1,718 search results for “aggression and and social behaviour” in the Public website
The Crime of Aggression and Public International Law
This PhD dissertation examines international responsibility for the crime of aggression from a public international law perspective. Under customary international law, as well as the amendments to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court adopted in the Review Conference in Kampala in 2010,…
Cluster ADHD & Aggression
Labour Law and Social Security
The Labour Law and Social Security department provides both bachelor’s level and master’s level teaching.
Rough-and-tumble play and the regulation of aggression in preschoolers
How does preschoolers’ play style relate to their aggressive impulses?
Novel regulators of prostate cancer stem cells and tumor aggressiveness
Promotor: R.C.M. Pelger Co-Promotor: G. van der Pluijm
Social and Behavioural Sciences
At Leiden University’s Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences we keep in touch with our alumni in various ways.
Social and Behavioural Sciences
There are five institutes at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences:
Activity, Diet and Social Practice
Day-to-day activities are important in the development of social identities, the establishment of social standing, and the communal understanding of societal rules. This perspective is broadly referred to as practice theory and relates to the power of an overarching social structure and the individual…
Social and Behavioural Sciences
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences brings together high-quality research and outstanding teaching in the disciplines of cultural anthropology, education and child studies, political science, psychology, science and technology studies, as well as in multidisciplinary approaches.
Material Culture, Consumption and Social Change
New Approaches to Understanding the Eastern Mediterranean during Byzantine and Ottoman Times
Ideology and Social Structure of Stone Age Communities in Europe
Also including: Wateringen 4 & Acquiring a taste.
Migrants, welfare and social citizenship in postcolonial Europe
This paper explores how citizenship is enacted and experienced in welfare encounters for Egyptian migrant parents in Paris, Amsterdam, and Milan, highlighting the importance of social citizenship and personal interactions in shaping belonging.
Graduate School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
A warm welcome to the Graduate School of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Leiden University.
Self-reliance and Social Protection over the Life Cycle
Leiden University, Department of Economics
Buddhism and social justice: doctrine, ideology and discrimination in tension
In Sri Lanka, a prominent Singhalese Buddhist monk publicly proclaims that it is not a sin to kill Tamils. In Japan, the family register kept in a Buddhist temple and specifying the outcaste status of a lineage is provided to private detectives investigating the marriageability of a young woman. Throughout…
A good start: Early prevention of anti-social behavior
- Social and Behavioural Sciences
Children’s time spending and social interaction networks
Calypso Music, Identity and Social Influence: The Trinidadian Experience
This study, Calypso, The Trinidadian Experience, has sought to establish links between calypso music and the construction and maintenance of identities, and to locate the genre as a mechanism (or as part of a broader mechanism) that has exerted on-going social influence within Trinidadian society…
Media and Protest: Histories of Engaging in Central African politics and social life
How do old and new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) relate to new social and political movements in Central Africa? What does this tell us about Africa and the Information Age?
Together we can make an impact
Our mission: a positive impact. Our vision: community. By involving the world around us in our education and research we make a positive impact. We do this by applying Open Science.
Early intervention in behavioural problems at school
Leiden University social scientists have shown that customised intervention pays off. A new fundamental research-based approach in children who are in danger of going off the rails has delivered spectacular results.
Addressing loneliness and social isolation amongst elderly people through local co‐production in Japan
Loneliness and social isolation have become a significant problem in contemporary Japan. The financial burden associated with an ageing population has severely constrained the ability of local authorities to address the problem. As a result, policymakers have sought cost‐effective methods of tackling…
Childhood empathy important predictor of aggression
Young children who are less empathetic than their peers are more likely to be aggressive when older. This is what Malou Noten concludes in her dissertation. PhD defence on 25 November.
A European Youth Revolt. European Perspectives on Youth Protest and Social Movements in the 1980s
Together with Knud Andresen, Bart van der Steen recently published a volume titled A European Youth Revolt. European Perspectives on Youth Protest and Social Movements in the 1980s.
The effects of burying beetle social behaviours on interspecific interactions
This ecological community has long been known to affect host biology, and their diverse roles have been further clarified in recent years following numerous studies of animal:microbiota interactions in diverse systems.
Political Networks and Social Movements: Bolivian State–Society Relations under Evo Morales, 2006–2016
Book by Soledad Valdivia Rivera
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences provides its ca. 5000 students with a thorough education in the social and behavioural sciences. The student population is very diverse and international in nature.
The link between hearing loss, language, and social functioning in childhood
The aim of this thesis was to study the link between hearing loss, language skills, and social functioning in deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) children. Sufficient language skills are an essential prerequisite to develop appropriate communication skills, in order to join in conversations with others.…
Conspiracy thinking and social media use are associated with ability to detect deepfakes
Deepfakes are videos that have been manipulated to replace one person’s likeness with that of another. They can be difficult to distinguish from authentic videos. In our study, we found that people who score high on conspiracy thinking and people who use social media more are better at distinguishing…
The developing brain and behaviour
The more opportunities a child has to learn and develop, the stronger his or her future position in society. Leiden University investigates how the brain picks up information, and how learning processes can be influenced positively.
Geriatrics and Ageing in the Soviet Union: Medical, Political and Social Contexts
This open access book brings together an eclectic cast of scholars in related disciplines to examine ageing in the Soviet Union, covering the practice of geriatrics, the science of gerontology, and the experience of growing old. Chapters in the book focus on concepts and themes that analyse Soviet ageing…
Sustaining total war: Militarisation, economic mobilisation and social change in Japan and Korea (1931-1953)
This project investigates the effects of the Asia-Pacific War (1931-1945) and the Korean War (1950-1953) on the production, distribution, preparation and consumption of food in transwar Japan and Korea.
Technologies and social agency of painted plaster in the East Mediterranean Bronze Age
This project explored the role of material culture, in casu painted plaster and its technologies, in expressing dynamic social identities and in forging complex interwoven human relationships in the context of the Middle to Late Bronze Age of the Aegean and East Mediterranean.
Behavioural Insights Teams (BITs) and Policy Change
Sarah Giest, Assistant Professor at Leiden University, and Ishani Mukherjee researched the topic of 'Behavioural Insights Teams (BITs) and Policy Change: An Exploration of Impact, Location, and Temporality of Policy Advice'.
Cognitive control in context: Neural, functional, and social mechanisms of metacontrol.
To argue that people can control the relative contributions of goal-driven and stimulus-driven processes to decision-making and action selection.
Markets, Ethics and Agency: Changing Land Utilization and Social Transformation in the Uplands of Northeast India
This project explores the decline of shifting cultivation in Northeast India. What is the impact on society of people’s deepening engagement with markets and the state?
Most degree programmes at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences are based in the Pieter de la Court building on the Wassenaarseweg in Leiden. Besides this location, some degree programmes are based in The Hague, at Campus The Hague’s Wijnhaven building.
Reflect react and interact
The roles of shame, guilt and social access in adolescent aggression
Stefanie van Goozen
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
goozenshmvan@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 NVT
Welcome to the Leiden University Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences brings together high-quality research and outstanding teaching.
globalisation and technological change: consequences for labour markets and social security.
This research project is funded by a subsidy from Instituut Gak.
Explaining European Union Decision-Making: Insights from the Natural and Social Sciences (EUDINS)
How do processes of coalition-formation influence patterns of decision-making in the European Union?
Adaptation strategies, water management and social changes: the case of Turkmenistan
The main question I want to answer is about the mutual influence between the cultural and settlements changes that occurred between the Bronze and the Early Iron Age in Margiana and the management of water resources.
Sophie van Rijn
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
srijn@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences brings together high-quality research and outstanding mono- and multidisciplinary teaching.
MPs’ behaviour
Some MPs are very active, while others are not. The number of proposals and questions that MPs in the Netherlands put forward is determined in part by the level of activity of their fellow committee members rather than by electoral incentive, which is the case in other countries.
Maedeh Nasri
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
m.nasri@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Larissa van den Herik: ‘Aggression is a very specific crime’
The recently opened ICPA (International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine) in The Hague will be responsible for coordinating the prosecution of Russia for the crime of aggression and possibly also the prosecution of Vladimir Putin. The ICPA aims to close the gaps…
The social brain in middle childhood
A neurobiological perspective on individual differences in social competence