balance between an Emerging Regional Legal Order and Inter-regional Cross-border Insolvency – Challenges Faced by CICIA
In pursuit of solutions to China’s inter-regional cross-border insolvency cooperation, my doctoral dissertation provides 10 original recommendations accompanied with comments, which are entitled “China’s Inter-regional Cross-border Insolvency Arrangement” (CICIA).
Comparative Genomics of the Balanced Lethal System in Triturus Newts
PhD defence
Ine Alberts
j.b.p.m.alberts@bb.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4188
Tineke Rutgers
t.rutgers@bb.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7891
Willem Meilink
w.r.m.meilink@biology.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4882
Conference - Dynamic Balances
The ERC project ‘Healthscaping Urban Europe’ will hold a concluding plenary event on 30 September, where three experts will explore the history of premodern public health and especially reflect on possible future directions within this research field. All are welcome to join in person in the Doelenzaal.…
High blood pressure and its treatment in the very old: balancing benefits and risks
PhD defence
HZ Kenniscentrum Zeeuwse Samenleving
HZ Kenniscentrum Zeeuwse Samenleving doet op vraag van regionale overheden en maatschappelijke organisaties onderzoek naar actuele en maatschappelijke thema’s in de provincie Zeeland. De uitkomsten van onderzoeken en analyses worden gebruikt voor kennisopbouw en als basis voor beleidsopbouw en -ontwikkeling.…
‘We have to continue talking about a healthy work balance’
The 2015 and 2018 Personnel monitors show that maintaining a good work balance remains difficult for staff at the Faculty of Humanities. Lecturer and researcher Judith Naeff and holder of the operational management portfolio Suzy Sirks have joined the Work Balance Steering Committee to examine the…
Elk jaar organiseert het LIBC in samenwerking met de gemeente Leiden een Publieksdag over hersenonderzoek.
Balanced lethal systems: a quick guide by Ben Wielstra
Ben Wielstra studies balanced lethal systems, in which half of the offspring die before birth. In the journal Current Biology, he explains in an accessible way how such a disadvantage can originate in nature.
Untangling the Evolution of a Balanced Lethal System
Ben Wielstra strives to unravel the evolution of balanced lethal systems. On 1 February he started his own lab at the Institute of Biology Leiden. Wielstra is one of five researchers at Leiden University who has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant in 2018 by the European Research Council. ERC Starting…
Newly discovered gene regulates balance of ‘bad cholesterol’
In a publication in Science, Noam Zelcer from the Division of Biopharmaceutics describes a previously unrecognized pathway to regulate LDL-cholesterol levels. He is also able to modulate this pathway. This opens the possibility for complementing and improving the efficacy of statins: A class of drugs…
Islamic primary schools seeking right balance
Islamic primary schools contribute to the integration of Muslims in Dutch society, concludes Marietje Beemsterboer in her PhD dissertation. The schools offer children a sense of belonging and prepare them for Dutch society.
Customisation: balancing rules and reality
When general laws and regulations no longer fit individual situations, can customisation offer a solution? In the special issue ‘Maatwerk' (customisation) of Boom Bestuurskunde, researchers have tackled the questions that customisation brings to public organisations. The symposium ‘Maatwerk onder maatschappelijke…
Manon de Visser
m.c.de.visser@biology.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Pressure on function of checks and balances in Parliament
Polls conducted by I&O research point to a political landslide. What's in store for the Netherlands? The polls show that the new party of MP Pieter Omtzigt is well-positioned for the upcoming election, with an expected 31 seats, but only 3 for the Christian Democratic Alliance (CDA) party. It is obvious…
At Molecular Physiology we teach the following courses within the Leiden Institute of Chemistry's Chemistry and Life Science and Technology programmes.
Systematics and biogeography of the rattan Calamus javensis complex (Arecaceae, Calamoideae) in Malesia
Calamus javensis is polymorphic. Morphometry and molecular approach resulted in all names used in the complex are regarded as synonyms of C. javensis except C. tenompokensis, which is retained as a distinct species. One variety is here recognized, C. javensis var. polyphyllus (including C. acuminatu…
Sustainable growth: a continuous balancing act for the FGGA Board
Erwin Muller, Dean of FGGA and Administrator of Campus The Hague, and Koen Caminada, Vice-Dean, share their thoughts on how ‘we’ as a faculty are doing based on three themes. A discussion about the balancing act between what is and what isn’t possible and the natural urge to continue to grow, the utility…
Seeking balance in a changing world and university
The world around us is changing. What does that mean for the future of Europe, on this turbulent world stage? And what does it mean for our teaching, and for the expectations that Leiden University has of its students? These were the key questions during the opening of the 2018-2019 academic year on…
SCALES project
How to strike a balance between the sometimes conflicting stakes of individual, public and private data-producers and data-processors?
How live bloggers balance speed and credibility
PhD candidate Sebastiaan van de Lubben has written live blogs about Leiden politics. But how do you go about covering an event while it unfolds? ‘You don’t have time to think while you’re at it.’ Much proved to be unknown about this relatively new journalistic genre.
Book ‘De Glazen Toren’: ‘The balance isn't quite right anymore’
Writing a book on the recent history of Leiden University in corona times. For educational and policy historian Pieter Slaman (34), this has meant working in the attic of his parents’ house while they looked after his daughter, along with numerous online conversations and very few, if any, visits to…
Alette Jansen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
a.c.jansen@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
- Other
How to create a balanced lobby register? Researchers develop assessment framework on behalf of Ministry
How to represent and assess legitimate interests? On behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations, Caelesta Braun and Bert Fraussen developed the framework ‘Afwegingskader Legitieme Belangenvertegenwoordiging’ (Assessment Framework Legitimate Interest Representation). The researchers…
Professor Haentjens on 'shadow banking' in bank resolution: balancing public policy and party autonomy
Contract means contract? Step-in risk, safeguards and resolution
Kennemerland in metaalvondsten
Duizenden metaalvondsten die door detectorzoeker wijlen Herman Zomerdijk zijn gedaan in de regio Kennemerland schetsen een uniek beeld van Noord-Holland door de eeuwen heen. Hij zocht en verzamelde decennialang historische metalen objecten in Noord-Holland en bouwde zo een unieke metaalcollectie op.
The strategy of plants: it’s all about balancing traits
Just like every other organism on Earth, plants’ ultimate goal is to survive and reproduce. In order to achieve this, they must make trade-offs between where and how to allocate their finite set of resources. Whether they put their resources and energy into their growth, reproduction or maintenance,…
‘It’s a real balancing act for doctors at gender clinics’
Do young people who want to change gender have the unconditional right to medical treatment? Pediatric Endocrinologist Martine de Vries, who is also Professor of Medical Ethics, treats transgender children and adolescents. She will discuss this in her ‘Pride Talk’ on 18 September.
Molecular Physiology
Molecular Physiology is a research group at the Leiden Institute of Chemistry dedicated to the design, synthesis and application of chemical tools to study important biological and biomedical questions. The group is headed by Prof. Dr. Mario van der Stelt and includes the research lines of Assistant…
'Court ruling is balancing act between legal review of rules and feasibility of reception of asylum applicants'
According to a recent court ruling, the reception of asylum applicants in the Netherlands is not in line with European requirements. The Dutch Government must take measures to amend the situation. What are the problems concerning the reception of asylum applicants and how realistic are the court’s d…
City Deal Kennis Maken: Leren met de Stad Leiden
Hoe kan de City Deal Kennis Maken bijdragen aan het formuleren van maatschappelijk relevant onderzoek dat de stad in al haar diversiteit centraal stelt? In de stad Leiden zijn burgers momenteel maar in beperkte mate betrokken bij het bepalen van de agenda van de lokale City Deal Kennis Maken. Dit onderzoeksproject…
Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
Together@FGGA – Together towards a safe, inclusive and balanced work environment
The Right to Travel by Air of Persons with Disabilities
On Thursday 16 November 2017, Lalin Kovudhikulrungsri defended her doctoral thesis entitled ‘The Right to Travel by Air of Persons with Disabilities’. The supervisors are Professor P.M.J. Mendes de Leon and Professor A.C. Hendriks.
A healthy diet is always important, also when you’re working from home.
Colliding interests in mergers and acquisitions
In recent years, the scope of interests to consider in mergers and acquisitions has increased significantly. This has been driven by new regulatory requirements. The different stakeholders have different interests, at times these interests can collide, or even conflict. Balancing these colliding and…
Teaching assistants create space in packed schedules: ‘Finally, I have time to review the course content’
In this 'Educatip's column, psychology teachers share their key insights about work. This time: course coordinator Evelien Broekhof received support from teaching assistant Vincent during the last term. ‘I have more room in my schedule now that I don't have to do everything alone anymore.’