269 search results for “policy” in the Organisational structure
Institutes Research and education is being conducted at 8 institutes. Faculty Board and Office The Faculty is headed by the Faculty Board, which is supported by the Faculty Office. Co-participation Within the Programme Committees and the Faculty Council, students and employees may influence the Faculty…
Administrative Shared Service Centre
Every employee and student needs professional support they can rely on to help them navigate processes, systems and document management. The Administrative Shared Service Centre (ASSC) provides high-quality support to all staff and students. Around 135 people work within the ASSC, supporting staff and…
Unions in the Local Consultative Body
Three unions represent Leiden University employees in the Local Consultative Body. The union delegation has at least six and no more than eight members who are appointed by their own unions: Unions Internal members External members AOb Nicole van Os (chair) Prof. dr. R.E. Breuker Mr. A. Charifi…
Employer Copyright Regulations
The Employer’s Copyright Regulations outline Leiden University’s copyright policy for different types of research and teaching output. They explain that the employee owns the copyright on publications (as defined in the Regulations) and the employer – Leiden University – owns the copyright on other…
Bèta Operating Committee
The Bèta Operating Committee is an advisory committee responsible for policy as far as it pertains to beta-medical research and distribution of funding. The committee consists of representatives of the Faculty Board, the Faculty Office, the chair of the lab coordinators and the scientific…
International Science Council
The International Science Council consists of representatives of the different subdisciplines, and has the aim to advise the Board on its research policy. This Council convenes once every few years, the first time it came together in February 2016. The International Science Council has the following…
Governance and Global Affairs
Faculty Board and Faculty bureau The faculty is headed by the faculty board, assisted by the faculty bureau. Institutes Research and education within the faculty are assigned with 3 institutes and 3 Centres. Student and employee participation Within the programme committee and the faculty…
Advisory Council
The Advisory Council advises the Institute Board on a wide range of topics that concern the Institute. This advice is mainly dispensed on matters concerning education, research and the link between studies and the labour market. Composition The members of the Advisory Council are: Christiaan van de…
Handbook Laser Safety
The Handbook Laser Safety describes the management of laser safety for all departments within the university wherein lasers are in use. This handbook covers all laser facilities and installations, regardless of the class in which the laser falls. The ‘Laser Safety Handbook’ is intended to facilitate…
On this page you can find resources for ethical research and teaching for both lectures and students. Checklist ethics for students Ethical dilemmas for lecturers and students
Josette Daemen
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
j.a.m.daemen@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009500
Marlieke Ernst
Faculty of Humanities
m.ernst@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2583
Jessica Roitman
Faculty of Humanities
j.v.roitman@umail.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Hanum Atikasari
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
h.atikasari@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5273451
WeCo, Permanent Committee for Academic Practice
The Permanent Committee for Academic Practice (WeCo) consists of professors, including the chairman. They are appointed for four years and their fields are evenly spread across the disciplines of the faculty. WeCo tasks and responsibilities: Provides advice to Faculty Board on research programmes…
Institute Office
The Institute Office offers logistical and organisational support to the education and research programmes of the Institute of Political Science.
Research data management and GDPR
In the application form for ethical review, the Ethics Committee emphasizes the importance of a data management plan and the careful use of personal data (in relation to GDPR). The Ethics Committee does not review/check the data management plan nor the use of personal data by the researcher.…
Research Grant Support Office
The Research Grant Support Office helps you in the application (pre-award phase), management (award phase) and finishing (post-ward phase) of an individual or collaborative grant. The grant may be intended for a research programme, or an educational or societal-relevant project.
Management support and secretaries
The Board Secretary supports the Faculty Board with preparation, minuting, and processing of all board meetings. In addition, the Board Secretary advises the Faculty Board on both policy content as well as procedures. The secretariat provides support to the Faculty Departments, the Departmental…
Committees and boards
Boards of Admissions Every master’s programme has a Board of Admissions, which determines whether a student can be admitted to that programme. Boards of Examiners Every study programme has a Board of Examiners, which monitors compliance with the Course and Examination Regulations. Committee on Academic…
The department of Finance advises, informs, and supports the Faculty Board with the financial planning and control of the Faculty. The team translates the University Planning & Control cycle to a faculty context and draws up the relevant products in close consultation. The most important of…
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board is composed of members who have a connection with the Faculty. In addition they are familiar with the world of the legal profession, the judiciary, government and the business sector. The Faculty Board and the Advisory Board meet a number of times each year to discuss developments…
Information Management
The Information Management team is responsible for implementing and communicating the Faculty IT policy. Additionally, the team provides support for using digital teaching applications such as Brightspace, Kaltura, Zoom, ANS, etc. They also offer assistance with data management in research projects…
Mare, Leiden University’s weekly newspaper
Mare, Leiden University’s weekly newspaper, reports on developments within Leiden University and in the field of higher education and academic research. The Mare’s independent editorial team is made up of professional journalists. Its editorial policy is reviewed regularly by an editorial…
Biology (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme Biology. General Contacts Director of education Master Dennis Claessen Policy officer Karin van Wanrooij Study Advisor Jeroen Appelboom Education Coordinator Judith Jongenelen Management Assistant Board of Examiners Dr. A.F.J. Ram (chair)…
Dutch Advisory Board
The Advisory Board is responsible for advising the Faculty Board on the key aspects of the Faculty's policies relating to: a. education, b. scientific research and c. operational management. The Board has the following members: Corien Bakker Corien Bakker is an archaeologist of the municipality…
Real Estate
Leiden University owns an extensive real estate portfolio in Leiden and The Hague: from historic buildings in the city center to high-tech research laboratories at the Bio Science Park. With more than 40 motivated employees, the Real Estate directorate provides good accommodation and an attractive,…
The Faculty of Humanities is a unique international centre for the advanced study of languages, cultures, arts, and societies worldwide, in their historical contexts from prehistory to the present. The Faculty of Humanities is one of seven faculties of Leiden…
Tasks and powers of the Faculty Councils
The tasks and powers of the Faculty Council are very similar to those of the University Council. However, the subjects are often different, because at faculty level there are other issues than at a central level. Except the faculty LUMC, the faculties of Leiden University have a representative…
Biology (BSc)
Contacts for the bachelor's programme Biologie. General Contacts Director of education Bachelor Marcel Schaaf Policy officer Karin van Wanrooij Study Advisor Veli Yavuzturk Internship Coordinator BSc/MSc Education Coordinator Judith Jongenelen Teachers' Support Management…
International Relations
The International Relations department promotes and manages international student mobility. It is responsible for the admission and support of international exchange students coming to Leiden and The Hague, advising Leiden students who want to study abroad, and managing scholarships for both Leiden…
International Institute for Asian Studies
The International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) is a global humanities and social sciences research institute and knowledge exchange platform based at Leiden University, The Netherlands. IIAS aims to contribute to a better, more integrated understanding of contemporary Asian realities and pioneers…
Committee on Academic Practice
The Committee on Academic Practice is the standing advisory committee to the faculty board, the dean and academic directors, on matters relating to academic research. The Committee advises, in any case, on issues regarding research policies, professorial chairs, quality insurance and, in so far as it…
Area Development
The Housing and Area Development Department (HGO) has tasks at a strategic policy level and an operational level. Guiding/caring for real estate transactions Parcel allocation in the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP) for companies and housing development Management of real estate contracts Management…
Who owns my intellectual property?
Any intellectual property that you may generate within employment of Leiden University of LUMC is owned by Leiden University or LUMC. Since 2010, Leiden University has issued official regulations on working for third parties which state the rules on several topics involved, like the sharing of net proceeds…
Societal Advisory Board
As a sounding board, the Societal Advisory Board can hold up a mirror and allow the 'outside world' to contribute ideas on strategic policy on important themes within the faculty. These could be in such areas as connecting education to labour market needs, public-private cooperation in research, internationalisation…
Language facilities
Non-Dutch-speaking students and staff can also be elected members of participation bodies. To support these members in their role, the University offers a range of language facilities. It is important that all members of participation bodies have access to the information they need and are given enough…
Leiden Archaeology PhD Committee
The PhD Committee is a bottom-up initiative that aims to create an open, active, and fun environment for all PhD candidates working at Leiden University’s Faculty of Archaeology. The PhD community at the Faculty of Archaeology is diverse, international, and interdisciplinary. The committee is run by…
Student Sounding-Board Group
Student Sounding-Board Group (SKG) is an informal platform that acts as a consultant for the faculty policy. The SKG meets once a month, under the chairmanship of the assessor, to discuss various topics such as study advice, student communication and the facilities of the building. The SKG is a…
The authorities of the University Council are set out in the Higher Education and Research Act (WHW; Dutch only) and the University Council Regulations. The University Council has the right of consent, consultation right and right of initiative. Right of consent For some decisions,…
Documentary Information and Archiving
Responsibility DIA is responsible for the University’s documentary information and its archiving policy. What does DIA do? Advises on archiving and the provision of information With regard to the dynamic archive: Post delivery within Administration and Central Services Registration Workflow Archiving…
Participation: Students' Council
The Students’ Council (SR) is a representative advisory body in the LUMC. The council represents all students in the LUMC’s study programmes: Biomedical Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, Population Health Management, and Vitality and Ageing and gives (un)solicited advice on all faculty matters related to…
Contact the Faculty HR department via hr@arch.leidenuniv.nl. HR advises managers, management assistants, Faculty Board and Department Chairs on personnel policy. If you have any questions about working conditions, please contact the Servicepoint Personnel first. Depending on your question, they can…
Faculty Council
The Faculty Council is the main consultation and advisory body within the Faculty of Archaeology and plays an intermediary role between different segments of the organization of the Faculty. The Council has rights of approval and advice on a variety of issues concerning the Faculty. Its members also…
Department of Research
The department of research is responsible for organisational and policy support of research within Leiden Law School. The department manages the registration of faculty research and is responsible for (internal) evaluations for the purpose of research assessments. The department provides…
PhD Deans
The Department of Research has a Deanship of PhD Studies, supported by the Graduate School Office. The PhD Deans supervise the progress of individual PhD candidates’ research and provide them with solicited and unsolicited advice.
Faculty Board FSW
The Faculty Board is the highest administrative body in the Faculty.
Programme Committees
Every study programme or group of study programmes have their own Programme Committee (PC). Half of the members of the PC are students, the other half are teaching staff. Together they safeguard the quality of teaching, they raise bottlenecks and they advise on the development and conduct of course…
Administration and Central Services
The Administration and Central Services department supports the Executive Board (CvB) in managing Leiden University. The department is also responsible for the policy and decision-making of the CvB. Responsibilities The Administration and Central Services department works closely with the faculties…
Exam Support
Team Toetssupport Cleveringa onderwijs tentamen hulp