32 search results for “start” in the Organisational structure
Stefanie van Goozen
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
goozenshmvan@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 NVT
Research Committee
The Research Committee advises the Institute board on all subjects concerning research and helps with monitoring the research quality.
English Language and Culture
English language and culture is broader than Great Brittain. English is a global language. For approximately 380 million people it is their mother tongue and more than a billion people speak English as a second language. Learn to master the language, know all about Anglo-Saxon culture and communicatie,…
Privacy Notice Prospective Students
You want to start a bachelor’s or master’s programme. It is important that you have the right information. Leiden University wants to assist you as well as possible in making the right study choice, e.g. by informing you about programmes, organising information activities or other topics that are related…
Employee Council Real Estate
The Employee Council Real Estate represents all real estate personnel and regularly consults with the real estate management. The starting point is the proper functioning of real estate. The employee council raises relevant issues in the field of health and safety, work experience, training and…
Faculty strategic plan
The Faculty Strategic Plan (FSP) 2022 – 2027, We are Humanities, sets out the faculty's ambitions for the coming years. The wealth of international academic knowledge about languages, cultures and societies worldwide, past and present, makes the Faculty of Humanities unique. The FSP describes how…
Privacy statement Leiden Matching prospective students
Before you start a bachelor’s programme, it is important that you have the right information. This information should relate not only to the content of the study programme and the type of courses, for instance, but also to whether the study programme is actually the right one for you. Leiden University…
Leiden University College The Hague
Leiden University College The Hague is the international Honours College of Leiden University and offers an innovative Liberal Arts & Sciences programme to highly talented and motivated students from all over the world. LUC teaching is intensive and small-scale, offered in a residential setting…
Procedure ethical evaluation
As of 1 January 2019, the Ethics Committee will assess all new research proposals of FGGA researchers (including PhD research projects, excluding student research projects) using the 5 criteria set in the Code of Conduct for Research Integrity: honesty, scrupulousness, transparency, independence and…
Ethics Committee
In light of the duties of care mentioned in the new Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity The Faculty Board of FGGA decided to install an Ethics Committee, that will evaluate all research of FGGA researchers. Ethical review of research proposals is already common practice for research…
Core Vision Bachelor's Programmes
Core vision Bachelor's programme
Committee on Second Source of Funding
The Committee on Second Source of Funding gives advice to writers of research grant applications about their draft applications. Assessment committees at NWO comprise representatives of several different disciplines, which means that applications can also be assessed by ‘lay people’. The Faculty’s Committee…
Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee promotes ethical research by providing advice on ethical issues and reviewing all new research conducted by staff in which ethical issues might occur. Are you starting a new research project? By using the checklist, you can determine whether your research needs to be presented to…
PhD Deans
The Department of Research has a Deanship of PhD Studies, supported by the Graduate School Office. The PhD Deans supervise the progress of individual PhD candidates’ research and provide them with solicited and unsolicited advice.
Nominations of candidates 2025
On 8 and 9 April 2025 until 16:00 hrs. candidates may be nominated for a position in the Faculty Council. Staff and students of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs can send the fully completed application form to the polling station of the Faculty of Governance and Global…
Hanna Swaab
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
hswaab@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5274060
Psychologist for PhD candidates
The PhD psychologist can offer support to all Leiden University PhD candidates who are experiencing psychological issues that are either caused by, or are directly affecting, their PhD trajectory. The PhD psychologist is very much aware of the unique position occupied by PhD candidates and as…
Employee Council LLInC
As the Employee Council of LLInC, we represent the interests of all LLInC staff. We monitor issues such as employee wellbeing and workload, and we review important documents such as budgets and business plans.
International Studies
The Bachelor of Arts in International Studies provides students with the tools to investigate globalisation, and its regional effects, from a humanities perspective. They study these effects through the prism of four disciplinary perspectives: culture, history, politics and economics, coupled with in-depth…
ICLON Research Ethics Committee
The IREC provides advice on matters relating to ethical conduct in research by ICLON staff. All research involving the collection, analysis, and/or storage of data from individuals must be submitted to IREC. IREC reviews research proposals against criteria for research ethics.
Work group Vision on Blended Education
The FSW Working Group Vision on Blended Education (VBE) is charged with delivering a vision on digitalisation and activating teaching between April 2022-June 2023. The vision will be drawn up on the basis of: literature review, dialogue with colleagues, survey of internal and external educational experts…
On this page you can find resources for ethical research and teaching for both lectures and students. Checklist ethics for students Ethical dilemmas for lecturers and students
Luris teams
Business Development Tying opportunities and Leiden possibilities together by: * early involvement in researchers’ ideas and projects * supporting for strategic decisions at departmental level * supporting commercial development * managing strategic alliances * managing existing accounts * identifying…
Confidential Counsellor for PhD Candidates
Since 2018, Leiden Law School has a confidential counsellor for PhD candidates. As a PhD candidate you can experience problems in the relationship with your supervisor or co-supervisor, your immediate superior, colleagues or other PhD candidates. If you are unable to solve these problems, even…
Collegial Support Team (CST) at FGGA
At Leiden University, staff may encounter traumatic incidents in the workplace. To provide appropriate support and aftercare in such situations, the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) has established a Collegial Support Team (CST) as a pilot project.
Research fellows
Research at Leiden Law School is organised in research programmes. All researchers at Leiden Law School take part in one of its research programmes and become research fellow.
Board of Examiners
The Board of Examiners is responsible for guaranteeing the quality of the bachelor's and master's programmes of the Faculty of Archaeology. The Board of Examiners is independent and its tasks are amongst others appointing examiners, approval of study programmes, dealing with complaints about…
Leiden Law PhD Community (LLPC)
The Leiden Law PhD Community (LLPC) comprises all internal and external PhD candidates based at Leiden Law School. By organising social events, we aim to create a welcoming community for PhD candidates and encourage them to connect with other PhD candidates across Leiden Law School. PhD candidates are…
Psychology Research Ethics Committee
The Psychology Research Ethics Committee considers applications for ethical approval for research conducted within the Institute of Psychology. All studies and experiments conducted in psychology first must obtain ethical approval in order to protect participants' interests. Judy Veldhuijzen – Health,…
Defending the interests of PhDs and postdocs at Leiden University
Patents and the patenting process
What are patents? Patents protect an invention from being commercialised by others without the owner’s consent. A patent does not give a right for use, but rather prevents others from having the right to use your invention (without your permission). The responsibility for enforcing the right…
Faculty Council
The Faculty Council is the second highest consultation body within the University, after the University Council. The Faculty Council (FC) has the right of consent and the right to prior consultation on various matters relating to the Faculty. The Council thus functions as the representative of students…