666 search results for “palaeolithic europe” in the Public website
The Middle Palaeolithic Occupation of Europe
Faculty of Archaeology, University of Leiden
The Early Upper Palaeolithic of the Middle Danube Region
The Early Upper Palaeolithic (EUP) record throughout Europe is characterized by major changes in human behaviour.
Integrating palaeoproteomics into the zooarchaeological analysis of Palaeolithic bone assemblages
Doctoral Thesis
Interpreting lithic raw material variability in Middle Palaeolithic contexts
A modeling approach with applications to the Bau de l'Aubesier (Southeastern France)
Optically stimulated luminescence dating of Palaeolithic cave sites and their environmental context in the western Mediterranean
The Western Mediterranean is a key region to understand human dispersal events within and out of the African continent as well as for the eventual replacement of Neanderthals by anatomically modern humans during the Pleistocene. Central to any conclusive interpretation of archaeological and palaeoclimatic…
‘Fire-free’ survival strategies for the early occupants of north-west Europe
In Europe, archaeological traces of fire become more frequent between 300,000 and 400,000 years ago; but could the earliest occupants have survived without fire for at least half a million years before this? How could the early occupants of Europe have kept warm and processed meat without fire?
Les Cottés excavations reveals how Neandertals and Homo sapiens adapted to a changing climate 40,000 years ago
The transition from Middle to Upper Paleolithic is a major biological and cultural threshold in the construction of our common humanity. Technological and behavioral changes happened simultaneously to a major climatic cooling, forcing human populations to develop new strategies for the exploitation…
Prehistoric hunters from the North Sea used human bones as weapons
Over the years, many spectacular archaeological finds have been washed ashore on the Dutch coast. Among these a large assemblage of barbed points made of bone and antler from the Mesolithic (11,000-8000 BC). The species used by Mesolithic hunter-gatherers to manufacture their barbed points remained…
HOME will search for a diversity of Palaeolithic shelters during the Late Pleistocene through informed systematic surveys and excavations of archaeological sites in East-Central Europe.
Irene Van Eldere
Faculty of Humanities
i.van.eldere@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7867
The French-Anglophone divide in lithic research
In this provocative study, Shumon T. Hussain engages with the long-standing issue of French-Anglophone research conflicts in Palaeolithic archaeology.
Nationalism in Europe since 1945
Adopting a largely chronological approach, Gerrits links the historiography of post-war Europe and the major theoretical approaches to nationalism with analysis of key historical developments and events.
For most of the past ten years, Europe has been in a state of ‘crisis’. The bank crisis mutated seamlessly via the Euro crisis to the present migrant crisis. Whereas previously the general assumption was that even closer cooperation within the European Union was a foregone conclusion, the EU is now…
Everyday Lived Islam in Europe
This book offers a new direction for the study of contemporary Islam by focusing on what being Muslim means in people’s everyday lives.
adaptive role of pyrotechnology among the earliest modern humans in Europe, ca. 45,000–20,000 years ago
The routine assumption that Upper Palaeolithic early modern humans in Europe were regular fire users who produced fire at will has never been tested against the archaeological record. Utilizing literature, database and microwear analytical approaches, this project seeks to establish the role and forms…
2008 Culture and cognition of Palaeolithic hominins
The Palaeolithic period extends from the earliest stone tools (and in Europe, earliest occupation) to the beginning of the current warm period.
2025 Europe Hub master’s thesis prize accepts submissions
Leiden University’s Europe Hub invites submissions from all faculties for its annual Europe Hub master's thesis prize by 1 September 2025.
Morgan Roussel
Faculteit Archeologie
m.b.roussel@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Saskia Cohen-Willner
Faculty of Humanities
s.g.cohen@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
A Brief History of Islam in Europe
Thirteen Centuries of Creed, Conflict and Coexistence
Reproducing Europe
Cities in Europe house an increasingly diverse population with roots in many different parts of the world. They have also seen the growth of anti-immigrant sentiments and new forms of nationalism. Who belongs to Europe and what such belonging entails is heavily debated. What comes out of this paradoxical…
Beyond the trenches
A landscape-oriented chronostratigraphic approach to MIS 5 Middle Paleolithic open-air sites on the European Plain : case studies from Lichtenberg and Khotylevo I
Beyond the caves
The central question of this thesis is: What drives late Middle Paleolithic stone artifact variability? In its attempt to answer this question, this thesis is a contribution to understanding variability within and between late Middle Paleolithic assemblages of the European Plain.
UBC Europe – University-Business Cooperation in Europe
To goal of this project is to get a deeper, more comprehensive and up to date understanding of the state of University-Business Cooperations (UBC) in Europe, from the perspective of both the Higher Education Institutions and the business sector.
Archaeology of Europe
In the master’s programme in Archaeology, you can follow courses on the archaeology of Europe, deepening your understanding of the continent’s long history.
Dissatisfaction with Europe
Leiden experts examine European legislation and ways in which better European legislation lead to citizens' support.
Plant Galls of Europe
A three-volume standard work on galls in Europe. Author Johannes C. (Hans) Roskam is associate professor emeritus in Evolutionary Biology and currently guest at Leiden University.
Protecting democracy in Europe
It can no longer be taken for granted that EU member states are stable democracies. What should the EU do to protect democracy given increasing democratic backsliding in some member states?
Europe and the World
The EU and the World is a Jean Monnet Chair, awarded to Karolina Pomorska (Institute of Political Science, Leiden University). Its aim is to promote and strengthen teaching and research in European Studies in Leiden and in The Hague.
Europe Hub launched in European Parliament: ‘A bridge between research and policy is vital’
How can groundbreaking research help Europe tackle the huge challenges it faces? At the launch of the Leiden Europe Hub, academics and policymakers discussed this in the heart of European democracy: the European Parliament.
Leiden University Europe Hub Vision
The Leiden University Europe Hub approaches Europe from a broad and inclusive perspective.
Mass Torts in Europe
In recent years, the issue of mass tort litigation and the fair and efficient settlement and adjudication of mass torts has drawn increasing attention in academic discourse, legal practice and policy debates.
Leiden University Europe Hub Research
The Europe Hub network currently spans over 60 researchers across 4 faculties at Leiden University. We especially foster thematic interfaculty research collaborations on a wide variety of societal challenges facing Europe. Here, you can read more about the four core thematic areas.
The new politics of Europe
On 27 September 2017 a new book by Prof. Luuk van Middelaar appeared, entitled The new politics of Europe. The book is at the same time a front line account of Europe’s recent crisis years – from monetary turmoil to tensions around Ukraine, from refugee crisis to Brexit – and an analysis of the Union’s…
History: Europe 1000-1800
Are you thinking about studying History: Europe 1000-1800? Learn more and watch the programme presentation.
Europe 1000-1800 (MA)
In the master's programme Europe 1000-1800 at Leiden University you will learn to think comparatively about practices of power in premodern Europe in its global context.
Erasmus+ exchange within Europe
The original European Union student exchange programme Erasmus established in 1987. Students of Leiden University have gone abroad ever since, and students from other European universities followed non-degree programmes at Leiden University as well. Nowadays, it’s in the core of our activities to facilitate…
Europe in the World
The place of European states and institutions in world politics is the core focus of this pillar. Research on this theme concerns European actors’ ability to promote peace, security and justice in their neighbourhood and to shape the future of global governance by translating its economic size into…
The Muslim Brotherhood in Europe
Scholars have long debated the intentions of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East. Some claim the organization supports terrorism, while others believe it is a positive force for democratization.
Igor Djakovic
Faculteit Archeologie
i.djakovic@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
The Earliest Occupation of Europe
Proceedings of the European Science Foundation Workshop at Tautavel (France), 1993
Medieval and Early Modern History: Europe in its Global Context
Leiden’s Institute for History has an exceptionally strong expertise in premodern European history in its global context, with specialists whose interests cover virtually the whole continent. We have a strong track record in leading larger research teams and work together with colleagues across Europe…
Archaeology in Contemporary Europe (ACE)
The ACE-network consists of heritage and research organizations from 10 countries which aim to promote contemporary archaeology at a European wide level, by emphasizing its cultural, scientific, and economic dimensions, including its manifold interest for the wider public.
Beyond the Site
The Saalian archaeological record at Maastricht-Belvédère (the Netherlands).
La Grande Roche excavation (Quinçay, France)
La Grande Roche is one of the rare archaeological sites that preserved a long sequence of deposits formed at the time of contact between late Neandertals and early Homo sapiens.
Palaeolithic fieldschool Barnham UK 2016
This summer seven students from the Faculty of Archaeology crossed the North Sea to assist in the British Museum excavations at East Farm, Barnham, Suffolk, UK – a Middle Pleistocene site. Together with five students from the UK they went through many stages of fieldwork, from scooping the English weather…
Firearms and violence in Europe
Firearms and violence in Europe–A systematic review by Katharina Krüsselmann, Pauline Aarten, Marieke Liem
The Last Sharia Court in Europe
A Jurist's Travelogue
Crossing through Europe at full speed
On 12 December, Anke van der Hoeven defended the thesis 'Crossing through Europe at full speed - The work situation of international truck drivers: constructions and perceptions'. The doctoral research was supervised by Joanne van der Leun, Yvonne Erkens and Masja van Meeteren.
Literature in Society. Europe and Beyond (MA)
In Leiden University’s master’s programme Literature in Society. Europe and Beyond you will develop your knowledge of the interactive relationship between literature and society, focusing on key political and social issues from a transnational perspective.