221 search results for “complex culturele” in the Public website
Jeu d'argile: céramique, indentité culturelle, créolisation
Une étude archéo-anthropologique de la céramique des sociétés caribéennes multiculturelles de la période précoloniale à nos jours
Complexity, errors, and administrative burdens
The authors of the article expect automation to improve accuracy in less complex programmes but worsens with increased complexity
Breaking of ensemble equivalence for complex networks
For many system in statistical physics the microcanonical and canonical ensemble are equivalent in the thermodynamic limit, but not for all.
Complex multiplication constructions of abelian extensions of quartic fields
In this thesis, we show that we can use Shimura’s CM theory to explicitly compute the Hilbert class field of any primitive quartic CM field.
Understanding protein complex formation: The role of charge distribution in the encounter complex
Protein–protein complexes are formed via transient states called encounter complexes that greatly influence the formation of the stereospecific complex.
Many objective optimization and complex network analysis
This thesis seeks to combine two different research topics; Multi-Objective Optimization and Complex Network Analysis.
Bugs and birds and landscape complexity
What invertebrates are available to feed nestlings in an agricultural landscape of varied complexity?
Complex Patterns in Streams
The goal of the project is the development of stream mining techniques for complex patterns such as graphs. We will try to extend the existing state-of-the-art techniques into two, orthogonal directions: on the one hand, the mining of more complex patterns in streams, such as sequential patterns and…
Complex multiplication of abelian surfaces
Promotor: Peter Stevenhagen
Lipid bilayers decorated with photosensitive ruthenium complexes
Promotor: E. Bouwman, Co-promotor: S. Bonnet
Correlates of Complexity
Essays in Archaeology and Assyriology Dedicated to Diederik J.W. Meijer in Honour of his 65th Birthday
Dual Complexes of Semistable Varieties
This thesis is comprised of three chapters covering the theme of studying semistable varieties by looking at their dual combinatorial objects.
Imaging of alkyne-functionalized ruthenium complexes for photoactivated chemotherapy
In photoactivated chemotherapy (PACT), a biologically active compound is caged by a light-cleavable protecting group.
Biological, Soft and Complex Systems
The research groups within the biological, soft and complex systems research area study the physics of a broad range of biological and soft materials. This spans both experimental and theoretical research.
Leiden Complex Networks Network (LCN2)
The Leiden Complex Networks Network (LCN2) aims at bringing together scientists from different disciplines, based on a common interest in both theoretical models and empirical analyses of networks and graphs.
Quiet room WSD-complex
Lipsius, Cleveringaplaats 1, 2311 BD, Leiden
PhD Candidate in Complex Networks
Science, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)
Diversity in the globally intertwined giant barrel sponge species complex
This thesis describes the genetic and prokaryotic diversity of giant barrel sponges.
Probing complex problems
Issues such as climate change, the depletion of natural resources or social inequality are too complex to be addressed from a single scientific discipline or by a single country. Leiden University has the expertise to bring the resolution of these enormous problems a small step closer.
Biological, Soft and Complex Systems
We study the physics of a broad range of biological and soft materials
Understanding the complexity of intelligence problems
The complexity of an intelligence problem determines to a great extent the certainty that can be provided by intelligence and security services.
The Metallophilic Interaction between Cyclometalated Complexes: Photobiological Applications
In this thesis, the researcher developed a nanosystem based on the metallophilic Interaction between cyclometalated complexes.
Copper trispyrazolylborate complexes for ethene detection
Promotor: E. Bouwman Co-Promotor: S. Bonnet
Mining Sensor Data from Complex Systems
Promotor: J.N. Kok, Co-Promotor: A.J. Knobbe
Molecular inheritance from cloud to disk: a story of complex organics and accretion shocks
Stars like the sun are born in large molecular clouds existing from gas and dust. During the formation process, the chemical composition of the material can be altered drastically by the changing physical conditions.
Systematics and biogeography of the rattan Calamus javensis complex (Arecaceae, Calamoideae) in Malesia
Calamus javensis is polymorphic. Morphometry and molecular approach resulted in all names used in the complex are regarded as synonyms of C. javensis except C. tenompokensis, which is retained as a distinct species. One variety is here recognized, C. javensis var. polyphyllus (including C. acuminatu…
Biomimetic Copper Complexes for Energy Conversion Reactions
ANO-NET: Anonymity in Complex Networks
This project develops methods for ensuring the anonymity of individuals in social network data.
Imaging complex model catalysts in action
From surface science towards industrial practice using high-pressure scanning tunneling microscopy.
Bayesian uncertainty quantication in complex models
The aim of this project is to determine in which cases uncertainty statements resulting from a Bayesian statistical analysis can be trusted.
Microvasculature in Microfluidics: matching complexity with compatibility
In vitro disease models play a fundamental role in drug research. They enable the systemic identification and validation of disease mechanisms and the discovery of possible drug targets. However, more than often, drug candidates that are identified in vitro fail in the later clinical stages of drug…
the invisible visible: paramagnetic NMR and the transient protein complex
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Ubbink
Topological decoding of biomolecular fold complexity
Biological polymers, including proteins and the genome, undergo folding processes crucial for their proper functioning. Even slight changes in the folding structure of these biopolymers can have significant implications, leading to the development of various pathological conditions, such as neurodegenerative…
Towards in-cell structural study of light-harvesting complexes : an investigation with MAS-NMR
Light-Harvesting Complex II (LHCII) is responsible for light absorption and excitation energy transfer in plants and photosynthetic algae, while in high light it undergoes conformational changes by which it quenches excitations to prevent photodamage.
Accelerating the Photocatalytic Water Splitting in Catalyst−Dye Complexes
As a virtually inexhaustible source, solar energy plays a major role in future global energy scenarios.
Iron complexes as electrocatalysts for the water oxidation reaction
In this dissertation, the synthesis and characterization of a series of iron complexes based on different ligand platforms are described.
Hidden Complexities of the Frankish Castle
Social Aspects of Space in the Configurational Architecture of Frankish Castles in the Holy Land, 1099-1291
Charge transport properties of Ru-complex molecules: the influence of humidity
I will give a general introduction to the field of molecular electronics, its history, methods and challenges. I will also introduce the subject of my investigation and provide a brief outlook to the remainder of our thesis.
The international tax system as a complex system
Complex systems can be characterized as systems in which multiple components interact with each other, often in non-linear ways. The main goal of this research will be to investigate if and how the international tax system can be defined and modelled as a complex system. Approaching the international…
Analysis of sub-visible particles in complex injectable formulations
Promotors: W. Jiskoot; G.J. Witkamp, Co-promotor: M.R. Nejadnik
Ennis & Blarel, The South Asia to Gulf Migration Governance Complex
The Gulf is a major global destination for migrant workers, with a majority of these workers coming from South Asia. In this book, a team of international contributors examine the often-overlooked complex governance of this migration corridor. Going beyond state-centric analysis, the contributors present…
The Saint-Servatius complex in Maastricht
The Vrijthof excavations (1969-1970)
addition reactions in interstellar ice - new pathways towards molecular complexity in space -
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.V.J. Linnartz, Co-Promotores: S. Ioppolo, H.M. Cuppen
1,2-cis-glycosylations: method development and synthesis of complex oligosaccharides
Promotor: G.A. van der Marel, Co-promotor: D.C. Codée
Oxidation catalysis on Pt and Au: complexity of simple chemistry
Promotor: J.W.M. Frenken Co-Promotores: I.M.N. Groot; L.B.F. Juurlink
Biomimetic redox reactions of the Cu(II) μ-thiolate complex
Promotor: Prof.dr. E. Bouwman
LU-Card support centre WSD-complex (Lipsius)
Lipsius, Cleveringaplaats 1, 2311 BD, Leiden
Blowup in the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation
Promotor: A. Doelman, Co-promotor: V. Rottschäfer
Statistical learning for complex data to enable precision medicine strategies
Explaining treatment response variability between and within patients can support treatment and dosing optimization, to improve treatment of individual patients.
Deciphering the complex paramagnetic NMR spectra of small laccase
Multicopper oxidase, laccase, can efficiently reduce oxygen to water and are mostly used in the enzymatic biofuel cells.